Classes: AbstractGroup, AbstractList, All, AnnotatedObject, Annotation, AnnotationContent, Any, AppInfo, Choice, CollectionContent, ComplexType, Content, Definitions, Documentation, ElementAlreadyDefinedException, ElementException, Group, GroupRef, IllegalOrderException, InheritanceInfo, InvalidElementException, InvalidTypeException, List, ListTypeRef, NamespaceManager, Notation, NullElementException, NullTypeException, Order, OrderContent, QName, Redefine, Schema, SchemaException, Sequence, SimpleRestriction, SimpleRestrictionInlineType, SimpleType, SimpleTypeInheritance, Type, TypeAlreadyDefinedException, TypeException, TypesManager, Union, XSDException, XSDVector
Functions: conflicts
class AbstractGroup
class AbstractList
class All
This class represents the XML Schema all element group.
class AnnotatedObject
AnnotatedObject is the abstract super class for all objects that can store an annotation internally.
class Annotation
This class represents an Annotation in an XML Schema.
class AnnotationContent
AnnotationContent can be of type Any.
class Any
This class represents the XML Schema ur-type.
class AppInfo
class Choice
This class represents the XML Schema choice element group.
class CollectionContent
CollectionContent is the super-class for all collections.
class ComplexType
This class represents a complexType in an XML Schema.
class Content
Super class for all different types of Content that can be stored in a ComplexType.
class Definitions
This class represents an entire WSDL definition.
class Documentation
This class represents a documentation in an XML Schema.
class ElementAlreadyDefinedException
class ElementException
class Group
This class represents an element group in an XML Schema.
class GroupRef
This class represents a reference to an element group in an XML Schema.
class IllegalOrderException
class InheritanceInfo
Class InheritanceInfo models inheritance information for complex types.
class InvalidElementException
class InvalidTypeException
class List
class List that references an existing item type.
class ListTypeRef
This class represents a reference to a list type in an XML Schema.
class NamespaceManager
A NamespaceManager stores all known namespaces and assigns an id to each namespace.
class Notation
This class represents a notation in an XML Schema.
class NullElementException
class NullTypeException
class Order
Abstract super class for collections of OrderContent elements.
class OrderContent
OrderContent is the super class for all children of an Order, ie.
class QName
class Redefine
class Schema
This class represents an entire XML Schema definition.
class SchemaException
class Sequence
This class represents the XML Schema sequence element group.
class SimpleRestriction
This class represents a simple restriction in an XML Schema.
class SimpleRestrictionInlineType
class SimpleType
This class represents a simple XML Schema type.
class SimpleTypeInheritance
Describes how a simple type extends from another one.
class Type
class TypeAlreadyDefinedException
class TypeException
class TypesManager
TypesManager manages all known schemas with types and exported elements.
class Union
This class represents a Union in an XML Schema.
class XSDException
class XSDVector
Class XSDVector is the root class for all simple list types.