Namespaces: ActiveRecord, CodeGeneration, CppParser, Crypto, Data, Details, Dynamic, Impl, JSON, JWT, MongoDB, Net, OSP, Prometheus, Redis, RemotingNG, Util, XML, XSD, Zip
Classes: ASCIIEncoding, AbstractCache, AbstractDelegate, AbstractEvent, AbstractInstantiator, AbstractMetaObject, AbstractObserver, AbstractPriorityDelegate, AbstractStrategy, AbstractTimerCallback, AccessExpirationDecorator, AccessExpireCache, AccessExpireLRUCache, AccessExpireStrategy, ActiveDispatcher, ActiveMethod, ActiveResult, ActiveResultHolder, ActiveRunnable, ActiveRunnableBase, ActiveStarter, ActiveThreadPool, Activity, ApplicationException, ArchiveByNumberStrategy, ArchiveByTimestampStrategy, ArchiveStrategy, Array, Ascii, AssertionViolationException, AsyncChannel, AtomicCounter, AtomicFlag, AutoPtr, AutoReleasePool, BadCastException, Base32Decoder, Base32DecoderBuf, Base32DecoderIOS, Base32Encoder, Base32EncoderBuf, Base32EncoderIOS, Base64Decoder, Base64DecoderBuf, Base64DecoderIOS, Base64Encoder, Base64EncoderBuf, Base64EncoderIOS, BasicBufferedBidirectionalStreamBuf, BasicBufferedStreamBuf, BasicEvent, BasicFIFOBuffer, BasicMemoryBinaryReader, BasicMemoryBinaryWriter, BasicMemoryStreamBuf, BasicUnbufferedStreamBuf, BinaryReader, BinaryWriter, Buffer, BufferAllocator, Bugcheck, BugcheckException, ByteOrder, CILess, Channel, Checksum, ChildrenFirstTraverse, CircularReferenceException, ClassLoader, Clock, ColorConsoleChannel, Condition, Configurable, ConsoleChannel, CountingIOS, CountingInputStream, CountingOutputStream, CountingStreamBuf, CreateFileException, DataException, DataFormatException, DataURIStream, DataURIStreamFactory, DataURIStreamIOS, DateTime, DateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatter, DateTimeParser, Debugger, DefaultStrategy, DeflatingIOS, DeflatingInputStream, DeflatingOutputStream, DeflatingStreamBuf, Delegate, DigestBuf, DigestEngine, DigestIOS, DigestInputStream, DigestOutputStream, DirectoryIterator, DirectoryNotEmptyException, DirectoryWatcher, DoubleByteEncoding, DynamicFactory, EOFToken, Environment, Error, ErrorHandler, Event, EventArgs, EventChannel, EventLogChannel, Exception, ExistsException, ExpirationDecorator, Expire, ExpireCache, ExpireLRUCache, ExpireStrategy, FIFOBufferStream, FIFOBufferStreamBuf, FIFOEvent, FIFOIOS, FIFOStrategy, FPEnvironment, FastMemoryPool, FastMutex, File, FileAccessDeniedException, FileChannel, FileException, FileExistsException, FileIOS, FileInputStream, FileNotFoundException, FileNotReadyException, FileOutputStream, FileReadOnlyException, FileStream, FileStreamFactory, Formatter, FormattingChannel, FunctionDelegate, FunctionPriorityDelegate, Getter, Glob, HMACEngine, Hash, HashFunction, HashMap, HashMapEntry, HashMapEntryHash, HashSet, HashStatistic, HashTable, HexBinaryDecoder, HexBinaryDecoderBuf, HexBinaryDecoderIOS, HexBinaryEncoder, HexBinaryEncoderBuf, HexBinaryEncoderIOS, IOException, IllegalStateException, InflatingIOS, InflatingInputStream, InflatingOutputStream, InflatingStreamBuf, InputLineEndingConverter, InputStreamConverter, Instantiator, InvalidAccessException, InvalidArgumentException, InvalidToken, IsConst, IsReference, KeyValueArgs, LRUCache, LRUStrategy, Latin1Encoding, Latin2Encoding, Latin9Encoding, LibraryAlreadyLoadedException, LibraryLoadException, LineEnding, LineEndingConverterIOS, LineEndingConverterStreamBuf, LinearHashTable, ListMap, LocalDateTime, LogFile, LogIOS, LogStream, LogStreamBuf, Logger, LoggingFactory, LoggingRegistry, LogicException, MD4Engine, MD5Engine, MacCentralEurRomanEncoding, MacChineseSimpEncoding, MacChineseTradEncoding, MacCyrillicEncoding, MacJapaneseEncoding, MacKoreanEncoding, MacRomanEncoding, Manifest, ManifestBase, MemoryIOS, MemoryInputStream, MemoryOutputStream, MemoryPool, Message, MetaObject, MetaSingleton, Mutex, NDCScope, NObserver, NamedEvent, NamedMutex, NamedTuple, NestedDiagnosticContext, NoPermissionException, NoThreadAvailableException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException, Notification, NotificationCenter, NotificationQueue, NotificationStrategy, NullChannel, NullIOS, NullInputStream, NullMutex, NullOutputStream, NullPointerException, NullPurgeStrategy, NullRotateStrategy, NullStreamBuf, NullTypeList, NullValueException, Nullable, NumberFormatter, NumberParser, ObjectPool, Observer, OpenFileException, Optional, OutOfMemoryException, OutputLineEndingConverter, OutputStreamConverter, PBKDF2Engine, PIDFile, Path, PathNotFoundException, PathSyntaxException, PatternFormatter, Pipe, PipeIOS, PipeInputStream, PipeOutputStream, PipeStreamBuf, PoolOverflowException, PoolableObjectFactory, PriorityDelegate, PriorityEvent, PriorityExpire, PriorityNotificationQueue, PriorityStrategy, Process, ProcessHandle, ProcessRunner, PropertyNotSupportedException, ProtocolException, PurgeByAgeStrategy, PurgeByCountStrategy, PurgeStrategy, RWLock, Random, RandomBuf, RandomIOS, RandomInputStream, RangeException, ReadFileException, RecursiveDirectoryIterator, RecursiveDirectoryIteratorImpl, RefCountedObject, ReferenceCounter, RegularExpression, RegularExpressionException, ReleaseArrayPolicy, ReleasePolicy, RotateAtTimeStrategy, RotateByIntervalStrategy, RotateBySizeStrategy, RotateStrategy, Runnable, RunnableAdapter, RuntimeException, SHA1Engine, SHA2Engine, SHA2Engine224, SHA2Engine256, SHA2Engine384, SHA2Engine512, ScopedLock, ScopedLockWithUnlock, ScopedRWLock, ScopedReadRWLock, ScopedUnlock, ScopedWriteRWLock, Semaphore, SharedLibrary, SharedMemory, SharedPtr, SiblingsFirstTraverse, SignalException, SignalHandler, SimpleFileChannel, SimpleHashTable, SingletonHolder, SortedDirectoryIterator, SpinlockMutex, SplitterChannel, Stopwatch, StrategyCollection, StreamChannel, StreamConverterBuf, StreamConverterIOS, StreamCopier, StreamTokenizer, StringTokenizer, SynchronizedObject, SyntaxException, SyslogChannel, SystemException, TLSAbstractSlot, TLSSlot, Task, TaskCancelledNotification, TaskCustomNotification, TaskFailedNotification, TaskFinishedNotification, TaskManager, TaskNotification, TaskProgressNotification, TaskStartedNotification, TeeIOS, TeeInputStream, TeeOutputStream, TeeStreamBuf, TemporaryFile, TextBufferIterator, TextConverter, TextEncoding, TextIterator, Thread, ThreadLocal, ThreadLocalStorage, ThreadPool, ThreadTarget, TimedNotificationQueue, TimeoutException, Timer, TimerCallback, Timespan, Timestamp, Timezone, Token, TooManyURIRedirectsException, TraverseBase, Tuple, TypeList, TypeListType, TypeSizeGT, TypeSizeLE, TypeWrapper, URI, URIRedirection, URIStreamFactory, URIStreamOpener, URISyntaxException, UTF16CharTraits, UTF16Encoding, UTF32CharTraits, UTF32Encoding, UTF8, UTF8Encoding, UUID, UUIDGenerator, UnhandledException, Unicode, UnicodeConverter, UniqueAccessExpireCache, UniqueAccessExpireLRUCache, UniqueAccessExpireStrategy, UniqueExpireCache, UniqueExpireLRUCache, UniqueExpireStrategy, UnknownURISchemeException, ValidArgs, Void, WhitespaceToken, Windows1250Encoding, Windows1251Encoding, Windows1252Encoding, Windows1253Encoding, Windows1254Encoding, Windows1255Encoding, Windows1256Encoding, Windows1257Encoding, Windows1258Encoding, Windows874Encoding, Windows932Encoding, Windows936Encoding, Windows949Encoding, Windows950Encoding, WindowsColorConsoleChannel, WindowsConsoleChannel, WriteFileException, i_char_traits
Types: BufferedBidirectionalStreamBuf, BufferedStreamBuf, DynamicAny, FIFOBuffer, FPE, MemoryBinaryReader, MemoryBinaryWriter, MemoryStreamBuf, NDC, SiblingsFirstRecursiveDirectoryIterator, SimpleRecursiveDirectoryIterator, UTF16Char, UTF16String, UTF32Char, UTF32String, UnbufferedStreamBuf, istring
Types Aliases: DynamicStruct, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, IntPtr, OrderedDynamicStruct, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8, UIntPtr
Functions: cat, decimalSeparator, delegate, doubleToFixedStr, doubleToStr, endsWith, floatToFixedStr, floatToStr, format, formatAny, hash, hashCombine, hashRange, icompare, intToStr, isIntOverflow, isNegative, isSafeIntCast, isubstr, makeAuto, makeShared, makeSharedArray, operator !=, operator &, operator &=, operator <, operator <<, operator <=, operator ==, operator >, operator >=, operator [], operator |, operator |=, priorityDelegate, registerExtraEncodings, remove, removeInPlace, replace, replaceInPlace, safeIntCast, safeMultiply, startsWith, strToDouble, strToFloat, strToInt, swap, thousandSeparator, toJSON, toLower, toLowerInPlace, toUpper, toUpperInPlace, translate, translateInPlace, trim, trimInPlace, trimLeft, trimLeftInPlace, trimRight, trimRightInPlace, uIntToStr
namespace ActiveRecord
namespace CodeGeneration
namespace CppParser
namespace Crypto
namespace Data
namespace Details
namespace Dynamic
namespace Impl
namespace JSON
namespace JWT
namespace MongoDB
namespace Net
namespace OSP
namespace Prometheus
namespace Redis
namespace RemotingNG
namespace Util
namespace XML
namespace XSD
namespace Zip
class ASCIIEncoding
class AbstractCache
An AbstractCache is the interface of all caches.
