
class Timestamp

File Information

Library: Foundation
Package: DateTime
Header: Poco/Timestamp.h


A Timestamp stores a monotonic* time value with (theoretical) microseconds resolution. Timestamps can be compared with each other and simple arithmetic is supported.

[*] Note that Timestamp values are only monotonic as long as the systems's clock is monotonic as well (and not, e.g. set back due to time synchronization or other reasons).

Timestamps are UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) based and thus independent of the timezone in effect on the system.

The internal reference time is the Unix epoch, midnight, January 1, 1970.

Member Summary

Member Functions: elapsed, epochMicroseconds, epochTime, fromEpochTime, fromUtcTime, isElapsed, operator !=, operator +, operator +=, operator -, operator -=, operator <, operator <=, operator =, operator ==, operator >, operator >=, raw, resolution, swap, update, utcTime

Types Aliases


using TimeDiff = Int64;

Difference between two TimeVal values in microseconds.


using TimeVal = Int64;

Monotonic UTC time value in microsecond resolution, with base time midnight, January 1, 1970.


using UtcTimeVal = Int64;

Monotonic UTC time value in 100 nanosecond resolution, with base time midnight, October 15, 1582.




Creates a timestamp with the current time.


    TimeVal tv

Creates a timestamp from the given time value (microseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970).


    const Timestamp & other

Copy constructor.




Destroys the timestamp

Member Functions

elapsed inline

TimeDiff elapsed() const;

Returns the time elapsed since the time denoted by the timestamp. Equivalent to Timestamp() - *this.

epochMicroseconds inline

TimeVal epochMicroseconds() const;

Returns the timestamp expressed in microseconds since the Unix epoch, midnight, January 1, 1970.

epochTime inline

std::time_t epochTime() const;

Returns the timestamp expressed in time_t. time_t base time is midnight, January 1, 1970. Resolution is one second.

fromEpochTime static

static Timestamp fromEpochTime(
    std::time_t t

Creates a timestamp from a std::time_t.

fromUtcTime static

static Timestamp fromUtcTime(
    UtcTimeVal val

Creates a timestamp from a UTC time value (100 nanosecond intervals since midnight, October 15, 1582).

isElapsed inline

bool isElapsed(
    TimeDiff interval
) const;

Returns true iff the given interval has passed since the time denoted by the timestamp.

operator != inline

bool operator != (
    const Timestamp & ts
) const;

operator + inline

Timestamp operator + (
    TimeDiff d
) const;

operator +

Timestamp operator + (
    const Timespan & span
) const;

operator += inline

Timestamp & operator += (
    TimeDiff d

operator +=

Timestamp & operator += (
    const Timespan & span

operator - inline

Timestamp operator - (
    TimeDiff d
) const;

operator -

Timestamp operator - (
    const Timespan & span
) const;

operator -

TimeDiff operator - (
    const Timestamp & ts
) const;

operator -= inline

Timestamp & operator -= (
    TimeDiff d

operator -=

Timestamp & operator -= (
    const Timespan & span

operator < inline

bool operator < (
    const Timestamp & ts
) const;

operator <= inline

bool operator <= (
    const Timestamp & ts
) const;

operator =

Timestamp & operator = (
    const Timestamp & other

operator =

Timestamp & operator = (
    TimeVal tv

operator == inline

bool operator == (
    const Timestamp & ts
) const;

operator > inline

bool operator > (
    const Timestamp & ts
) const;

operator >= inline

bool operator >= (
    const Timestamp & ts
) const;

raw inline

TimeVal raw() const;

Returns the raw time value.

Same as epochMicroseconds().

resolution static inline

static constexpr TimeDiff resolution();

Returns the resolution in units per second. Since the timestamp has microsecond resolution, the returned value is always 1000000.


void swap(
    Timestamp & timestamp
) noexcept;

Swaps the Timestamp with another one.


void update();

Updates the Timestamp with the current time.

utcTime inline

UtcTimeVal utcTime() const;

Returns the timestamp expressed in UTC-based time. UTC base time is midnight, October 15, 1582. Resolution is 100 nanoseconds.



static const TimeVal TIMEVAL_MAX;

Maximum timestamp value.


static const TimeVal TIMEVAL_MIN;

Minimum timestamp value.