File Information
Library: Foundation
Package: Logging
Header: Poco/Logger.h
Logger is a special Channel that acts as the main entry point into the logging framework.
An application uses instances of the Logger class to generate its log messages and send them on their way to their final destination. Logger instances are organized in a hierarchical, tree-like manner and are maintained by the framework. Every Logger object has exactly one direct ancestor, with the exception of the root logger. A newly created logger inherits its properties - channel and level - from its direct ancestor. Every logger is connected to a channel, to which it passes on its messages. Furthermore, every logger has a log level, which is used for filtering messages based on their priority. Only messages with a priority equal to or higher than the specified level are passed on. For example, if the level of a logger is set to three (PRIO_ERROR), only messages with priority PRIO_ERROR, PRIO_CRITICAL and PRIO_FATAL will propagate. If the level is set to zero, the logger is effectively disabled.
The name of a logger determines the logger's place within the logger hierarchy. The name of the root logger is always "", the empty string. For all other loggers, the name is made up of one or more components, separated by a period. For example, the loggers with the name HTTPServer.RequestHandler and HTTPServer.Listener are descendants of the logger HTTPServer, which itself is a descendant of the root logger. There is no limit as to how deep the logger hierarchy can become. Once a logger has been created and it has inherited the channel and level from its ancestor, it loses the connection to it. So, changes to the level or channel of a logger do not affect its descendants. This greatly simplifies the implementation of the framework and is no real restriction, because almost always levels and channels are set up at application startup and never changed afterwards. Nevertheless, there are methods to simultaneously change the level and channel of all loggers in a certain hierarchy.
There are also convenience macros available that wrap the actual logging statement into a check whether the Logger's log level is sufficient to actually log the message. This allows to increase the application performance if many complex log statements are used. The macros also add the source file path and line number into the log message so that it is available to formatters. Variants of these macros that allow message formatting with Poco::format() are also available.
poco_warning(logger, "This is a warning"); poco_information_f(logger, "An informational message with args: %d, %d", 1, 2);
Direct Base Classes: Channel
All Base Classes: Channel, Configurable, RefCountedObject
Member Summary
Member Functions: add, create, critical, debug, destroy, dump, error, fatal, find, format, formatDump, get, getChannel, getLevel, has, information, is, log, logNPC, name, names, notice, parent, parseLevel, root, setChannel, setLevel, setProperty, shutdown, trace, unsafeGet, warning
Inherited Functions: close, duplicate, getProperty, log, open, referenceCount, release, setProperty
typedef std::map < std::string, Ptr > LoggerMap;
Types Aliases
using Ptr = AutoPtr < Logger >;
const std::string & name,
Channel::Ptr pChannel,
int level
Member Functions
static Logger & create(
const std::string & name,
Channel::Ptr pChannel,
int level = Message::PRIO_INFORMATION
Creates and returns a reference to a Logger with the given name. The Logger's Channel and log level as set as specified.
void critical(
const std::string & msg
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_CRITICAL, creates a Message with priority PRIO_CRITICAL and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
void critical(
const std::string & msg,
const char * file,
int line
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_CRITICAL, creates a Message with priority PRIO_CRITICAL and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
File must be a static string, such as the value of the __FILE__ macro. The string is not copied internally for performance reasons.
template < typename T, typename ... Args > void critical(
const std::string & fmt,
T arg1,
Args && ... args
bool critical() const;
Returns true if the log level is at least PRIO_CRITICAL.
void debug(
const std::string & msg
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_DEBUG, creates a Message with priority PRIO_DEBUG and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
void debug(
const std::string & msg,
const char * file,
int line
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_DEBUG, creates a Message with priority PRIO_DEBUG and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
File must be a static string, such as the value of the __FILE__ macro. The string is not copied internally for performance reasons.
template < typename T, typename ... Args > void debug(
const std::string & fmt,
T arg1,
Args && ... args
bool debug() const;
Returns true if the log level is at least PRIO_DEBUG.
static void destroy(
const std::string & name
Destroys the logger with the specified name. Does nothing if the logger is not found.
