
class Listener

File Information

Library: RemotingNG/JSONRPC
Package: JSONRPC
Header: Poco/RemotingNG/JSONRPC/Listener.h


The RemotingNG Listener implementation for the JSONRPC transport.

For more information, please see the Transport class.


Direct Base Classes: Poco::RemotingNG::Listener

All Base Classes: Poco::RefCountedObject, Poco::RemotingNG::Listener

Member Summary

Member Functions: createURI, enableCORS, enableChunkedTransferEncoding, enableCompression, getCORSAllowedOrigin, handlesURI, isCORSEnabled, isChunkedTransferEncodingEnabled, isCompressionEnabled, protocol, registerObject, setCORSAllowedOrigin, start, stop, unregisterObject

Inherited Functions: createURI, duplicate, endPoint, getAuthenticator, getAuthorizer, handlesURI, protocol, referenceCount, registerObject, release, setAuthenticator, setAuthorizer, start, stop, unregisterObject

Types Aliases


using Ptr = Poco::AutoPtr < Listener >;







    const std::string & endPoint,
    Protocol proto

Creates a Listener for the given endpoint, which must be in <host>:<port> format.

The value specified for proto determines the URI scheme used by createURI().

Note that the Listener instance created by this constructor does not actually accept requests itself. It merely registers an endpoint in the ORB. A Poco::Net::HTTPServer must be created for accepting JSON-RPC requests using a JSONRPCRequestHandler.


    const std::string & endPoint,
    Poco::Net::HTTPServerParams::Ptr pParams = new Poco::Net::HTTPServerParams

Creates a Listener for the given endpoint, which must be in <host>:<port> format.

This constructor will create a Poco::Net::HTTPServer instance for handling incoming JSONRPC requests, using a Poco::Net::ServerSocket bound to endPoint.


    const std::string & endPoint,
    const Poco::Net::ServerSocket & socket,
    Poco::Net::HTTPServerParams::Ptr pParams = new Poco::Net::HTTPServerParams

Creates a Listener for the given endpoint, which must be in <host>:<port> format.

This constructor will create a Poco::Net::HTTPServer instance using the given server socket for handling incoming JSONRPC requests. The given server socket can be a Poco::Net::ServerSocket or a Poco::Net::SecureServerSocket which must be bound to a socket address corresponding to the given endPoint.


~Listener virtual


Destroys the Listener.

Member Functions


std::string createURI(
    const Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable::TypeId & typeId,
    const Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable::ObjectId & objectId


void enableCORS(
    bool enable = true

Enables or disables CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing). Default is disabled.


void enableChunkedTransferEncoding(
    bool enable = true

Enables or disables chunked transfer encoding for responses. Default is enabled.


void enableCompression(
    bool enable = true

Enables or disables GZIP compression for responses. Default is enabled.

Note that chunked transfer encoding must also be enabled in order to allow compression.

getCORSAllowedOrigin inline

const std::string & getCORSAllowedOrigin() const;

Retuns the CORS allowed origin.

See setCORSAllowedOrigin() for more information.

handlesURI virtual

bool handlesURI(
    const std::string & uri

isCORSEnabled inline

bool isCORSEnabled() const;

Returns true iff CORS is enabled.

isChunkedTransferEncodingEnabled inline

bool isChunkedTransferEncodingEnabled() const;

Returns true iff chunked transfer encoding is enabled for responses.

isCompressionEnabled inline

bool isCompressionEnabled() const;

Returns true iff GZIP compression is enabled for responses.

protocol virtual

const std::string & protocol() const;


void registerObject(
    Poco::RemotingNG::RemoteObject::Ptr pRemoteObject,
    Poco::RemotingNG::Skeleton::Ptr pSkeleton


void setCORSAllowedOrigin(
    const std::string & origin

Sets the CORS allowed origin.

Can be empty (default), an asterisk ("*"), or a specific origin in the form of a complete http(s) URL ("http://domain.com").

In case of an empty origin specified here, all origins will be accepted and the origin specified by the client will simply be echoed back. If an asterisk is specified, again, all origins will be accepted, but the asterisk will be sent back to the client in the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header. If any other origin is given, the origin presented by the client must exactly match the specified origin for the request to be accepted.

start virtual

void start();

stop virtual

void stop();


void unregisterObject(
    Poco::RemotingNG::RemoteObject::Ptr pRemoteObject