File Information
Library: Foundation
Package: Streams
Header: Poco/BinaryWriter.h
This class writes basic types (and std::vectors of these) in binary form into an output stream. It provides an inserter-based interface similar to ostream. The writer also supports automatic conversion from big-endian (network byte order) to little-endian and vice-versa. Use a BinaryReader to read from a stream created by a BinaryWriter. Be careful when exchanging data between systems with different data type sizes (e.g., 32-bit and 64-bit architectures), as the sizes of some of the basic types may be different. For example, writing a long integer on a 64-bit system and reading it on a 32-bit system may yield an incorrent result. Use fixed-size types (Int32, Int64, etc.) in such a case.
Known Derived Classes: BasicMemoryBinaryWriter
Member Summary
Member Functions: bad, byteOrder, fail, flush, good, operator <<, stream, write7BitEncoded, writeBOM, writeCString, writeRaw
the host's native byte-order
big-endian (network) byte-order
big-endian (network) byte-order
little-endian byte-order
std::ostream & ostr,
StreamByteOrder byteOrder = NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER
Creates the BinaryWriter.
std::ostream & ostr,
TextEncoding & encoding,
StreamByteOrder byteOrder = NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER
Creates the BinaryWriter using the given TextEncoding.
Strings will be converted from the currently set global encoding (see Poco::TextEncoding::global()) to the specified encoding.
Destroys the BinaryWriter.
Member Functions
bool bad();
Returns _ostr.bad();
StreamByteOrder byteOrder() const;
Returns the byte ordering used by the writer, which is either BIG_ENDIAN_BYTE_ORDER or LITTLE_ENDIAN_BYTE_ORDER.
bool fail();
void flush();
Flushes the underlying stream.
bool good();
Returns _ostr.good();
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
bool value
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
char value
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
unsigned char value
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
signed char value
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
short value
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
unsigned short value
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
int value
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
unsigned int value
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
long value
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
unsigned long value
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
float value
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
double value
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
long long value
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
unsigned long long value
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
const std::string & value
operator <<
BinaryWriter & operator << (
const char * value
operator <<
template < typename T > BinaryWriter & operator << (
const std::vector < T > & value
std::ostream & stream() const;
Returns the underlying stream.
void write7BitEncoded(
UInt32 value
Writes a 32-bit unsigned integer in a compressed format. The value is written out seven bits at a time, starting with the seven least-significant bits. The high bit of a byte indicates whether there are more bytes to be written after this one. If value will fit in seven bits, it takes only one byte of space. If value will not fit in seven bits, the high bit is set on the first byte and written out. value is then shifted by seven bits and the next byte is written. This process is repeated until the entire integer has been written.
void write7BitEncoded(
UInt64 value
Writes a 64-bit unsigned integer in a compressed format. The value written out seven bits at a time, starting with the seven least-significant bits. The high bit of a byte indicates whether there are more bytes to be written after this one. If value will fit in seven bits, it takes only one byte of space. If value will not fit in seven bits, the high bit is set on the first byte and written out. value is then shifted by seven bits and the next byte is written. This process is repeated until the entire integer has been written.
void writeBOM();
Writes a byte-order mark to the stream. A byte order mark is a 16-bit integer with a value of 0xFEFF, written in host byte-order. A BinaryReader uses the byte-order mark to determine the byte-order of the stream.
void writeCString(
const char * cString,
std::streamsize maxLength = DEFAULT_MAX_CSTR_LENGTH
Writes zero-terminated C-string.
void writeRaw(
const std::string & rawData
Writes the string as-is to the stream.
void writeRaw(
const char * buffer,
std::streamsize length
Writes length raw bytes from the given buffer to the stream.
1024 }
static const std::streamsize DEFAULT_MAX_CSTR_LENGTH { 1024 };