class AbstractDelegate
Base class for Delegate and Expire.
class AbstractEvent
An AbstractEvent is the base class of all events.
class AbstractInstantiator
The common base class for all Instantiator instantiations.
class AbstractMetaObject
A MetaObject stores some information about a C++ class.
class AbstractObserver
The base class for all instantiations of the Observer and NObserver template classes.
class AbstractPriorityDelegate
Base class for PriorityDelegate and PriorityExpire.
class AbstractStrategy
An AbstractStrategy is the interface for all strategies.
class AbstractTimerCallback
This is the base class for all instantiations of the TimerCallback template.
class AccessExpirationDecorator
AccessExpirationDecorator adds an expiration method to values so that they can be used with the UniqueAccessExpireCache
class AccessExpireCache
An AccessExpireCache caches entries for a fixed time period (per default 10 minutes).
class AccessExpireLRUCache
An AccessExpireLRUCache combines LRU caching and time based expire caching.
class AccessExpireStrategy
An AccessExpireStrategy implements time and access based expiration of cache entries
class ActiveDispatcher
This class is used to implement an active object with strictly serialized method execution.
class ActiveMethod
An active method is a method that, when called, executes in its own thread.
class ActiveResult
Creates an ActiveResultHolder.
class ActiveResultHolder
This class holds the result of an asynchronous method invocation.
class ActiveRunnable
This class is used by ActiveMethod.
class ActiveRunnableBase
The base class for all ActiveRunnable instantiations.
class ActiveStarter
The default implementation of the StarterType policy for ActiveMethod.
class ActiveThreadPool
A thread pool always keeps a number of threads running, ready to accept work.
class Activity
This template class helps to implement active objects.
class ApplicationException
class ArchiveByNumberStrategy
A monotonic increasing number is appended to the log file name.
class ArchiveByTimestampStrategy
A timestamp (YYYYMMDDhhmmssiii) is appended to archived log files.
class ArchiveStrategy
The ArchiveStrategy is used by FileChannel to rename a rotated log file for archiving.
class Array
STL container like C-style array replacement class.
class Ascii
This class contains enumerations and static utility functions for dealing with ASCII characters and their properties.
class AssertionViolationException
class AsyncChannel
A channel uses a separate thread for logging.
class AtomicCounter
This class implements a simple counter, which provides atomic operations that are safe to use in a multithreaded environment.
class AtomicFlag
This class implements an atomic boolean flag by wrapping the std::atomic_flag.
class AutoPtr
AutoPtr is a "smart" pointer for classes implementing reference counting based garbage collection.
class AutoReleasePool
An AutoReleasePool implements simple garbage collection for reference-counted objects.
class BadCastException
class Base32Decoder
This istream base32-decodes all data read from the istream connected to it.
class Base32DecoderBuf
This streambuf base32-decodes all data read from the istream connected to it.
class Base32DecoderIOS
The base class for Base32Decoder.
class Base32Encoder
This ostream base32-encodes all data written to it and forwards it to a connected ostream.
class Base32EncoderBuf
This streambuf base32-encodes all data written to it and forwards it to a connected ostream.
class Base32EncoderIOS
The base class for Base32Encoder.
class Base64Decoder
This istream base64-decodes all data read from the istream connected to it.
class Base64DecoderBuf
This streambuf base64-decodes all data read from the istream connected to it.
class Base64DecoderIOS
The base class for Base64Decoder.
class Base64Encoder
This ostream base64-encodes all data written to it and forwards it to a connected ostream.
class Base64EncoderBuf
This streambuf base64-encodes all data written to it and forwards it to a connected ostream.
class Base64EncoderIOS
The base class for Base64Encoder.
class BasicBufferedBidirectionalStreamBuf
This is an implementation of a buffered bidirectional streambuf that greatly simplifies the implementation of custom streambufs of various kinds.
class BasicBufferedStreamBuf
This is an implementation of a buffered streambuf that greatly simplifies the implementation of custom streambufs of various kinds.
class BasicEvent
A BasicEvent uses the DefaultStrategy which invokes delegates in the order they have been registered.
class BasicFIFOBuffer
A simple buffer class with support for re-entrant, FIFO-style read/write operations, as well as (optional) empty/non-empty/full (i.
class BasicMemoryBinaryReader
A convenient wrapper for using Buffer and MemoryStream with BinaryReader.
class BasicMemoryBinaryWriter
A convenient wrapper for using Buffer and MemoryStream with BinarWriter.
class BasicMemoryStreamBuf
BasicMemoryStreamBuf is a simple implementation of a stream buffer for reading and writing from a memory area.
class BasicUnbufferedStreamBuf
This is an implementation of an unbuffered streambuf that greatly simplifies the implementation of custom streambufs of various kinds.
class BinaryReader
This class reads basic types (and std::vectors thereof) in binary form into an input stream.
class BinaryWriter
This class writes basic types (and std::vectors of these) in binary form into an output stream.
class Buffer
A buffer class that allocates a buffer of a given type and size in the constructor and deallocates the buffer in the destructor.
class BufferAllocator
The BufferAllocator used if no specific BufferAllocator has been specified.
class Bugcheck
This class provides some static methods that are used by the poco_assert_dbg(), poco_assert(), poco_check_ptr(), poco_bugcheck() and poco_unexpected() macros.
class BugcheckException
class ByteOrder
This class contains a number of static methods to convert between big-endian and little-endian integers of various sizes.
struct CILess
Case-insensitive less-than functor; useful for standard maps and sets with std::strings keys and case-insensitive ordering requirement.
class Channel
The base class for all Channel classes.
class Checksum
This class calculates CRC-32 or Adler-32 checksums for arbitrary data.
class ChildrenFirstTraverse
class CircularReferenceException
class ClassLoader
The ClassLoader loads C++ classes from shared libraries at runtime.
class Clock
A Clock stores a monotonic* clock value with (theoretical) microseconds resolution.
class ColorConsoleChannel
A channel that writes to an ostream.
class Condition
A Condition is a synchronization object used to block a thread until a particular condition is met.
class Configurable
A simple interface that defines getProperty() and setProperty() methods.
class ConsoleChannel
A channel that writes to an ostream.
class CountingIOS
The base class for CountingInputStream and CountingOutputStream.
class CountingInputStream
This stream counts all characters and lines going through it.
class CountingOutputStream
This stream counts all characters and lines going through it.
class CountingStreamBuf
This stream buffer counts all characters and lines going through it.
class CreateFileException
class DataException
class DataFormatException
class DataURIStream
An input stream for reading data from a data URI.
class DataURIStreamFactory
An implementation of the URIStreamFactory interface that read data from data URIs.
class DataURIStreamIOS
The base class for DataURIStream.
class DateTime
This class represents an instant in time, expressed in years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds based on the Gregorian calendar.
class DateTimeFormat
Definition of date/time formats and various constants used by DateTimeFormatter and DateTimeParser.
class DateTimeFormatter
This class converts dates and times into strings, supporting a variety of standard and custom formats.
