
namespace Types


Classes: AbstractAttribute, AbstractAttributeGroup, AbstractElementImpl, AbstractGroup, AbstractList, All, AllIterator, AnnotatedObject, Annotation, AnnotationContent, Any, AnyAttribute, AnyIterator, AppInfo, Attribute, AttributeContent, AttributeGroup, AttributeGroupRef, AttributeHolder, AttributeRef, AttributeTypeRef, Binding, BindingProperties, Choice, ChoiceIterator, CollectionContent, ComplexType, Content, Definitions, Documentation, Element, ElementAlreadyDefinedException, ElementException, ElementImpl, ElementIterator, ElementRef, ElementTypeRef, Enumeration, Field, FractionDigits, Group, GroupRef, IllegalOrderException, InheritanceInfo, InvalidElementException, InvalidTypeException, Key, Keyref, Length, List, ListTypeRef, MaxExclusive, MaxInclusive, MaxLength, Message, MinExclusive, MinInclusive, MinLength, NamespaceManager, Notation, NullElementException, NullTypeException, Operation, Order, OrderContent, OrderIterator, OrderIteratorImpl, Pattern, PortType, QName, Redefine, Schema, SchemaException, Selector, Sequence, SequenceIterator, Service, SimpleRestriction, SimpleRestrictionInlineType, SimpleType, SimpleTypeInheritance, TotalDigits, Type, TypeAlreadyDefinedException, TypeException, TypesManager, Union, Unique, Visitable, Visitor, Whitespace, XSDException, XSDVector

Functions: conflicts


class AbstractAttribute

The base class for all Attribute classes. 

class AbstractAttributeGroup

The base class for all attribute groups. 

class AbstractElementImpl

AbstractElementImpl handles the Element definition case with a named complexType. 

class AbstractGroup


class AbstractList


class All

This class represents the XML Schema all element group. 

class AllIterator

An iterator for iterating over All content groups. 

class AnnotatedObject

AnnotatedObject is the abstract super class for all objects that can store an annotation internally. 

class Annotation

This class represents an Annotation in an XML Schema

class AnnotationContent

AnnotationContent can be of type Any

class Any

This class represents the XML Schema ur-type. 

class AnyAttribute

The AnyAttribute has the special name "*". 

class AnyIterator

An iterator for iterating over Any content groups. 

class AppInfo

Class AppInfo

class Attribute

An Attribute that defines an internal anonymous simple type. 

class AttributeContent

The base class for Attribute and AttributeGroup classes. 

class AttributeGroup

This class represents a group of attributes. 

class AttributeGroupRef

This class represents a reference to a group of attributes. 

class AttributeHolder

Interface for classes storing attributes. 

class AttributeRef

AttributeRef references another Attribute

class AttributeTypeRef

A reference to an attribute type. 

class Binding

This class represents a WSDL Binding

class BindingProperties

This class stores binding information for Operation and PortType objects. 

class Choice

This class represents the XML Schema choice element group. 

class ChoiceIterator

An iterator for iterating over a Choice's content. 

class CollectionContent

CollectionContent is the super-class for all collections. 

class ComplexType

This class represents a complexType in an XML Schema

class Content

Super class for all different types of Content that can be stored in a ComplexType

class Definitions

This class represents an entire WSDL definition. 

class Documentation

This class represents a documentation in an XML Schema

class Element

This class represents an element definition in an XML Schema

class ElementAlreadyDefinedException


class ElementException


class ElementImpl

ElementImpl handles the Element definition case with a unnamed complexType that is defined internally in the Element 

class ElementIterator

An iterator for iterating over an Element's content. 

class ElementRef

An ElementRef always references another root-level element. 

class ElementTypeRef

ElementTypeRef handles the Element definition case with a given external type. 

class Enumeration

This class represents an enumeration facet in an XML Schema

class Field

This class represents a field property in an XML Schema

class FractionDigits

This class represents an fractionDigits facet in an XML Schema

class Group

This class represents an element group in an XML Schema

class GroupRef

This class represents a reference to an element group in an XML Schema

class IllegalOrderException


class InheritanceInfo

Class InheritanceInfo models inheritance information for complex types. 

class InvalidElementException


class InvalidTypeException


class Key

This class represents a key property in an XML Schema

class Keyref


class Length

This class represents a length facet in an XML Schema

class List

class List that references an existing item type. 

class ListTypeRef

This class represents a reference to a list type in an XML Schema

class MaxExclusive

This class represents a maxExclusive facet in an XML Schema

class MaxInclusive

This class represents a maxInclusive facet in an XML Schema

class MaxLength

This class represents a maxLength facet in an XML Schema

class Message

This class represents a WSDL message. 

class MinExclusive

This class represents a minExclusive facet in an XML Schema

class MinInclusive

This class represents a minInclusive facet in an XML Schema

class MinLength

This class represents a minLength facet in an XML Schema

class NamespaceManager

A NamespaceManager stores all known namespaces and assigns an id to each namespace. 

class Notation

This class represents a notation in an XML Schema

class NullElementException


class NullTypeException


class Operation

This class represents a WSDL Operation, including SOAP binding information. 

class Order

Abstract super class for collections of OrderContent elements. 

class OrderContent

OrderContent is the super class for all children of an Order, ie. 

class OrderIterator

An iterator type for iterating over the content of XML schema types. 

class OrderIteratorImpl

OrderIteratorImpl is the interface for all different Iterator implementations. 

class Pattern

This class represents a pattern facet in an XML Schema

class PortType

This class represents a WSDL PortType, which is a collection of Operation objects. 

class QName

A Qualified Name. 

class Redefine


class Schema

This class represents an entire XML Schema definition. 

class SchemaException


class Selector

This class represents a selector property in an XML Schema

class Sequence

This class represents the XML Schema sequence element group. 

class SequenceIterator

An iterator for iterating over Sequence content groups. 

class Service

This class represents a WSDL Service

class SimpleRestriction

This class represents a simple restriction in an XML Schema

class SimpleRestrictionInlineType


class SimpleType

This class represents a simple XML Schema type. 

class SimpleTypeInheritance

Describes how a simple type extends from another one. 

class TotalDigits

This class represents a totalDigits facet in an XML Schema

class Type

Super class for all Types

class TypeAlreadyDefinedException


class TypeException


class TypesManager

TypesManager manages all known schemas with types and exported elements. 

class Union

This class represents a Union in an XML Schema

class Unique

This class represents a unique property in an XML Schema

class Visitable

Interface class Visitable, used to implement visitor pattern. 

class Visitor

The Visitor interface. 

class Whitespace

This class represents a whiteSpace facet in an XML Schema

class XSDException


class XSDVector

Class XSDVector is the root class for all simple list types. 



bool conflicts(
    const Schema & s1,
    const Schema & s2

Compares two schemas. A schema conflicts with one another when they have the same namespace but different defaults