After a logger has been destroyed, all references to it become invalid.
void dump(
const std::string & msg,
const void * buffer,
std::size_t length,
Message::Priority prio = Message::PRIO_DEBUG
Logs the given message, followed by the data in buffer.
The data in buffer is written in canonical hex+ASCII form: Offset (4 bytes) in hexadecimal, followed by sixteen space-separated, two column, hexadecimal bytes, followed by the same sixteen bytes as ASCII characters. For bytes outside the range 32 .. 127, a dot is printed.
void error(
const std::string & msg
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_ERROR, creates a Message with priority PRIO_ERROR and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
void error(
const std::string & msg,
const char * file,
int line
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_ERROR, creates a Message with priority PRIO_ERROR and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
File must be a static string, such as the value of the __FILE__ macro. The string is not copied internally for performance reasons.
template < typename T, typename ... Args > void error(
const std::string & fmt,
T arg1,
Args && ... args
bool error() const;
Returns true if the log level is at least PRIO_ERROR.
void fatal(
const std::string & msg
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_FATAL, creates a Message with priority PRIO_FATAL and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
void fatal(
const std::string & msg,
const char * file,
int line
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_FATAL, creates a Message with priority PRIO_FATAL and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
File must be a static string, such as the value of the __FILE__ macro. The string is not copied internally for performance reasons.
template < typename T, typename ... Args > void fatal(
const std::string & fmt,
T arg1,
Args && ... args
bool fatal() const;
Returns true if the log level is at least PRIO_FATAL.
static std::string format(
const std::string & fmt,
const std::string & arg
Replaces all occurrences of $0 in fmt with the string given in arg and returns the result. To include a dollar sign in the result string, specify two dollar signs ($$) in the format string.
static std::string format(
const std::string & fmt,
const std::string & arg0,
const std::string & arg1
Replaces all occurrences of $<n> in fmt with the string given in arg<n> and returns the result. To include a dollar sign in the result string, specify two dollar signs ($$) in the format string.
static std::string format(
const std::string & fmt,
const std::string & arg0,
const std::string & arg1,
const std::string & arg2
Replaces all occurrences of $<n> in fmt with the string given in arg<n> and returns the result. To include a dollar sign in the result string, specify two dollar signs ($$) in the format string.
static std::string format(
const std::string & fmt,
const std::string & arg0,
const std::string & arg1,
const std::string & arg2,
const std::string & arg3
Replaces all occurrences of $<n> in fmt with the string given in arg<n> and returns the result. To include a dollar sign in the result string, specify two dollar signs ($$) in the format string.
static void formatDump(
std::string & message,
const void * buffer,
std::size_t length
Creates a hex-dump of the given buffer and appends it to the given message string.
static Logger & get(
const std::string & name
Returns a reference to the Logger with the given name. If the Logger does not yet exist, it is created, based on its parent logger.
Channel::Ptr getChannel() const;
Returns the Channel attached to the logger.
int getLevel() const;
Returns the Logger's log level.
static Ptr has(
const std::string & name
Returns a pointer to the Logger with the given name if it exists, or a null pointer otherwise.
void information(
const std::string & msg
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_INFORMATION, creates a Message with priority PRIO_INFORMATION and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
void information(
const std::string & msg,
const char * file,
int line
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_INFORMATION, creates a Message with priority PRIO_INFORMATION and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
File must be a static string, such as the value of the __FILE__ macro. The string is not copied internally for performance reasons.
template < typename T, typename ... Args > void information(
const std::string & fmt,
T arg1,
Args && ... args
bool information() const;
Returns true if the log level is at least PRIO_INFORMATION.
bool is(
int level
) const;
Returns true if at least the given log level is set.
void log(
const Message & msg
Logs the given message if its priority is greater than or equal to the Logger's log level.
See also: Poco::Channel::log()
void log(
const Exception & exc
Logs the given exception with priority PRIO_ERROR.
void log(
const Exception & exc,
const char * file,
int line
Logs the given exception with priority PRIO_ERROR.