class DateTimeParser
This class provides a method for parsing dates and times from strings.
class Debugger
The Debugger class provides an interface to the debugger.
class DefaultStrategy
Default notification strategy.
class DeflatingIOS
The base class for DeflatingOutputStream and DeflatingInputStream.
class DeflatingInputStream
This stream compresses all data passing through it using zlib's deflate algorithm.
class DeflatingOutputStream
This stream compresses all data passing through it using zlib's deflate algorithm.
class DeflatingStreamBuf
This is the streambuf class used by DeflatingInputStream and DeflatingOutputStream.
class Delegate
class DigestBuf
This streambuf computes a digest of all data going through it.
class DigestEngine
This class is an abstract base class for all classes implementing a message digest algorithm, like MD5Engine and SHA1Engine.
class DigestIOS
The base class for DigestInputStream and DigestOutputStream.
class DigestInputStream
This istream computes a digest of all the data passing through it, using a DigestEngine.
class DigestOutputStream
This ostream computes a digest of all the data passing through it, using a DigestEngine.
class DirectoryIterator
The DirectoryIterator class is used to enumerate all files in a directory.
class DirectoryNotEmptyException
class DirectoryWatcher
This class is used to get notifications about changes to the filesystem, more specifically, to a specific directory.
class DoubleByteEncoding
This abstract class is a base class for various double-byte character set (DBCS) encodings.
class DynamicFactory
A factory that creates objects by class name.
class EOFToken
This token class is used to signal the end of the input stream.
class Environment
This class provides access to environment variables and some general system information.
class Error
The Error class provides utility functions for error reporting.
class ErrorHandler
This is the base class for thread error handlers.
class Event
An Event is a synchronization object that allows one thread to signal one or more other threads that a certain event has happened.
class EventArgs
The purpose of the EventArgs class is to be used as parameter when one doesn't want to send any data.
class EventChannel
The EventChannel fires the messageLogged event for every log message received.
class EventLogChannel
This Windows-only channel works with the Windows NT Event Log service.
class Exception
This is the base class for all exceptions defined in the Poco class library.
class ExistsException
class ExpirationDecorator
ExpirationDecorator adds an expiration method to values so that they can be used with the UniqueExpireCache.
class Expire
Decorator for AbstractDelegate adding automatic expiration of registrations to AbstractDelegate's.
class ExpireCache
An ExpireCache caches entries for a fixed time period (per default 10 minutes).
class ExpireLRUCache
An ExpireLRUCache combines LRU caching and time based expire caching.
class ExpireStrategy
An ExpireStrategy implements time based expiration of cache entries
class FIFOBufferStream
An output stream for writing to a FIFO.
class FIFOBufferStreamBuf
This is the streambuf class used for reading from and writing to a FIFOBuffer.
class FIFOEvent
A FIFOEvent uses internally a FIFOStrategy which guarantees that delegates are invoked in the order they were added to the event.
The base class for FIFOBufferInputStream and FIFOBufferStream.
class FIFOStrategy
class FPEnvironment
Instances of this class can be used to save and later restore the current floating point environment (consisting of rounding mode and floating-point flags).
class FastMemoryPool
FastMemoryPool is a class for pooling fixed-size blocks of memory.
class FastMutex
A FastMutex (mutual exclusion) is similar to a Mutex.
class File
The File class provides methods for working with a file.
class FileAccessDeniedException
class FileChannel
A Channel that writes to a file.
class FileException
class FileExistsException
class FileIOS
The base class for FileInputStream and FileOutputStream.
class FileInputStream
An input stream for reading from a file.
class FileNotFoundException
class FileNotReadyException
class FileOutputStream
An output stream for writing to a file.
class FileReadOnlyException
class FileStream
A stream for reading from and writing to a file.
class FileStreamFactory
An implementation of the URIStreamFactory interface that handles file URIs.
class Formatter
The base class for all Formatter classes.
class FormattingChannel
The FormattingChannel is a filter channel that routes a Message through a Formatter before passing it on to the destination channel.
class FunctionDelegate
Wraps a freestanding function or static member function for use as a Delegate.
class FunctionPriorityDelegate
Wraps a freestanding function or static member function for use as a PriorityDelegate.
struct Getter
class Glob
This class implements glob-style pattern matching as known from Unix shells.
class HMACEngine
This class implements the HMAC message authentication code algorithm, as specified in RFC 2104.
struct Hash
struct HashFunction
class HashMap
This class implements a map using a LinearHashTable.
struct HashMapEntry
This class template is used internally by HashMap.
struct HashMapEntryHash
This class template is used internally by HashMap.
class HashSet
This class implements a set using a LinearHashTable.
class HashStatistic
HashStatistic class bundles statistical information on the current state of a HashTable
class HashTable
A HashTable stores a key value pair that can be looked up via a hashed key.
class HexBinaryDecoder
This istream decodes all hexBinary-encoded data read from the istream connected to it.
class HexBinaryDecoderBuf
This streambuf decodes all hexBinary-encoded data read from the istream connected to it.
class HexBinaryDecoderIOS
The base class for HexBinaryDecoder.
class HexBinaryEncoder
This ostream encodes all data written to it in BinHex encoding and forwards it to a connected ostream.
class HexBinaryEncoderBuf
This streambuf encodes all data written to it in hexBinary encoding and forwards it to a connected ostream.
class HexBinaryEncoderIOS
The base class for HexBinaryEncoder.
class IOException
class IllegalStateException
class InflatingIOS
The base class for InflatingOutputStream and InflatingInputStream.
class InflatingInputStream
This stream decompresses all data passing through it using zlib's inflate algorithm.
class InflatingOutputStream
This stream decompresses all data passing through it using zlib's inflate algorithm.
class InflatingStreamBuf
This is the streambuf class used by InflatingInputStream and InflatingOutputStream.
class InputLineEndingConverter
InputLineEndingConverter performs line ending conversion on text input streams.
class InputStreamConverter
This stream converts all characters read from the underlying istream from one character encoding into another.
class Instantiator
A template class for the easy instantiation of instantiators.
class InvalidAccessException
class InvalidArgumentException
class InvalidToken
This token class is used for signalling that an invalid character sequence has been encountered in the input stream.
struct IsConst
Use this struct to determine if a template type is a const type.
struct IsReference
Use this struct to determine if a template type is a reference.
class KeyValueArgs
Simply event arguments class to transfer a key and a value via an event call.
class LRUCache
An LRUCache implements Least Recently Used caching.
class LRUStrategy
An LRUStrategy implements least recently used cache replacement.
class Latin1Encoding
ISO Latin-1 (8859-1) text encoding.
class Latin2Encoding
ISO Latin-2 (8859-2) text encoding.
class Latin9Encoding
ISO Latin-9 (8859-15) text encoding.
class LibraryAlreadyLoadedException
class LibraryLoadException
class LineEnding
This class defines valid line ending sequences for InputLineEndingConverter and OutputLineEndingConverter.
class LineEndingConverterIOS
The base class for InputLineEndingConverter and OutputLineEndingConverter.
class LineEndingConverterStreamBuf
This stream buffer performs line ending conversion on text streams.
class LinearHashTable
This class implements a linear hash table.
class ListMap
This class implements a multimap in terms of a sequential container.
class LocalDateTime
This class represents an instant in local time (as opposed to UTC), expressed in years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds based on the Gregorian calendar.
class LogFile
This class is used by FileChannel to work with a log file.
class LogIOS
The base class for LogStream.
class LogStream
This class implements an ostream interface to a Logger.
class LogStreamBuf
This class implements a streambuf interface to a Logger.
class Logger
Logger is a special Channel that acts as the main entry point into the logging framework.
class LoggingFactory
An extensible factory for channels and formatters.
class LoggingRegistry
A registry for channels and formatters.
class LogicException
class MD4Engine
This class implements the MD4 message digest algorithm, described in RFC 1320.
class MD5Engine
This class implements the MD5 message digest algorithm, described in RFC 1321.
class MacCentralEurRomanEncoding
class MacChineseSimpEncoding
class MacChineseTradEncoding
class MacCyrillicEncoding
class MacJapaneseEncoding
class MacKoreanEncoding
class MacRomanEncoding
class Manifest
A Manifest maintains a list of all classes contained in a dynamically loadable class library.
class ManifestBase
ManifestBase is a common base class for all instantiations of Manifest.
class MemoryIOS
The base class for MemoryInputStream and MemoryOutputStream.
class MemoryInputStream
An input stream for reading from a memory area.
class MemoryOutputStream
An input stream for reading from a memory area.
class MemoryPool
A simple pool for fixed-size memory blocks.
class Message
This class represents a log message that is sent through a chain of log channels.
class MetaObject
A MetaObject stores some information about a C++ class.
class MetaSingleton
A SingletonMetaObject disables the create() method and instead offers an instance() method to access the single instance of its class.
class Mutex
A Mutex (mutual exclusion) is a synchronization mechanism used to control access to a shared resource in a concurrent (multithreaded) scenario.
