
namespace RemotingNG



Classes: AttributedObject, AuthenticateResult, AuthenticationFailedException, Authenticator, Authorizer, BinaryDeserializer, BinarySerializer, Context, Credentials, Deserializer, DeserializerException, EventDispatcher, EventFilter, EventListener, EventSubscriber, HysteresisFilter, Identifiable, InvalidCredentialsException, IsGreaterThanFilter, IsGreaterThanOrEqualToFilter, IsLessThanFilter, IsLessThanOrEqualToFilter, Listener, LogicalAndFilter, LogicalOrFilter, LogicalXorFilter, MethodHandler, MethodNotFoundException, MinimumDeltaFilter, MinimumIntervalAndDeltaFilter, MinimumIntervalFilter, MinimumIntervalOrDeltaFilter, MissingParamException, NoPermissionException, ORB, ORBDisabledException, ProtocolException, Proxy, ProxyFactory, ProxyFactoryManager, RemoteException, RemoteObject, RemotingException, ScopedContext, SecurityException, Serializer, SerializerBase, SerializerException, ServerHelper, ServerTransport, Skeleton, Transport, TransportException, TransportFactory, TransportFactoryManager, TypeDeserializer, TypeSerializer, URIUtility, UnexpectedMessageException, UnknownEventSubscriberException, UnknownObjectException, UnknownTransportException, UnknownTypeException, WrongReplyException


namespace HTTP

namespace JSONRPC

namespace REST

namespace SOAP

namespace TCP


class AttributedObject

A AttributedObject can hold any number of attributes in the form of name-value pairs. 

class AuthenticateResult

The result of an (intermediate) authenticate request. 

class AuthenticationFailedException


class Authenticator

The Authenticator interface is used for authenticating credentials. 

class Authorizer

The Authorizer interface is used for authorizing incoming requests. 

class BinaryDeserializer

A generic Deserializer using a proprietary binary serialization format based on the Poco::BinaryReader class. 

class BinarySerializer

A generic Serializer using a proprietary binary serialization format based on the Poco::BinaryWriter class. 

class Context

A Context object is used to pass transport-specific information (such as caller IP address or authentication information) to a service method in a generic way. 

class Credentials

This class contains credentials for authentication, in the form of key-value pairs (attributes). 

class Deserializer

The Deserializer interface for transports. 

class DeserializerException


class EventDispatcher

The EventDispatcher is responsible for delivering events fired by service objects to remote subscribers. 

class EventFilter

The interface template for event filters. 

class EventListener

The EventListener class extends the Listener interface with methods for managing event subscriptions on the client side. 

class EventSubscriber

The EventSubscriber is responsible for deserializing and dispatching event messages received from a server via an EventListener to a Proxy object. 

class HysteresisFilter

This filter accepts the value if it falls below the lower threshold or rises above the upper threshold. 

class Identifiable

An Identifiable object stores a TypeId, ObjectId and URI for an object. 

class InvalidCredentialsException


class IsGreaterThanFilter

This filter only accepts values greater than a given limit. 

class IsGreaterThanOrEqualToFilter

This filter only accepts values greater than or equal to a given limit. 

class IsLessThanFilter

This filter only accepts values less than a given limit. 

class IsLessThanOrEqualToFilter

This filter only accepts values less than or equal to a given limit. 

class Listener

A Listener waits for incoming requests and handles them by accepting them and passing them to the ORB for processing. 

class LogicalAndFilter

This filter only accepts values if both of the sub filters accept the value. 

class LogicalOrFilter

This filter only accepts values if at least one of the sub filters accepts the value. 

class LogicalXorFilter

This filter only accepts values if exactly one the sub filters accepts the value. 

class MethodHandler

A MethodHandler deserializes and forwards a remote call to the service object, via the RemoteObject

class MethodNotFoundException


class MinimumDeltaFilter

This filter only accepts values different from the previous accepted value by at least a given delta. 

class MinimumIntervalAndDeltaFilter

This filter enforces a minimum time interval (in microseconds) and minimum delta between accepting values. 

class MinimumIntervalFilter

This filter enforces a minimum time interval (in microseconds) between accepting values. 

class MinimumIntervalOrDeltaFilter

This filter enforces a minimum time interval (in microseconds) or minimum delta between accepting values. 

class MissingParamException


class NoPermissionException


class ORB

The Object Request Broker, or ORB, is the central object in the Remoting machinery. 

class ORBDisabledException


class ProtocolException


class Proxy

A Proxy maintains a connection to a remote endpoint (using a Transport) and sends method invocations to a remote object, using the connection. 

class ProxyFactory

A ProxyFactory is used to create instances of a given Proxy class. 

class ProxyFactoryManager

A ProxyFactoryManager manages all existing ProxyFactory objects in the system. 

class RemoteException


class RemoteObject

A RemoteObject forwards method calls to the local service object. 

class RemotingException


class ScopedContext

Helper class using RAII for Context setup and teardown. 

class SecurityException


class Serializer

The Serializer interface for transports. 

class SerializerBase

SerializerBase is the common base class for Serializer and Deserializer

class SerializerException


class ServerHelper

This class template provides a generic interface to the generated ServerHelper class. 

class ServerTransport

ServerTransport objects are used as mediators between a Listener, receiving a request, and the ORB, Skeleton and MethodHandlers, processing the request. 

class Skeleton

A Skeleton is responsible for demultiplexing incoming requests to the correct service object method, using MethodHandler objects. 

class Transport

Transport objects are responsible for setting up and maintaining a network (or other kind of) connection between Proxy objects on the client side and Listener objects on the server side, and for exchanging messages over that connection. 

class TransportException


class TransportFactory

A TransportFactory creates Transport objects. 

class TransportFactoryManager

A TransportFactoryManager manages TransportFactory objects. 

class TypeDeserializer

TypeDeserializer is used to deserialize the content of a variable for transportation over the network. 

class TypeSerializer

TypeSerializer is used to serialize the content of a variable for transportation over the network. 

class URIUtility

This class provides utility methods for parsing and creating RemotingNG URIs. 

class UnexpectedMessageException


class UnknownEventSubscriberException


class UnknownObjectException


class UnknownTransportException


class UnknownTypeException


class WrongReplyException