
class ORB

File Information

Library: RemotingNG
Package: ORB
Header: Poco/RemotingNG/ORB.h


The Object Request Broker, or ORB, is the central object in the Remoting machinery. The ORB is a singleton which manages Listener, RemoteObject and Skeleton instances on the server side, as well as Proxy creation on the client side.

A client can use findObject() to obtain an interface for accessing a service object. Depending on whether the service object has been registered on the same ORB, or not, the ORB will either return a RemoteObject (with forwards calls locally, without the need for serialization/deserialization), or a Proxy.

It is recommended to use the various helper classes (client helper, server helper) generated by the Remoting code generator to obtain an instance of an object instead of using findObject() directly.

Member Summary

Member Functions: findEventDispatcher, findListener, findObject, instance, invoke, listenerIds, listeners, registerClass, registerEventDispatcher, registerListener, registerObject, registerProxyFactory, registerSkeleton, shutdown, skeletonForClass, unregisterClass, unregisterEventDispatcher, unregisterEventDispatchers, unregisterListener, unregisterObject, unregisterProxyFactory, unregisterSkeleton

Nested Classes

struct ObjectRegistration

Event argument for objectRegistered and objectUnregistered events. 

Types Aliases


using ListenerVec = std::vector < Listener::Ptr >;



~ORB protected


Member Functions


EventDispatcher::Ptr findEventDispatcher(
    const std::string & uri,
    const std::string & protocol
) const;

Return the EventDispatcher handling the given protocol, for the RemoteObject identified by URI. The given URI can be a fully-qualified URI (the result of registerObject()), or an object path. The format of an object path is <protocol>/<endpoint>/<typeId>/<objectId>. If an object path is specified, protocol can be empty.

Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if no matching EventDispatcher has been registered.


Listener::Ptr findListener(
    const std::string & listenerId
) const;

Returns the Listener object with the given ID, or a null pointer if no Listener with this ID exists.


Identifiable::Ptr findObject(
    const std::string & uri
) const;

Return an interface for the service object identified by the given URI.

Depending on whether the service object has been registered on the same ORB, or not, the ORB will either return a RemoteObject (with forwards calls locally, without the need for serialization/deserialization), or a Proxy.

The URI must have the following format: <scheme>://<authority>/<protocol>/<typeId>/<objectId>

This method is usually not called directly, but indirectly through the generated client helper class instead. The client helper class performs an appropriate cast to the actual interface class.

The strategy for determining whether the URI references a local object is as follows: First, check whether the URI matches one of the URIs registered with the local ORB. If so, return the matching RemoteObject instance. If no matching URI is found, ask all registered Listener instances whether they "know" the given URI. To do this, first the protocol, TypeId and ObjectId are extracted from the URI. Then, each Listener handling the protocol is asked to create an URI for TypeId and ObjectId. If this URI matches one of the registered URIs, check whether the respective Listener actually handles the endpoint contained in the URI (by calling Listener::handlesURI()). If so, return the RemoteObject. Otherwise, return a new Proxy object.


Identifiable::Ptr findObject(
    const std::string & uri,
    const Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    const std::string & transport
) const;

Return an interface for the service object identified by the given URI, TypeID and transport name. This is useful for Transport implementations that allow the use of URIs that do not conform to the standard Remoting URI format.

Depending on whether the service object has been registered on the same ORB, or not, the ORB will either return a RemoteObject (with forwards calls locally, without the need for serialization/deserialization), or a Proxy.

This method is usually not called directly, but indirectly through the generated client helper class instead. The client helper class performs an appropriate cast to the actual interface class.

If the given URI exactly matches one of the URIs registered with the ORB, the corresponding RemoteObject instance is returned. Otherwise a new Proxy instance is created and returned.

instance static

static ORB & instance();

Returns a reference to the global ORB.


bool invoke(
    const Listener & listener,
    const std::string & uri,
    ServerTransport & transport
) const;

Invoke a method on the object registered for the given Listener and URI.

The ORB will look up the Skeleton registered for the object, and perform the actual invocation through the Skeleton.

Returns true if the object with the given URI was found, false otherwise.

URI can be a complete URI, or a URI path. In any case, only the URI path will be considered. The given URI can be an alias URI, which will be matched against registered aliases.


bool invoke(
    const std::string & objectPath,
    ServerTransport & transport
) const;

Invoke a method on the object registered for the given object path.