class NDCScope
This class can be used to automatically push a context onto the NDC stack at the beginning of a scope, and to pop the context at the end of the scope.
class NObserver
This template class implements an adapter that sits between a NotificationCenter and an object receiving notifications from it.
class NamedEvent
An NamedEvent is a global synchronization object that allows one process or thread to signal an other process or thread that a certain event has happened.
class NamedMutex
A NamedMutex (mutual exclusion) is a global synchronization mechanism used to control access to a shared resource in a concurrent (multi process) scenario.
struct NamedTuple
class NestedDiagnosticContext
This class implements a Nested Diagnostic Context (NDC), as described in Neil Harrison's article "Patterns for Logging Diagnostic Messages" in "Pattern Languages of Program Design 3" (Addison-Wesley).
class NoPermissionException
class NoThreadAvailableException
class NotFoundException
class NotImplementedException
class Notification
The base class for all notification classes used with the NotificationCenter and the NotificationQueue classes.
class NotificationCenter
A NotificationCenter is essentially a notification dispatcher.
class NotificationQueue
A NotificationQueue object provides a way to implement asynchronous notifications.
class NotificationStrategy
The interface that all notification strategies must implement.
class NullChannel
The NullChannel is the /dev/null of Channels.
class NullIOS
The base class for NullInputStream and NullOutputStream.
class NullInputStream
Any read operation from this stream immediately yields EOF.
class NullMutex
A NullMutex is an empty mutex implementation which performs no locking at all.
class NullOutputStream
This stream discards all characters written to it.
class NullPointerException
class NullPurgeStrategy
class NullRotateStrategy
class NullStreamBuf
This stream buffer discards all characters written to it.
struct NullTypeList
class NullValueException
class Nullable
Nullable is a simple wrapper class for value types that allows objects or native type variables to have "null" value.
class NumberFormatter
The NumberFormatter class provides static methods for formatting numeric values into strings.
class NumberParser
The NumberParser class provides static methods for parsing numbers out of strings.
class ObjectPool
An ObjectPool manages a pool of objects of a certain class.
class Observer
This template class implements an adapter that sits between a NotificationCenter and an object receiving notifications from it.
class OpenFileException
class Optional
Optional is a simple wrapper class for value types that allows to introduce a specified/unspecified state to value objects.
class OutOfMemoryException
class OutputLineEndingConverter
OutputLineEndingConverter performs line ending conversion on text output streams.
class OutputStreamConverter
This stream converts all characters written to the underlying ostream from one character encoding into another.
class PBKDF2Engine
This class implements the Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2, as specified in RFC 2898.
class PIDFile
A utility class, creating process ID file on construction and deleting it on destruction.
class Path
This class represents filesystem paths in a platform-independent manner.
class PathNotFoundException
class PathSyntaxException
class PatternFormatter
This Formatter allows for custom formatting of log messages based on format patterns.
class Pipe
This class implements an anonymous pipe.
class PipeIOS
The base class for PipeInputStream and PipeOutputStream.
class PipeInputStream
An input stream for reading from a Pipe.
class PipeOutputStream
An output stream for writing to a Pipe.
class PipeStreamBuf
This is the streambuf class used for reading from and writing to a Pipe.
class PoolOverflowException
class PoolableObjectFactory
A PoolableObjectFactory is responsible for creating and resetting objects managed by an ObjectPool.
class PriorityDelegate
class PriorityEvent
A PriorityEvent uses internally a PriorityStrategy which invokes delegates in order of priority (lower priorities first).
class PriorityExpire
Decorator for AbstractPriorityDelegate adding automatic expiring of registrations to AbstractPriorityDelegate.
class PriorityNotificationQueue
A PriorityNotificationQueue object provides a way to implement asynchronous notifications.
class PriorityStrategy
NotificationStrategy for PriorityEvent.
class Process
This class provides methods for working with processes.
class ProcessHandle
A handle for a process created with Process::launch().
class ProcessRunner
ProcessRunner is a wrapper class for Poco::ProcessHandle.
class PropertyNotSupportedException
class ProtocolException
class PurgeByAgeStrategy
This purge strategy purges all files that have exceeded a given age (given in seconds).
class PurgeByCountStrategy
This purge strategy ensures that a maximum number of archived files is not exceeded.
class PurgeStrategy
The PurgeStrategy is used by FileChannel to purge archived log files.
class RWLock
A reader writer lock allows multiple concurrent readers or one exclusive writer.
class Random
A better random number generator.
class RandomBuf
This streambuf generates random data.
class RandomIOS
The base class for RandomInputStream.
class RandomInputStream
This istream generates random data using the RandomBuf.
class RangeException
class ReadFileException
class RecursiveDirectoryIterator
The RecursiveDirectoryIterator class is used to enumerate all files in a directory and its subdirectories.
class RecursiveDirectoryIteratorImpl
class RefCountedObject
A base class for objects that employ reference counting based garbage collection.
class ReferenceCounter
Simple ReferenceCounter object, does not delete itself when count reaches 0.
class RegularExpression
A class for working with regular expressions.
class RegularExpressionException
class ReleaseArrayPolicy
The release policy for SharedPtr holding arrays.
class ReleasePolicy
The default release policy for SharedPtr, which simply uses the delete operator to delete an object.
class RotateAtTimeStrategy
The file is rotated at specified [day,][hour]:minute
class RotateByIntervalStrategy
The file is rotated when the log file exceeds a given age.
class RotateBySizeStrategy
The file is rotated when the log file exceeds a given size.
class RotateStrategy
The RotateStrategy is used by LogFile to determine when a file must be rotated.
class Runnable
The Runnable interface with the run() method must be implemented by classes that provide an entry point for a thread.
class RunnableAdapter
This adapter simplifies using ordinary methods as targets for threads.
class RuntimeException
class SHA1Engine
This class implements the SHA-1 message digest algorithm.
class SHA2Engine
This class implements the SHA-2 message digest algorithm.
class SHA2Engine224
class SHA2Engine256
class SHA2Engine384
class SHA2Engine512
class ScopedLock
A class that simplifies thread synchronization with a mutex.
class ScopedLockWithUnlock
A class that simplifies thread synchronization with a mutex.
class ScopedRWLock
A variant of ScopedLock for reader/writer locks.
class ScopedReadRWLock
A variant of ScopedLock for reader locks.
class ScopedUnlock
A class that simplifies thread synchronization with a mutex.
class ScopedWriteRWLock
A variant of ScopedLock for writer locks.
class Semaphore
A Semaphore is a synchronization object with the following characteristics: A semaphore has a value that is constrained to be a non-negative integer and two atomic operations.
class SharedLibrary
The SharedLibrary class dynamically loads shared libraries at run-time.
class SharedMemory
Create and manage a shared memory object.
class SharedPtr
SharedPtr is a "smart" pointer for classes implementing reference counting based garbage collection.
class SiblingsFirstTraverse
class SignalException
class SignalHandler
This helper class simplifies the handling of POSIX signals.
class SimpleFileChannel
A Channel that writes to a file.
class SimpleHashTable
A SimpleHashTable stores a key value pair that can be looked up via a hashed key.
class SingletonHolder
This is a helper template class for managing singleton objects allocated on the heap.
class SortedDirectoryIterator
The SortedDirectoryIterator class is similar to DirectoryIterator class, but places directories before files and sorts content alphabetically.
class SpinlockMutex
A SpinlockMutex, implemented in terms of std::atomic_flag, as busy-wait mutual exclusion.
class SplitterChannel
This channel sends a message to multiple channels simultaneously.
class Stopwatch
A simple facility to measure time intervals with microsecond resolution.
class StrategyCollection
An StrategyCollection is a decorator masking n collections as a single one.
class StreamChannel
A channel that writes to an ostream.
class StreamConverterBuf
A StreamConverter converts streams from one encoding (inEncoding) into another (outEncoding).
class StreamConverterIOS
The base class for InputStreamConverter and OutputStreamConverter.
class StreamCopier
This class provides static methods to copy the contents from one stream into another.
class StreamTokenizer
A stream tokenizer splits an input stream into a sequence of tokens of different kinds.
class StringTokenizer
A simple tokenizer that splits a string into tokens, which are separated by separator characters.
class SynchronizedObject
This class aggregates a Mutex and an Event and can act as a base class for all objects requiring synchronization in a multithreaded scenario.
class SyntaxException
class SyslogChannel
This Unix-only channel works with the Unix syslog service.
class SystemException
class TLSAbstractSlot
This is the base class for all objects that the ThreadLocalStorage class manages.
class TLSSlot
The Slot template wraps another class so that it can be stored in a ThreadLocalStorage object.
class Task
A Task is a subclass of Runnable that has a name and supports progress reporting and cancellation.
class TaskCancelledNotification
This notification is posted by the TaskManager for every task that has been cancelled.
class TaskCustomNotification
This is a template for "custom" notification.
class TaskFailedNotification
This notification is posted by the TaskManager for every task that has failed with an exception.
