Classes: AbstractInstantiator, ApplicationException, Array, Ascii, AssertionViolationException, AtomicCounter, AtomicFlag, AutoPtr, AutoReleasePool, BadCastException, BasicFIFOBuffer, Buffer, Bugcheck, BugcheckException, ByteOrder, CILess, Checksum, CircularReferenceException, CreateFileException, DataException, DataFormatException, Debugger, DirectoryNotEmptyException, DynamicFactory, Environment, Error, Exception, ExistsException, FPEnvironment, FastMemoryPool, FileAccessDeniedException, FileException, FileExistsException, FileNotFoundException, FileNotReadyException, FileReadOnlyException, Getter, IOException, IllegalStateException, Instantiator, InvalidAccessException, InvalidArgumentException, IsConst, IsReference, LibraryAlreadyLoadedException, LibraryLoadException, ListMap, LogicException, MemoryPool, NDCScope, NamedTuple, NestedDiagnosticContext, NoPermissionException, NoThreadAvailableException, NotFoundException, NotImplementedException, NullPointerException, NullTypeList, NullValueException, Nullable, NumberFormatter, NumberParser, ObjectPool, OpenFileException, Optional, OutOfMemoryException, PathNotFoundException, PathSyntaxException, PoolOverflowException, PoolableObjectFactory, PropertyNotSupportedException, ProtocolException, Ptr, RangeException, ReadFileException, RefCountedObject, ReferenceCounter, RegularExpressionException, ReleaseArrayPolicy, ReleasePolicy, RuntimeException, SharedPtr, SignalException, SingletonHolder, StringTokenizer, SyntaxException, SystemException, TimeoutException, TooManyURIRedirectsException, Tuple, TypeList, TypeListType, TypeSizeGT, TypeSizeLE, TypeWrapper, URISyntaxException, UnhandledException, UnknownURISchemeException, Void, WriteFileException, i_char_traits, poco_static_assert_test
Functions: cat, decimalSeparator, doubleToFixedStr, doubleToStr, endsWith, floatToFixedStr, floatToStr, format, formatAny, icompare, intToStr, isIntOverflow, isNegative, isSafeIntCast, isubstr, makeAuto, makeShared, makeSharedArray, operator !=, operator &, operator &=, operator <, operator <<, operator <=, operator ==, operator >, operator >=, operator [], operator |, operator |=, remove, removeInPlace, replace, replaceInPlace, safeIntCast, safeMultiply, startsWith, strToDouble, strToFloat, strToInt, swap, thousandSeparator, toJSON, toLower, toLowerInPlace, toUpper, toUpperInPlace, translate, translateInPlace, trim, trimInPlace, trimLeft, trimLeftInPlace, trimRight, trimRightInPlace, uIntToStr
class AbstractInstantiator
The common base class for all Instantiator instantiations.
class ApplicationException
class Array
STL container like C-style array replacement class.
class Ascii
This class contains enumerations and static utility functions for dealing with ASCII characters and their properties.
class AssertionViolationException
class AtomicCounter
This class implements a simple counter, which provides atomic operations that are safe to use in a multithreaded environment.
class AtomicFlag
This class implements an atomic boolean flag by wrapping the std::atomic_flag.
class AutoPtr
AutoPtr is a "smart" pointer for classes implementing reference counting based garbage collection.
class AutoReleasePool
An AutoReleasePool implements simple garbage collection for reference-counted objects.
class BadCastException
class BasicFIFOBuffer
A simple buffer class with support for re-entrant, FIFO-style read/write operations, as well as (optional) empty/non-empty/full (i.
class Buffer
A buffer class that allocates a buffer of a given type and size in the constructor and deallocates the buffer in the destructor.
class Bugcheck
This class provides some static methods that are used by the poco_assert_dbg(), poco_assert(), poco_check_ptr(), poco_bugcheck() and poco_unexpected() macros.
class BugcheckException
class ByteOrder
This class contains a number of static methods to convert between big-endian and little-endian integers of various sizes.
