
template < class Key, class Mapped, class Container = std::vector < std::pair < Key, Mapped >>, bool CaseSensitive = false >

class ListMap

File Information

Library: Foundation
Package: Core
Header: Poco/ListMap.h


This class implements a multimap in terms of a sequential container. The use for this type of associative container is wherever automatic ordering of elements is not desirable. Naturally, this container will have inferior data retrieval performance and it is not recommended for use with large datasets. The main purpose within POCO is for Internet messages (email message, http headers etc), to prevent automatic header entry reordering.

Member Summary

Member Functions: begin, clear, empty, end, erase, find, insert, operator =, operator [], size, swap

Types Aliases


using ConstIterator = typename Container::const_iterator;


using ConstPointer = const Mapped *;


using ConstReference = const Mapped &;


using Iterator = typename Container::iterator;


using KeyType = Key;


using MappedType = Mapped;


using Pointer = Mapped *;


using Reference = Mapped &;


using SizeType = typename Container::size_type;


using ValueType = typename Container::value_type;


ListMap inline


Creates an empty ListMap.

ListMap inline

explicit ListMap(
    std::size_t initialReserve

Creates the ListMap with room for initialReserve entries.

ListMap inline

    const ListMap & other

ListMap inline

    ListMap && other
) noexcept;

Member Functions

begin inline

ConstIterator begin() const;

Returns the beginning of the map.

begin inline

Iterator begin();

Returns the beginning of the map.

clear inline

void clear();

empty inline

bool empty() const;

end inline

ConstIterator end() const;

Returns the end of the map.

end inline

Iterator end();

Returns the end of the map.

erase inline

void erase(
    Iterator it

erase inline

SizeType erase(
    const KeyType & key

find inline

ConstIterator find(
    const KeyType & key
) const;

Finds the first occurrence of the key and returns iterator pointing to the found entry or iterator pointing to the end if entry is not found.

find inline

Iterator find(
    const KeyType & key

Finds the first occurrence of the key and returns iterator pointing to the found entry or iterator pointing to the end if entry is not found.

insert inline

Iterator insert(
    const ValueType & val

Inserts the value into the map. If one or more values already exist, new value is inserted at the end of the block. Thus, all the equal value entries are located sequentially at all times. Returns iterator pointing to the newly inserted value

operator = inline

ListMap & operator = (
    const ListMap & map

Assigns another ListMap.

operator = inline

ListMap & operator = (
    ListMap && map
) noexcept;

Assigns another ListMap.

operator [] inline

ConstReference operator[] (
    const KeyType & key
) const;

operator [] inline

Reference operator[] (
    const KeyType & key

size inline

std::size_t size() const;

swap inline

void swap(
    ListMap & map
) noexcept;

Swaps the ListMap with another one.