
class BundleLoader

File Information

Library: OSP
Package: Bundle
Header: Poco/OSP/BundleLoader.h


The BundleLoader is used internally by the framework to manage Bundle and BundleContext objects, and to load shared libraries containing BundleActivator classes.

The BundleLoader uses the logger osp.core.BundleLoader to write diagnostic messages.

Member Summary

Member Functions: contextForBundle, createBundle, events, findBundle, installLibraries, installLibrary, isProvidingModule, isResolving, libraryNameFor, libraryPathFor, listBundles, listLibraries, loadActivator, loadBundle, makeValidFileName, nextBundleId, osArchitecture, osName, pathForLibrary, resolveAllBundles, resolveBundle, resolveDependencies, resolveDependency, resolveModules, resolveProviders, sortBundles, startAllBundles, startBundle, startDependencies, stopAllBundles, stopBundle, uninstallBundle, uninstallLibraries, unloadActivator, unloadAllBundles, unloadBundle

Nested Classes

struct BundleError


struct BundleInfo


Types Aliases


using ActivatorClassLoader = Poco::ClassLoader < BundleActivator >;


using ActivatorClassLoaderPtr = Poco::SharedPtr < ActivatorClassLoader >;


using BundleMap = std::map < std::string, BundleInfo >;


using BundleSet = std::set < Bundle * >;



    CodeCache & codeCache,
    BundleFactory::Ptr pBundleFactory,
    BundleContextFactory::Ptr pBundleContextFactory,
    bool autoUpdateCodeCache = true

Creates the BundleLoader.


    CodeCache & codeCache,
    BundleFactory::Ptr pBundleFactory,
    BundleContextFactory::Ptr pBundleContextFactory,
    const std::string & osName,
    const std::string & osArch,
    bool autoUpdateCodeCache = true

Creates the BundleLoader.




Destroys the BundleLoader.

Member Functions


BundleContext::Ptr contextForBundle(
    Bundle::ConstPtr pBundle
) const;

Returns the BundleContext for the given bundle.


Bundle::Ptr createBundle(
    const std::string & path

Loads a bundle from the given path.

A new Bundle object is created for the bundle, and the Bundle's state is BUNDLE_INSTALLED. The bundle is not added to the bundle map.

events inline

BundleEvents & events();

Returns a reference to the BundleEvents object.


Bundle::ConstPtr findBundle(
    const std::string & symbolicName
) const;

Returns the Bundle object for the bundle with the given symbolic name, or NULL if the bundle does not exist.


Bundle::ConstPtr findBundle(
    int id
) const;

Returns the Bundle object for the bundle with the given ID, or NULL if the bundle does not exist.


void listBundles(
    std::vector < Bundle::Ptr > & bundles
) const;

Fills the given vector with all bundles known to the loader.


void listBundles(
    std::vector < Bundle::Ptr > & bundles,
    BundleFilter::Ptr pFilter
) const;

Fills the given vector with all bundles known to the loader, filtered by the given BundleFilter.


Bundle::Ptr loadBundle(
    const std::string & path

Loads a bundle from the given path. A new Bundle object is created for the bundle, and the Bundle's state is BUNDLE_INSTALLED.

The bundle is then added to the bundle map. If another version of the same bundle is already loaded, a BundleVersionConflictException is thrown.

Returns the new Bundle object.


void loadBundle(
    Bundle::Ptr pBundle

Loads the given Bundle, which must have been created with createBundle().

The bundle is then added to the bundle map. If another version of the same bundle is already loaded, a BundleVersionConflictException is thrown.


int nextBundleId();

Returns a new unique bundle ID.

osArchitecture inline

const std::string & osArchitecture() const;

Returns the name of the hardware architecture.

osName inline

const std::string & osName() const;

Returns the name of the operating system.


std::string pathForLibrary(
    const std::string & libraryName

Returns the full path for the library with the given libraryName. If libraryName is the empty string, return the path to the code cache directory.


void resolveAllBundles();

Resolves all bundles.

