
class Schema

File Information

Library: XSD/Types
Package: XSDTypes
Header: Poco/XSD/Types/Schema.h


This class represents an entire XML Schema definition.


Direct Base Classes: AnnotatedObject

All Base Classes: Poco::RefCountedObject, AnnotatedObject, Visitable

Member Summary

Member Functions: accept, addAttribute, addAttributeGroup, addElement, addGroup, addImportedSchema, addNotation, addType, attributeGroups, attributes, blockExtension, blockRestriction, blockSubstitution, elements, finalExtension, finalList, finalRestriction, finalUnion, fixup, getAttribute, getAttributeGroup, getElement, getGroup, getNotation, getType, groups, includeSchema, notations, qualifiedAttributeForm, qualifiedElementForm, targetNamespace, types

Inherited Functions: accept, addAnnotation, duplicate, getAnnotations, id, referenceCount, release



typedef std::map < std::string, AbstractAttributeGroup::Ptr > AttributeGroups;


typedef std::map < std::string, AbstractAttribute::Ptr > Attributes;


typedef Element::Ptr ElementPtr;


typedef std::map < std::string, ElementPtr > Elements;


typedef std::map < std::string, Group::Ptr > Groups;


typedef std::map < std::string, Notation::Ptr > Notations;


typedef Poco::AutoPtr < Schema > Ptr;


typedef std::vector < Ptr > Schemas;


typedef Type::Ptr TypePtr;


typedef std::map < std::string, TypePtr > Types;



    const std::string & targetNS,
    bool qualifiedAttributeForm,
    bool qualifiedElementForm,
    bool blockExtension,
    bool blockRestriction,
    bool blockSubstitution,
    bool finalExtension,
    bool finalRestriction,
    bool finalList,
    bool finalUnion,
    bool needsFixup = true

Creates the Schema.


~Schema virtual


Destroys the Schema.

Member Functions

accept virtual

void accept(
    Visitor & v
) const;


void addAttribute(
    AbstractAttribute::Ptr pAttr

Adds an attribute to the Schema, will fail if the attribute already exists. Note that once an attribute was added to the Schema, it can not be removed!


void addAttributeGroup(
    AbstractAttributeGroup::Ptr pAttr

Adds an attributegroup to the Schema, will fail if the attributegroup already exists. Note that once an attributegroup was added to the Schema, it can not be removed!


void addElement(
    ElementPtr pElem

Adds an Element to the Schema, will fail if the element already exists. Note that once an element was added to the Schema, it can not be removed!


void addGroup(
    Group::Ptr pAttr

Adds a group to the Schema, will fail if the group already exists. Note that once a group was added to the Schema, it can not be removed!


void addImportedSchema(
    Ptr pSchema

Adds an imported schema.


void addNotation(
    Notation::Ptr ptr

Adds an Notation to the Schema, will fail if the Notation already exists. Note that once an Notation was added to the Schema, it can not be removed!


void addType(
    TypePtr pType

Adds a type to the Schema, will fail if the type already exists. Note that once a type was added to the Schema, it can not be removed!

attributeGroups inline

const Schema::AttributeGroups & attributeGroups() const;

Returns all attribute groups exported by the schema

attributes inline

const Schema::Attributes & attributes() const;

Returns all attributes exported by the schema

blockExtension inline

bool blockExtension() const;

Are extensions forbidden?

blockRestriction inline

bool blockRestriction() const;

Are restrictions forbidden?

blockSubstitution inline

bool blockSubstitution() const;

Is substitution forbidden?

elements inline

const Schema::Elements & elements() const;

Returns all elements exported by the schema

finalExtension inline

bool finalExtension() const;

Is the default for extension final?

finalList inline

bool finalList() const;

Is the default for list final?

finalRestriction inline

bool finalRestriction() const;

Is the default for restriction final?

finalUnion inline

bool finalUnion() const;

Is the default for union final?


void fixup();


const AbstractAttribute * getAttribute(
    const std::string & name
) const;

Returns a attribute for the given name, returns a null pointer if not found


const AbstractAttributeGroup * getAttributeGroup(
    const std::string & name
) const;

Returns an attributegroup for the given name, returns a null pointer if not found


const Element * getElement(
    const std::string & name
) const;

Returns an element for the given name, returns a null pointer if not found


const Group * getGroup(
    const std::string & name
) const;

Returns a group for the given name, returns a null pointer if not found


const Notation * getNotation(
    const std::string & name
) const;

Returns a Notation for the given name, returns a null pointer if not found


const Type * getType(
    const std::string & name
) const;

Returns a type for the given name, returns a null pointer if not found

groups inline

const Schema::Groups & groups() const;

Returns all groups exported by the schema


void includeSchema(
    Ptr pSchema

Includes the given schema.

notations inline

const Schema::Notations & notations() const;

Returns all notations of the schema

qualifiedAttributeForm inline

bool qualifiedAttributeForm() const;

Are attributes qualified?

qualifiedElementForm inline

bool qualifiedElementForm() const;

Are elements qualified?

targetNamespace inline

const std::string & targetNamespace() const;

The namespace of the Schema

types inline

const Schema::Types & types() const;

Returns all types of the schema