
class NullMutex

File Information

Library: Foundation
Package: Threading
Header: Poco/Mutex.h


A NullMutex is an empty mutex implementation which performs no locking at all. Useful in policy driven design where the type of mutex used can be now a template parameter allowing the user to switch between thread-safe and not thread-safe depending on his need Works with the ScopedLock class

Member Summary

Member Functions: lock, tryLock, unlock

Types Aliases


using ScopedLock = Poco::ScopedLock < NullMutex >;


NullMutex inline


Creates the NullMutex.


~NullMutex inline


Destroys the NullMutex.

Member Functions

lock inline

void lock();

Does nothing.

lock inline

void lock(

Does nothing.

tryLock inline

bool tryLock();

Does nothing and always returns true.

tryLock inline

bool tryLock(

Does nothing and always returns true.

unlock inline

void unlock();

Does nothing.