If a bundle cannot be resolved, an error is logged and the loader will continue to resolve other bundles.


void startAllBundles();

Starts all bundles, ordered by their run level. If a bundle has the lazyStart property set, that bundle won't be started unless another bundle requires it.

Bundles with lower run levels will be started before bundles with higher run levels.

If a bundle cannot be started, an error will be logged, and the loader will continue to load other bundles.


void stopAllBundles();

Stops all bundles.

Bundles are stopped in order of their depedencies.


void unloadAllBundles();

Stops and unloads all bundles.


void unloadBundle(
    Bundle::Ptr pBundle

Unloads the given bundle.

The bundle is removed from the bundle map and its activator library, if loaded, is unloaded.

installLibraries protected

void installLibraries(
    Bundle * pBundle

Copies all shared libraries in the bundle (for the current platform) to the code cache.

installLibrary protected

void installLibrary(
    Bundle * pBundle,
    const Poco::Path & p,
    const Poco::Timestamp * pTS = 0

Copies the library to the code cache. If timestamp is provided, the file creation date is modified to the given time.

isProvidingModule protected static

static bool isProvidingModule(
    Bundle::Ptr pBundle,
    const BundleManifest::Dependency & module

Checks whether the given bundle provides the given module.

isResolving protected

bool isResolving(
    Bundle * pBundle
) const;

Returns true if and only if the given bundle is currently being resolved.

libraryNameFor protected

const std::string & libraryNameFor(
    Bundle * pBundle

Returns the library name for the library containing the activator for the given bundle.

libraryPathFor protected

std::string libraryPathFor(
    Bundle * pBundle

Returns the library path for the library containing the activator for the given bundle.

listLibraries protected

void listLibraries(
    Bundle * pBundle,
    std::vector < std::string > & list

Lists all shared libraries contained in the bundle for the current platform.

loadActivator protected

BundleActivator * loadActivator(
    BundleInfo & bundleInfo

Loads the activator for the given bundle, unless it has already been loaded.

makeValidFileName protected static

static void makeValidFileName(
    std::string & name

Replaces all non alphanumeric characters in name with an underscore.

resolveBundle protected

void resolveBundle(
    Bundle * pBundle

Resolves the given bundle.

resolveDependencies protected

void resolveDependencies(
    Bundle * pBundle,
    const BundleManifest::Dependencies & deps

Resolves all direct dependencies of the given bundle.

resolveDependency protected

void resolveDependency(
    Bundle * pBundle,
    const BundleManifest::Dependency & dependency

Resolves a single dependency of a bundle.

resolveModules protected

Bundle::ModuleProviders resolveModules(
    Bundle * pBundle
) const;

Determines the bundles providing the required modules.

resolveProviders protected

void resolveProviders(
    Bundle * pBundle,
    const Bundle::ModuleProviders & providers

Resolves the module providers for the given bundle.

sortBundles protected

void sortBundles(
    std::vector < Bundle::Ptr > & bundles
) const;

Sorts all bundles topologically, based on their dependencies.

The bundles are sorted in such a way so that bundles can be safely stopped in the resulting order.

startBundle protected

void startBundle(
    Bundle * pBundle

Starts the given bundle.

startDependencies protected

void startDependencies(
    Bundle * pBundle

Starts all bundles that the given bundle requires to run.

stopBundle protected

void stopBundle(
    Bundle * pBundle

Stops the given bundle.

uninstallBundle protected

void uninstallBundle(
    Bundle * pBundle

Uninstalls the given bundle.

uninstallLibraries protected

void uninstallLibraries(
    Bundle * pBundle

Removes all shared libraries belonging to the given bundle from the code cache.

unloadActivator protected

void unloadActivator(
    BundleInfo & bundleInfo

Unloads the activator for the given bundle.



Poco::BasicEvent < const BundleError > bundleError;

Fired when an error occurs while resolving or starting a bundle.