File must be a static string, such as the value of the __FILE__ macro. The string is not copied internally for performance reasons.
const std::string & name() const;
Returns the name of the logger, which is set as the message source on all messages created by the logger.
static void names(
std::vector < std::string > & names
Fills the given vector with the names of all currently defined loggers.
void notice(
const std::string & msg
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_NOTICE, creates a Message with priority PRIO_NOTICE and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
void notice(
const std::string & msg,
const char * file,
int line
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_NOTICE, creates a Message with priority PRIO_NOTICE and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
File must be a static string, such as the value of the __FILE__ macro. The string is not copied internally for performance reasons.
template < typename T, typename ... Args > void notice(
const std::string & fmt,
T arg1,
Args && ... args
bool notice() const;
Returns true if the log level is at least PRIO_NOTICE.
static int parseLevel(
const std::string & level
Parses a symbolic log level from a string and returns the resulting numeric level.
Valid symbolic levels are:
- none (turns off logging)
- fatal
- critical
- error
- warning
- notice
- information
- debug
- trace
The level is not case sensitive.
static Logger & root();
Returns a reference to the root logger, which is the ultimate ancestor of all Loggers.
void setChannel(
Channel::Ptr pChannel
static void setChannel(
const std::string & name,
Channel::Ptr pChannel
void setLevel(
int level
Sets the Logger's log level.
See Message::Priority for valid log levels. Setting the log level to zero turns off logging for that Logger.
void setLevel(
const std::string & level
Sets the Logger's log level using a symbolic value.
Valid values are:
- none (turns off logging)
- fatal
- critical
- error
- warning
- notice
- information
- debug
- trace
static void setLevel(
const std::string & name,
int level
Sets the given log level on all loggers that are descendants of the Logger with the given name.
void setProperty(
const std::string & name,
const std::string & value
Sets or changes a configuration property.
Only the "channel" and "level" properties are supported, which allow setting the target channel and log level, respectively, via the LoggingRegistry. The "channel" and "level" properties are set-only.
See also: Poco::Channel::setProperty()
static void setProperty(
const std::string & loggerName,
const std::string & propertyName,
const std::string & value
Sets or changes a configuration property for all loggers that are descendants of the Logger with the given name.
static void shutdown();
Shuts down the logging framework and releases all Loggers.
void trace(
const std::string & msg
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_TRACE, creates a Message with priority PRIO_TRACE and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
void trace(
const std::string & msg,
const char * file,
int line
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_TRACE, creates a Message with priority PRIO_TRACE and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
File must be a static string, such as the value of the __FILE__ macro. The string is not copied internally for performance reasons.
template < typename T, typename ... Args > void trace(
const std::string & fmt,
T arg1,
Args && ... args
bool trace() const;
Returns true if the log level is at least PRIO_TRACE.
static Logger & unsafeGet(
const std::string & name
Returns a reference to the Logger with the given name. If the Logger does not yet exist, it is created, based on its parent logger.
WARNING: This method is not thread safe. You should probably use get() instead. The only time this method should be used is during program initialization, when only one thread is running.
void warning(
const std::string & msg
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_WARNING, creates a Message with priority PRIO_WARNING and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
void warning(
const std::string & msg,
const char * file,
int line
If the Logger's log level is at least PRIO_WARNING, creates a Message with priority PRIO_WARNING and the given message text and sends it to the attached channel.
File must be a static string, such as the value of the __FILE__ macro. The string is not copied internally for performance reasons.
template < typename T, typename ... Args > void warning(
const std::string & fmt,
T arg1,
Args && ... args
bool warning() const;
Returns true if the log level is at least PRIO_WARNING.
static void add(
Ptr pLogger
static Ptr find(
const std::string & name
static std::string format(
const std::string & fmt,
int argc,
std::string argv[]
void log(
const std::string & text,
Message::Priority prio
void log(
const std::string & text,
Message::Priority prio,
const char * file,
int line
void logNPC(
const std::string & text,
Message::Priority prio
static Logger & parent(
const std::string & name
static const std::string ROOT;
The name of the root logger ("").