struct CILess
Case-insensitive less-than functor; useful for standard maps and sets with std::strings keys and case-insensitive ordering requirement.
class Checksum
This class calculates CRC-32 or Adler-32 checksums for arbitrary data.
class CircularReferenceException
class CreateFileException
class DataException
class DataFormatException
class Debugger
The Debugger class provides an interface to the debugger.
class DirectoryNotEmptyException
class DynamicFactory
A factory that creates objects by class name.
class Environment
This class provides access to environment variables and some general system information.
class Error
The Error class provides utility functions for error reporting.
class Exception
This is the base class for all exceptions defined in the Poco class library.
class ExistsException
class FPEnvironment
Instances of this class can be used to save and later restore the current floating point environment (consisting of rounding mode and floating-point flags).
class FastMemoryPool
FastMemoryPool is a class for pooling fixed-size blocks of memory.
class FileAccessDeniedException
class FileException
class FileExistsException
class FileNotFoundException
class FileNotReadyException
class FileReadOnlyException
struct Getter
class IOException
class IllegalStateException
class Instantiator
A template class for the easy instantiation of instantiators.
class InvalidAccessException
class InvalidArgumentException
struct IsConst
Use this struct to determine if a template type is a const type.
struct IsReference
Use this struct to determine if a template type is a reference.
class LibraryAlreadyLoadedException
class LibraryLoadException
class ListMap
This class implements a multimap in terms of a sequential container.
class LogicException
class MemoryPool
A simple pool for fixed-size memory blocks.
class NDCScope
This class can be used to automatically push a context onto the NDC stack at the beginning of a scope, and to pop the context at the end of the scope.
struct NamedTuple
class NestedDiagnosticContext
This class implements a Nested Diagnostic Context (NDC), as described in Neil Harrison's article "Patterns for Logging Diagnostic Messages" in "Pattern Languages of Program Design 3" (Addison-Wesley).
class NoPermissionException
class NoThreadAvailableException
class NotFoundException
class NotImplementedException
class NullPointerException
struct NullTypeList
class NullValueException
class Nullable
Nullable is a simple wrapper class for value types that allows objects or native type variables to have "null" value.
class NumberFormatter
The NumberFormatter class provides static methods for formatting numeric values into strings.
class NumberParser
The NumberParser class provides static methods for parsing numbers out of strings.
class ObjectPool
An ObjectPool manages a pool of objects of a certain class.
class OpenFileException
class Optional
Optional is a simple wrapper class for value types that allows to introduce a specified/unspecified state to value objects.
class OutOfMemoryException
class PathNotFoundException
class PathSyntaxException
class PoolOverflowException
class PoolableObjectFactory
A PoolableObjectFactory is responsible for creating and resetting objects managed by an ObjectPool.
class PropertyNotSupportedException
class ProtocolException
class Ptr
Utility char pointer wrapper class.
class RangeException
class ReadFileException
class RefCountedObject
A base class for objects that employ reference counting based garbage collection.
class ReferenceCounter
Simple ReferenceCounter object, does not delete itself when count reaches 0.
class RegularExpressionException
class ReleaseArrayPolicy
The release policy for SharedPtr holding arrays.
class ReleasePolicy
The default release policy for SharedPtr, which simply uses the delete operator to delete an object.
class RuntimeException
class SharedPtr
SharedPtr is a "smart" pointer for classes implementing reference counting based garbage collection.
class SignalException
class SingletonHolder
This is a helper template class for managing singleton objects allocated on the heap.
class StringTokenizer
A simple tokenizer that splits a string into tokens, which are separated by separator characters.
class SyntaxException
class SystemException
class TimeoutException
class TooManyURIRedirectsException
struct Tuple
struct TypeList
struct TypeListType
TypeListType takes 1 - 40 typename arguments.
struct TypeSizeGT
struct TypeSizeLE
struct TypeWrapper
Specialization for const char arrays Use the type wrapper if you want to decouple constness and references from template types.
class URISyntaxException
class UnhandledException
class UnknownURISchemeException
class Void
A dummy class with value-type semantics, mostly useful as a template argument.