The ORB will look up the Skeleton registered for the object, and perform the actual invocation through the Skeleton.

Returns true if the object with the given URI was found, false otherwise.

The format of objectPath is <protocol>/<endpoint>/<typeId>/<objectId>.


std::vector < std::string > listenerIds() const;

Returns a vector containing the IDs of all registered Listener objects.


std::vector < std::string > listenerIds(
    const std::string & protocol
) const;

Returns a vector containing the IDs of all registered Listener objects supporting the given protocol.


ListenerVec listeners() const;

Returns a vector containing all registered Listener objects.


void registerClass(
    const Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    ProxyFactory::Ptr pProxyFactory,
    Skeleton::Ptr pSkeleton

Registers a ProxyFactory for the given class identified by TypeID and Skeleton.

Duplicate registration of a class is ignored.


void registerEventDispatcher(
    const std::string & uri,
    EventDispatcher::Ptr pDispatcher

Registers an EventDispatcher for the RemoteObject with the given URI.

Multiple EventDispatcher objects can be registered for the same RemoteObject, as long as each EventDispatcher uses a different protocol.


std::string registerListener(
    Listener::Ptr pListener

Registers the Listener at the ORB. The local endpoint of the Listener must be unique. Registration will fail with an exception if it is not.

Returns a string uniquely identifying the Listener, which can be used for registering service objects (see registerObject()).


std::string registerObject(
    RemoteObject::Ptr pRemoteObject,
    const std::string & listenerId

Registers a RemoteObject with the ORB and the Listener instance uniquely identified by the Listener ID.

A class (TypeId) must have already been registered for the object.

Duplicate registration of an object results in an exception.

If the registration fails due to the ORB being in shutdown mode, an exception is thrown.

If an URI has been assigned to the RemoteObject (by calling remoting__setURI()), that URI's path is registered as an alias for the object.

Returns the URI created for the object.


void registerProxyFactory(
    const Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    ProxyFactory::Ptr pProxyFactory

Registers a ProxyFactory for the given class identified by TypeID.

Duplicate registration of a class is ignored.


void registerSkeleton(
    const Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    Skeleton::Ptr pSkeleton

Registers a Skeleton for the given class identified by TypeID.

Duplicate registration of a class is ignored.


void shutdown();

Stops all Listener instances and removes them, as well as all RemoteObject and Skeleton instances from the ORB.


Skeleton::Ptr skeletonForClass(
    const Identifiable::TypeId & tid
) const;

Returns a Skeleton for the given type.

Throws an exception if no Skeleton exists for the given TypeId.


void unregisterClass(
    const Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    bool autoRemoveObjects = false

Unregisters ProxyFactory, Skeleton and RemoteObject for the given class identified by TypeID.

If objects are still registered and autoRemoveObjects is false, it will fail with a RemotingException.


void unregisterEventDispatcher(
    const std::string & uri,
    const std::string & protocol

Unregisters the EventDispatcher handling the given protocol from the RemoteObject with the given URI.


void unregisterEventDispatchers(
    const std::string & uri

Unregisters all EventDispatcher objects registered for the RemoteObject with the given URI.


void unregisterListener(
    const std::string & listenerId,
    bool autoRemoveObjects = false

Unregisters a Listener, identified by its ID.

Will automatically remove all service objects associated with that listener if autoRemoveObjects is set to true, otherwise it will check if objects are still registered and will fail with a RemotingException.


void unregisterObject(
    const std::string & uri

Unregisters a service object identified by URI from the ORB, if found.

Skeleton and Transport must still exist.


void unregisterProxyFactory(
    const Identifiable::TypeId & tid

Unregisters a proxy factory for the given type, if found.


void unregisterSkeleton(
    const Identifiable::TypeId & tid,
    bool autoRemoveObjects = false

Unregisters the Skeleton for the given type, if found.

If objects are still registered and autoRemoveObjects is false, it will fail with a RemotingException.



Poco::BasicEvent < const ObjectRegistration > objectRegistered;

Fired when an object has been registered by calling registerObject().


Poco::BasicEvent < const ObjectRegistration > objectUnregistered;

Fired when an object has been unregistered by calling unregisterObject().