class TaskFinishedNotification
This notification is posted by the TaskManager for every task that has finished.
class TaskManager
The TaskManager manages a collection of tasks and monitors their lifetime.
class TaskNotification
Base class for TaskManager notifications.
class TaskProgressNotification
This notification is posted by the TaskManager for a task when its progress changes.
class TaskStartedNotification
This notification is posted by the TaskManager for every task that has been started.
class TeeIOS
The base class for TeeInputStream and TeeOutputStream.
class TeeInputStream
This stream copies all characters read through it to one or multiple output streams.
class TeeOutputStream
This stream copies all characters written to it to one or multiple output streams.
class TeeStreamBuf
This stream buffer copies all data written to or read from it to one or multiple output streams.
class TemporaryFile
The TemporaryFile class helps with the handling of temporary files.
class TextBufferIterator
An unidirectional iterator for iterating over characters in a buffer.
class TextConverter
A TextConverter converts strings from one encoding into another.
class TextEncoding
An abstract base class for implementing text encodings like UTF-8 or ISO 8859-1.
class TextIterator
An unidirectional iterator for iterating over characters in a string.
class Thread
This class implements a platform-independent wrapper to an operating system thread.
class ThreadLocal
This template is used to declare type safe thread local variables.
class ThreadLocalStorage
This class manages the local storage for each thread.
class ThreadPool
A thread pool always keeps a number of threads running, ready to accept work.
class ThreadTarget
This adapter simplifies using static member functions as well as standalone functions as targets for threads.
class TimedNotificationQueue
A TimedNotificationQueue object provides a way to implement timed, asynchronous notifications.
class TimeoutException
class Timer
This class implements a thread-based timer.
class TimerCallback
This template class implements an adapter that sits between a Timer and an object's method invoked by the timer.
class Timespan
A class that represents time spans up to microsecond resolution.
class Timestamp
A Timestamp stores a monotonic* time value with (theoretical) microseconds resolution.
class Timezone
This class provides information about the current timezone.
class Token
The base class for all token classes that can be registered with the StreamTokenizer.
class TooManyURIRedirectsException
class TraverseBase
struct Tuple
struct TypeList
struct TypeListType
TypeListType takes 1 - 40 typename arguments.
struct TypeSizeGT
struct TypeSizeLE
struct TypeWrapper
Specialization for const char arrays Use the type wrapper if you want to decouple constness and references from template types.
class URI
A Uniform Resource Identifier, as specified in RFC 3986.
class URIRedirection
An instance of URIRedirection is thrown by a URIStreamFactory::open() if opening the original URI resulted in a redirection response (such as a MOVED PERMANENTLY in HTTP).
class URIStreamFactory
This class defines the interface that all URI stream factories must implement.
class URIStreamOpener
The URIStreamOpener class is used to create and open input streams for resourced identified by Uniform Resource Identifiers.
class URISyntaxException
struct UTF16CharTraits
class UTF16Encoding
UTF-16 text encoding, as defined in RFC 2781.
struct UTF32CharTraits
class UTF32Encoding
UTF-32 text encoding, as defined in RFC 2781.
struct UTF8
This class provides static methods that are UTF-8 capable variants of the same functions in Poco/String.
class UTF8Encoding
UTF-8 text encoding, as defined in RFC 2279.
class UUID
A UUID is an identifier that is unique across both space and time, with respect to the space of all UUIDs.
class UUIDGenerator
This class implements a generator for Universal Unique Identifiers, as specified in Appendix A of the DCE 1.
class UnhandledException
class Unicode
This class contains enumerations and static utility functions for dealing with Unicode characters and their properties.
class UnicodeConverter
A convenience class that converts strings from UTF-8 encoded std::strings to UTF-16 or UTF-32 encoded std::wstrings and vice-versa.
class UniqueAccessExpireCache
An UniqueAccessExpireCache caches entries for a given time span.
class UniqueAccessExpireLRUCache
A UniqueAccessExpireLRUCache combines LRU caching and time based per entry expire caching.
class UniqueAccessExpireStrategy
An UniqueExpireStrategy implements time based expiration of cache entries.
class UniqueExpireCache
An UniqueExpireCache caches entries for a given time amount.
class UniqueExpireLRUCache
A UniqueExpireLRUCache combines LRU caching and time based per entry expire caching.
class UniqueExpireStrategy
An UniqueExpireStrategy implements time based expiration of cache entries.
class UnknownURISchemeException
class ValidArgs
class Void
A dummy class with value-type semantics, mostly useful as a template argument.
class WhitespaceToken
This pseudo token class is used to eat up whitespace in between real tokens.
class Windows1250Encoding
Windows Codepage 1250 text encoding.
class Windows1251Encoding
Windows Codepage 1251 text encoding.
class Windows1252Encoding
Windows Codepage 1252 text encoding.
class Windows1253Encoding
class Windows1254Encoding
class Windows1255Encoding
class Windows1256Encoding
class Windows1257Encoding
class Windows1258Encoding
class Windows874Encoding
class Windows932Encoding
class Windows936Encoding
class Windows949Encoding
class Windows950Encoding
class WindowsColorConsoleChannel
A channel that writes to the Windows console.
class WindowsConsoleChannel
A channel that writes to the Windows console.
class WriteFileException
struct i_char_traits
typedef BasicBufferedBidirectionalStreamBuf < char, std::char_traits < char >> BufferedBidirectionalStreamBuf;
typedef BasicBufferedStreamBuf < char, std::char_traits < char >> BufferedStreamBuf;
typedef Dynamic::Var DynamicAny;
typedef BasicFIFOBuffer < char > FIFOBuffer;
typedef FPEnvironment FPE;
typedef BasicMemoryBinaryReader < char > MemoryBinaryReader;
typedef BasicMemoryBinaryWriter < char > MemoryBinaryWriter;
typedef BasicMemoryStreamBuf < char, std::char_traits < char >> MemoryStreamBuf;
typedef NestedDiagnosticContext NDC;
typedef RecursiveDirectoryIterator < SiblingsFirstTraverse > SiblingsFirstRecursiveDirectoryIterator;
typedef RecursiveDirectoryIterator < ChildrenFirstTraverse > SimpleRecursiveDirectoryIterator;
typedef Poco::UInt16 UTF16Char;
typedef std::basic_string < UTF16Char, UTF16CharTraits > UTF16String;
typedef wchar_t UTF32Char;
typedef std::wstring UTF32String;
typedef BasicUnbufferedStreamBuf < char, std::char_traits < char >> UnbufferedStreamBuf;
typedef std::basic_string < char, i_char_traits < char >> istring;
Case-insensitive std::string counterpart.
Types Aliases
using DynamicStruct = Dynamic::Struct < std::string >;
using Int16 = std::int16_t;
using Int32 = std::int32_t;
using Int64 = std::int64_t;
using Int8 = std::conditional < std::is_same < signed char, std::int8_t >::value, std::int8_t, signed char >::type;
using IntPtr = std::intptr_t;
using OrderedDynamicStruct = Dynamic::Struct < std::string, Poco::OrderedMap < std::string, Dynamic::Var >, Poco::OrderedSet < std::string >>;
using UInt16 = std::uint16_t;
using UInt32 = std::uint32_t;
using UInt64 = std::uint64_t;
using UInt8 = std::uint8_t;
using UIntPtr = std::uintptr_t;
Use the URL and filename-safe alphabet, replacing '+' with '-' and '/' with '_'.
Will also set line length to unlimited.
Do not append padding characters ('=') at end.
Applies to JSON::Object. If specified, the Object will preserve the items insertion order. Otherwise, items will be sorted by keys.
Has no effect on toJSON() function.
If specified, when the object is stringified, all unicode characters will be escaped in the resulting string.
If specified, the object will preserve the items insertion order. Otherwise, items will be sorted by keys.
If specified, all encoding happens with lowercase HEX characters instead of capitals
Options to configure child process behavior.
Causes the child process STDIN to be closed.
Causes the child process STDOUT to be closed.
Causes the child process STDERR to be closed.
template < class S > S cat(
const S & s1,
const S & s2
Concatenates two strings.
template < class S > S cat(
const S & s1,
const S & s2,
const S & s3
Concatenates three strings.
template < class S > S cat(
const S & s1,
const S & s2,
const S & s3,
const S & s4
Concatenates four strings.
template < class S > S cat(
const S & s1,
const S & s2,
const S & s3,
const S & s4,
const S & s5
Concatenates five strings.
template < class S > S cat(
const S & s1,
const S & s2,
const S & s3,
const S & s4,
const S & s5,
const S & s6
Concatenates six strings.
template < class S, class It > S cat(
const S & delim,
const It & begin,
const It & end
Concatenates a sequence of strings, delimited by the string given in delim.
inline char decimalSeparator();
Returns decimal separator from global locale or default '.' for platforms where locale is unavailable.
template < class TObj, class TArgs > inline Delegate < TObj, TArgs, true > delegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)(const void *, TArgs &) param187
template < class TObj, class TArgs > inline Delegate < TObj, TArgs, false > delegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)(TArgs &) param188
template < class TObj, class TArgs > inline Expire < TArgs > delegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)(const void *, TArgs &) param189,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMillisecs
template < class TObj, class TArgs > inline Expire < TArgs > delegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)(TArgs &) param190,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMillisecs
template < class TArgs > inline Expire < TArgs > delegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(const void *, TArgs &) param191,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMillisecs
template < class TArgs > inline Expire < TArgs > delegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(void *, TArgs &) param192,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMillisecs
template < class TArgs > inline Expire < TArgs > delegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(TArgs &) param193,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMillisecs
template < class TArgs > inline FunctionDelegate < TArgs, true, true > delegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(const void *, TArgs &) param194
template < class TArgs > inline FunctionDelegate < TArgs, true, false > delegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(void *, TArgs &) param195
template < class TArgs > inline FunctionDelegate < TArgs, false > delegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(TArgs &) param196
template < class TObj > inline Delegate < TObj, void, true > delegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)(const void *) param197
template < class TObj > inline Delegate < TObj, void, false > delegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)()
template < class TObj > inline Expire < void > delegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)(const void *) param198,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMillisecs
template < class TObj > inline Expire < void > delegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)(),
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMillisecs
inline Expire < void > delegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(const void *) param199,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMillisecs
inline Expire < void > delegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(void *) param200,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMillisecs
inline Expire < void > delegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(),
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMillisecs
inline FunctionDelegate < void, true, true > delegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(const void *) param201
inline FunctionDelegate < void, true, false > delegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(void *) param202
inline FunctionDelegate < void, false > delegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)()
void doubleToFixedStr(
char * buffer,
int bufferSize,
double value,
int precision
Converts a double value to string. Converted string must be shorter than bufferSize. Computes a decimal representation with a fixed number of digits after the decimal point.
std::string & doubleToFixedStr(
std::string & str,
double value,
int precision = - 1,
int width = 0,
char thSep = 0,
char decSep = 0
Converts a double value, assigns it to the supplied string and returns the reference. This function calls doubleToFixedStr(char*, int, double, int) and formats the result according to precision (total number of digits after the decimal point) and width (total length of formatted string).
void doubleToStr(
char * buffer,
int bufferSize,
double value,
int lowDec = - std::numeric_limits < double >::digits10,
int highDec = std::numeric_limits < double >::digits10
Converts a double value to string. Converted string must be shorter than bufferSize. Conversion is done by computing the shortest string of digits that correctly represents the input number. Depending on lowDec and highDec values, the function returns decimal or exponential representation.
std::string & doubleToStr(
std::string & str,
double value,
int precision = - 1,
int width = 0,
char thSep = 0,
char decSep = 0
Converts a double value, assigns it to the supplied string and returns the reference. This function calls doubleToStr(char*, int, double, int, int) and formats the result according to precision (total number of digits after the decimal point, -1 means ignore precision argument) and width (total length of formatted string).
template < class S > bool endsWith(
const S & str,
const S & suffix
Tests whether the string ends with the given suffix.
void floatToFixedStr(
char * buffer,
int bufferSize,
float value,
int precision
Converts a float value to string. Converted string must be shorter than bufferSize. Computes a decimal representation with a fixed number of digits after the decimal point.
std::string & floatToFixedStr(
std::string & str,
float value,
int precision,
int width = 0,
char thSep = 0,
char decSep = 0
Converts a float value, assigns it to the supplied string and returns the reference. This function calls floatToFixedStr(char*, int, float, int) and formats the result according to precision (total number of digits after the decimal point) and width (total length of formatted string).
void floatToStr(
char * buffer,
int bufferSize,
float value,
int lowDec = - std::numeric_limits < float >::digits10,
int highDec = std::numeric_limits < float >::digits10
Converts a float value to string. Converted string must be shorter than bufferSize. Conversion is done by computing the shortest string of digits that correctly represents the input number. Depending on lowDec and highDec values, the function returns decimal or exponential representation.
std::string & floatToStr(
std::string & str,
float value,
int precision = - 1,
int width = 0,
char thSep = 0,
char decSep = 0
Converts a float value, assigns it to the supplied string and returns the reference. This function calls floatToStr(char*, int, float, int, int) and formats the result according to precision (total number of digits after the decimal point, -1 means ignore precision argument) and width (total length of formatted string).
std::string format(
const std::string & fmt,
const Any & value
This function implements sprintf-style formatting in a typesafe way. Various variants of the function are available, supporting a different number of arguments (up to six).
The formatting is controlled by the format string in fmt. Format strings are quite similar to those of the std::printf() function, but there are some minor differences.
The format string can consist of any sequence of characters; certain characters have a special meaning. Characters without a special meaning are copied verbatim to the result. A percent sign (%) marks the beginning of a format specification. Format specifications have the following syntax:
Index, flags, width, precision and prefix are optional. The only required part of the format specification, apart from the percent sign, is the type.
The optional index argument has the format "[<n>]" and allows to address an argument by its zero-based position (see the example below).
Following are valid type specifications and their meaning:
- b boolean (true = 1, false = 0)
- c character
- d signed decimal integer
- i signed decimal integer
- o unsigned octal integer
- u unsigned decimal integer
- x unsigned hexadecimal integer (lower case)
- X unsigned hexadecimal integer (upper case)
- e signed floating-point value in the form [-]d.dddde[<sign>]dd[d]
- E signed floating-point value in the form [-]d.ddddE[<sign>]dd[d]
- f signed floating-point value in the form [-]dddd.dddd
- s std::string
- z std::size_t
The following flags are supported:
- - left align the result within the given field width
- + prefix the output value with a sign (+ or -) if the output value is of a signed type
- 0 if width is prefixed with 0, zeros are added until the minimum width is reached
- # For o, x, X, the # flag prefixes any nonzero output value with 0, 0x, or 0X, respectively; for e, E, f, the # flag forces the output value to contain a decimal point in all cases.
The following modifiers are supported:
- (none) argument is char (c), int (d, i), unsigned (o, u, x, X) double (e, E, f, g, G) or string (s)
- l argument is long (d, i), unsigned long (o, u, x, X) or long double (e, E, f, g, G)
- L argument is long long (d, i), unsigned long long (o, u, x, X)
- h argument is short (d, i), unsigned short (o, u, x, X) or float (e, E, f, g, G)
- ? argument is any signed or unsigned int, short, long, or 64-bit integer (d, i, o, x, X)
The width argument is a nonnegative decimal integer or '*' with an additional nonnegative integer value preceding the value to be formated, controlling the minimum number of characters printed. If the number of characters in the output value is less than the specified width, blanks or leading zeros are added, according to the specified flags (-, +, 0).
Precision is a nonnegative decimal integer or '*' with an additional nonnegative integer value preceding the value to be formated, preceded by a period (.), which specifies the number of characters to be printed, the number of decimal places, or the number of significant digits.
Throws an InvalidArgumentException if an argument index is out of range.
Starting with release 1.4.3, an argument that does not match the format specifier no longer results in a BadCastException. The string [ERRFMT] is written to the result string instead.
If there are more format specifiers than values, the format specifiers without a corresponding value are copied verbatim to output.
If there are more values than format specifiers, the superfluous values are ignored.
Usage Examples:
std::string s1 = format("The answer to life, the universe, and everything is %d", 42); std::string s2 = format("second: %[1]d, first: %[0]d", 1, 2);
void format(
std::string & result,
const char * fmt,
const std::vector < Any > & values
Supports a variable number of arguments.
void format(
std::string & result,
const std::string & fmt,
const std::vector < Any > & values
Supports a variable number of arguments.
template < typename T, typename ... Args > void format(
std::string & result,
const std::string & fmt,
T arg1,
Args ... args
Appends the formatted string to result.
template < typename T, typename ... Args > void format(
std::string & result,
const char * fmt,
T arg1,
Args ... args
Appends the formatted string to result.
template < typename T, typename ... Args > std::string format(
const std::string & fmt,
T arg1,
Args ... args
Returns the formatted string.
template < typename T, typename ... Args > std::string format(
const char * fmt,
T arg1,
Args ... args
Returns the formatted string.
inline void formatAny(
std::string & result,
const std::string & fmt,
const std::vector < Any > & values
Supports a variable number of arguments and is used by all other variants of format().
inline void formatAny(
std::string & result,
const char * fmt,
const std::vector < Any > & values
Supports a variable number of arguments and is used by all other variants of format().
std::size_t hash(
Int8 n
std::size_t hash(
UInt8 n
std::size_t hash(
Int16 n
std::size_t hash(
UInt16 n
std::size_t hash(
Int32 n
std::size_t hash(
UInt32 n
std::size_t hash(
Int64 n
std::size_t hash(
UInt64 n
std::size_t hash(
const std::string & str
inline std::size_t hash(
Int8 n
inline std::size_t hash(
UInt8 n
inline std::size_t hash(
Int16 n
inline std::size_t hash(
UInt16 n
inline std::size_t hash(
Int32 n
inline std::size_t hash(
UInt32 n
inline std::size_t hash(
Int64 n
inline std::size_t hash(
UInt64 n
template < class T > inline void hashCombine(
std::size_t & seed,
T const & v
template < class It > inline std::size_t hashRange(
It first,
It last
template < class It > inline void hashRange(
std::size_t & seed,
It first,
It last
template < class S, class It > int icompare(
const S & str,
typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type n,
It it2,
It end2
Case-insensitive string comparison
template < class S > int icompare(
const S & str1,
const S & str2
template < class S > int icompare(
const S & str1,
typename S::size_type n1,
const S & str2,
typename S::size_type n2
template < class S > int icompare(
const S & str1,
typename S::size_type n,
const S & str2
template < class S > int icompare(
const S & str1,
typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type n,
const S & str2
template < class S > int icompare(
const S & str1,
typename S::size_type pos1,
typename S::size_type n1,
const S & str2,
typename S::size_type pos2,
typename S::size_type n2
template < class S > int icompare(
const S & str1,
typename S::size_type pos1,
typename S::size_type n,
const S & str2,
typename S::size_type pos2
template < class S > int icompare(
const S & str,
typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type n,
const typename S::value_type * ptr
template < class S > int icompare(
const S & str,
typename S::size_type pos,
const typename S::value_type * ptr
template < class S > int icompare(
const S & str,
const typename S::value_type * ptr
template < typename T, Impl::EnableSigned < T > = __nullptr > bool intToStr(
T value,
unsigned short base,
char * result,
std::size_t & size,
bool prefix = false,
int width = - 1,
char fill = ' ',
char thSep = 0,
bool lowercase = false
Converts signed integer to string. Standard numeric bases from binary to hexadecimal are supported. If width is non-zero, it pads the return value with fill character to the specified width. When padding is zero character ('0'), it is prepended to the number itself; all other paddings are prepended to the formatted result with minus sign or base prefix included If prefix is true and base is octal or hexadecimal, respective prefix ('0' for octal, "0x" for hexadecimal) is prepended. For all other bases, prefix argument is ignored. Formatted string has at least [width] total length.
template < typename T, Impl::EnableUnsigned < T > = __nullptr > bool intToStr(
T value,
unsigned short base,
char * result,
std::size_t & size,
bool prefix = false,
int width = - 1,
char fill = ' ',
char thSep = 0,
bool lowercase = false
Converts unsigned integer to string. Numeric bases from binary to hexadecimal are supported. If width is non-zero, it pads the return value with fill character to the specified width. When padding is zero character ('0'), it is prepended to the number itself; all other paddings are prepended to the formatted result with minus sign or base prefix included If prefix is true and base is octal or hexadecimal, respective prefix ('0' for octal, "0x" for hexadecimal) is prepended. For all other bases, prefix argument is ignored. Formatted string has at least [width] total length.
template < typename T > bool intToStr(
T number,
unsigned short base,
std::string & result,
bool prefix = false,
int width = - 1,
char fill = ' ',
char thSep = 0,
bool lowercase = false
Converts integer to string; This is a wrapper function, for details see the bool intToStr(T, unsigned short, char*, int, int, char, char) implementation.
template < typename To, typename From > inline bool isIntOverflow(
From val
template < typename T > inline bool isNegative(
T x
template < typename F, typename T > inline T & isSafeIntCast(
F from
Returns true if it is safe to cast integer from F to T.
template < typename T > std::size_t isubstr(
const T & str,
const T & sought
Case-insensitive substring; searches for a substring without regards to case.
template < typename T, typename ... Args > AutoPtr < T > makeAuto(
Args && ... args
template < typename T, typename ... Args > SharedPtr < T > makeShared(
Args && ... args
template < typename T > SharedPtr < T, ReferenceCounter, ReleaseArrayPolicy < T >> makeSharedArray(
std::size_t size
operator !=
template < class T, std::size_t N > bool operator != (
const Array < T, N > & x,
const Array < T, N > & y
operator !=
template < typename C > bool operator != (
const C & c,
const Nullable < C > & n
Compares Nullable with value for non equality
operator !=
template < typename C > bool operator != (
const NullType & param265,
const Nullable < C > & n
Returns true if this Nullable is not null.
operator !=
template < class T1, class T2 > inline bool operator != (
const RecursiveDirectoryIterator < T1 > & a,
const RecursiveDirectoryIterator < T2 > & b
operator &
inline NumberFormatter::Options operator & (
NumberFormatter::Options lhs,
NumberFormatter::Options rhs
operator &=
inline NumberFormatter::Options & operator &= (
NumberFormatter::Options & lhs,
NumberFormatter::Options rhs
operator <
template < class T, std::size_t N > bool operator < (
const Array < T, N > & x,
const Array < T, N > & y
operator <<
template < typename C > std::ostream & operator << (
std::ostream & out,
const Nullable < C > & obj
operator <=
template < class T, std::size_t N > bool operator <= (
const Array < T, N > & x,
const Array < T, N > & y
operator ==
template < class T, std::size_t N > bool operator == (
const Array < T, N > & x,
const Array < T, N > & y
operator ==
template < typename C > bool operator == (
const NullType & param264,
const Nullable < C > & n
Returns true if this Nullable is null.
operator ==
template < typename C > bool operator == (
const C & c,
const Nullable < C > & n
Compares Nullable with NullData for equality
operator ==
template < class T1, class T2 > inline bool operator == (
const RecursiveDirectoryIterator < T1 > & a,
const RecursiveDirectoryIterator < T2 > & b
operator >
template < class T, std::size_t N > bool operator > (
const Array < T, N > & x,
const Array < T, N > & y
operator >=
template < class T, std::size_t N > bool operator >= (
const Array < T, N > & x,
const Array < T, N > & y
operator []
inline std::string & StringTokenizer::operator[] (
std::size_t index
operator []
inline const std::string & StringTokenizer::operator[] (
std::size_t index
) const;
operator |
inline NumberFormatter::Options operator | (
NumberFormatter::Options lhs,
NumberFormatter::Options rhs
operator |=
inline NumberFormatter::Options & operator |= (
NumberFormatter::Options & lhs,
NumberFormatter::Options rhs
template < class TObj, class TArgs > static PriorityDelegate < TObj, TArgs, true > priorityDelegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)(const void *, TArgs &) param271,
int prio
template < class TObj, class TArgs > static PriorityDelegate < TObj, TArgs, false > priorityDelegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)(TArgs &) param272,
int prio
template < class TObj, class TArgs > static PriorityExpire < TArgs > priorityDelegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)(const void *, TArgs &) param273,
int prio,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMilliSec
template < class TObj, class TArgs > static PriorityExpire < TArgs > priorityDelegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)(TArgs &) param274,
int prio,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMilliSec
template < class TArgs > static PriorityExpire < TArgs > priorityDelegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(const void *, TArgs &) param275,
int prio,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMilliSec
template < class TArgs > static PriorityExpire < TArgs > priorityDelegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(void *, TArgs &) param276,
int prio,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMilliSec
template < class TArgs > static PriorityExpire < TArgs > priorityDelegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(TArgs &) param277,
int prio,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMilliSec
template < class TArgs > static FunctionPriorityDelegate < TArgs, true, true > priorityDelegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(const void *, TArgs &) param278,
int prio
template < class TArgs > static FunctionPriorityDelegate < TArgs, true, false > priorityDelegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(void *, TArgs &) param279,
int prio
template < class TArgs > static FunctionPriorityDelegate < TArgs, false > priorityDelegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(TArgs &) param280,
int prio
template < class TObj > static PriorityDelegate < TObj, void, true > priorityDelegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)(const void *) param281,
int prio
template < class TObj > static PriorityDelegate < TObj, void, false > priorityDelegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)(),
int prio
template < class TObj > static PriorityExpire < void > priorityDelegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)(const void *) param282,
int prio,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMilliSec
template < class TObj > static PriorityExpire < void > priorityDelegate(
TObj * pObj,
void (TObj::* NotifyMethod)(),
int prio,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMilliSec
inline PriorityExpire < void > priorityDelegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(const void *) param283,
int prio,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMilliSec
inline PriorityExpire < void > priorityDelegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(void *) param284,
int prio,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMilliSec
inline PriorityExpire < void > priorityDelegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(),
int prio,
Timestamp::TimeDiff expireMilliSec
inline FunctionPriorityDelegate < void, true, true > priorityDelegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(const void *) param285,
int prio
inline FunctionPriorityDelegate < void, true, false > priorityDelegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(void *) param286,
int prio
inline FunctionPriorityDelegate < void, false > priorityDelegate(
void (* NotifyMethod)(),
int prio
void registerExtraEncodings();
Registers the character encodings from the Encodings library with the TextEncoding class.
template < class S > S remove(
const S & str,
const typename S::value_type ch,
typename S::size_type start = 0
template < class S > S & removeInPlace(
S & str,
const typename S::value_type ch,
typename S::size_type start = 0
template < class S > S replace(
const S & str,
const S & from,
const S & to,
typename S::size_type start = 0
Replace all occurrences of from (which must not be the empty string) in str with to, starting at position start.
template < class S > S replace(
const S & str,
const typename S::value_type * from,
const typename S::value_type * to,
typename S::size_type start = 0
template < class S > S replace(
const S & str,
const typename S::value_type from,
const typename S::value_type to = 0,
typename S::size_type start = 0
template < class S > S & replaceInPlace(
S & str,
const S & from,
const S & to,
typename S::size_type start = 0
template < class S > S & replaceInPlace(
S & str,
const typename S::value_type * from,
const typename S::value_type * to,
typename S::size_type start = 0
template < class S > S & replaceInPlace(
S & str,
const typename S::value_type from,
const typename S::value_type to = 0,
typename S::size_type start = 0
template < typename F, typename T > inline T & safeIntCast(
F from,
T & to
Returns cast value if it is safe to cast integer from F to T, otherwise throws BadCastException.
template < typename R, typename F, typename S > bool safeMultiply(
R & result,
F f,
S s
template < class S > bool startsWith(
const S & str,
const S & prefix
Tests whether the string starts with the given prefix.
double strToDouble(
const char * str,
const char * inf = "inf",
const char * nan = "nan"
Converts the string of characters into double-precision floating point number.
bool strToDouble(
const std::string & str,
double & result,
char decSep = '.',
char thSep = ',',
const char * inf = "inf",
const char * nan = "nan"
Converts the string of characters into double-precision floating point number. The conversion result is assigned to the result parameter. If decimal separator and/or thousand separator are different from defaults, they should be supplied to ensure proper conversion.
Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
float strToFloat(
const char * str,
const char * inf = "inf",
const char * nan = "nan"
Converts the string of characters into single-precision floating point number. Function uses double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter to do the conversion.
bool strToFloat(
const std::string & param266,
float & result,
char decSep = '.',
char thSep = ',',
const char * inf = "inf",
const char * nan = "nan"
Converts the string of characters into single-precision floating point number. The conversion result is assigned to the result parameter. If decimal separator and/or thousand separator are different from defaults, they should be supplied to ensure proper conversion.
Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
template < typename I > bool strToInt(
const char * pStr,
I & outResult,
short base,
char thSep = ','
Converts zero-terminated character array to integer number; Thousand separators are recognized for base10 and current locale; they are silently skipped and not verified for correct positioning. It is not allowed to convert a negative number to anything except 10-base signed integer. For hexadecimal numbers, the case of the digits is not relevant.
Function returns true if successful. If parsing was unsuccessful, the return value is false with the result value undetermined.
template < typename I > bool strToInt(
const std::string & str,
I & result,
short base,
char thSep = ','
Converts string to integer number; This is a wrapper function, for details see see the bool strToInt(const char*, I&, short, char) implementation.
template < class T, std::size_t N > inline void swap(
Array < T, N > & x,
Array < T, N > & y
) noexcept;
global swap()
template < class C > inline void swap(
AutoPtr < C > & p1,
AutoPtr < C > & p2
) noexcept;
inline void swap(
Clock & s1,
Clock & s2
) noexcept;
inline void swap(
DateTime & d1,
DateTime & d2
) noexcept;
inline void swap(
File & f1,
File & f2
) noexcept;
inline void swap(
LocalDateTime & d1,
LocalDateTime & d2
) noexcept;
inline void swap(
Message & m1,
Message & m2
) noexcept;
template < typename C > inline void swap(
Nullable < C > & n1,
Nullable < C > & n2
) noexcept;
template < typename C > inline void swap(
Optional < C > & n1,
Optional < C > & n2
) noexcept;
inline void swap(
Path & p1,
Path & p2
) noexcept;
template < class C, class RC, class RP > inline void swap(
SharedPtr < C, RC, RP > & p1,
SharedPtr < C, RC, RP > & p2
inline void swap(
TextBufferIterator & it1,
TextBufferIterator & it2
) noexcept;
inline void swap(
TextIterator & it1,
TextIterator & it2
) noexcept;
inline void swap(
Timespan & s1,
Timespan & s2
) noexcept;
inline void swap(
Timestamp & s1,
Timestamp & s2
) noexcept;
inline void swap(
URI & u1,
URI & u2
) noexcept;
inline void swap(
UUID & u1,
UUID & u2
) noexcept;
inline char thousandSeparator();
Returns thousand separator from global locale or default ',' for platforms where locale is unavailable.
void toJSON(
const std::string & value,
std::ostream & out,
int options = Poco::JSON_WRAP_STRINGS
Formats string value into the supplied output stream by escaping control characters. If JSON_WRAP_STRINGS is in options, the resulting strings is enclosed in double quotes If JSON_ESCAPE_UNICODE is in options, all unicode characters will be escaped, otherwise only the compulsory ones.
std::string toJSON(
const std::string & value,
int options = Poco::JSON_WRAP_STRINGS
Formats string value by escaping control characters. If JSON_WRAP_STRINGS is in options, the resulting string is enclosed in double quotes If JSON_ESCAPE_UNICODE is in options, all unicode characters will be escaped, otherwise only the compulsory ones.
Returns formatted string. If escapeAllUnicode is true, all unicode characters will be escaped, otherwise only the compulsory ones.
template < class S > S toLower(
const S & str
Returns a copy of str containing all lower-case characters.
template < class S > S & toLowerInPlace(
S & str
Replaces all characters in str with their lower-case counterparts.
template < class S > S toUpper(
const S & str
Returns a copy of str containing all upper-case characters.
template < class S > S & toUpperInPlace(
S & str
Replaces all characters in str with their upper-case counterparts.
template < class S > S translate(
const S & str,
const S & from,
const S & to
Returns a copy of str with all characters in from replaced by the corresponding (by position) characters in to. If there is no corresponding character in to, the character is removed from the copy.
template < class S > S translate(
const S & str,
const typename S::value_type * from,
const typename S::value_type * to
template < class S > S & translateInPlace(
S & str,
const S & from,
const S & to
Replaces in str all occurrences of characters in from with the corresponding (by position) characters in to. If there is no corresponding character, the character is removed.
template < class S > S translateInPlace(
S & str,
const typename S::value_type * from,
const typename S::value_type * to
template < class S > S trim(
const S & str
Returns a copy of str with all leading and trailing whitespace removed.
template < class S > S & trimInPlace(
S & str
Removes all leading and trailing whitespace in str.
template < class S > S trimLeft(
const S & str
Returns a copy of str with all leading whitespace removed.
template < class S > S & trimLeftInPlace(
S & str
Removes all leading whitespace in str.
template < class S > S trimRight(
const S & str
Returns a copy of str with all trailing whitespace removed.
template < class S > S & trimRightInPlace(
S & str
Removes all trailing whitespace in str.
[[deprecated ("use intToStr instead")]]
template < typename T > bool uIntToStr(
T value,
unsigned short base,
char * result,
std::size_t & size,
bool prefix = false,
int width = - 1,
char fill = ' ',
char thSep = 0,
bool lowercase = false
Deprecated. This function issc_deprecated.
Converts unsigned integer to string. Numeric bases from binary to hexadecimal are supported. If width is non-zero, it pads the return value with fill character to the specified width. When padding is zero character ('0'), it is prepended to the number itself; all other paddings are prepended to the formatted result with minus sign or base prefix included If prefix is true and base is octal or hexadecimal, respective prefix ('0' for octal, "0x" for hexadecimal) is prepended. For all other bases, prefix argument is ignored. Formatted string has at least [width] total length.
This function is deprecated; use intToStr instead.
[[deprecated ("use intToStr instead")]]
template < typename T > bool uIntToStr(
T number,
unsigned short base,
std::string & result,
bool prefix = false,
int width = - 1,
char fill = ' ',
char thSep = 0,
bool lowercase = false
Deprecated. This function issc_deprecated.
Converts unsigned integer to string; This is a wrapper function, for details see the bool uIntToStr(T, unsigned short, char*, int, int, char, char) implementation.
This function is deprecated; use intToStr instead.
template < class Key, class T, class Hash = std::hash < Key >, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to < Key >, class Allocator = std::allocator < std::pair < Key, T >>, class ValueTypeContainer = std::deque < std::pair < Key, T >, Allocator >> using OrderedMap = tsl::ordered_map < Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, ValueTypeContainer >;
For documentation, see https://tessil.github.io/ordered-map/
template < class Key, class Hash = std::hash < Key >, class KeyEqual = std::equal_to < Key >, class Allocator = std::allocator < Key >, class ValueTypeContainer = std::deque < Key, Allocator >> using OrderedSet = tsl::ordered_set < Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, ValueTypeContainer >;
For documentation, see https://tessil.github.io/ordered-map/