
class SecureStreamSocketImpl

Library: NetSSL_OpenSSL
Package: SSLSockets
Header: Poco/Net/SecureStreamSocketImpl.h


This class implements a SSL stream socket.


Direct Base Classes: StreamSocketImpl

All Base Classes: SocketImpl, StreamSocketImpl, Poco::RefCountedObject

Member Summary

Member Functions: abort, acceptConnection, acceptSSL, available, bind, close, completeHandshake, connect, connectNB, connectSSL, context, currentSession, error, getBlocking, getLazyHandshake, getPeerHostName, getRawOption, havePeerCertificate, lastError, listen, peerCertificate, receiveBytes, receiveFrom, secure, sendBytes, sendTo, sendUrgent, sessionWasReused, setBlocking, setLazyHandshake, setPeerHostName, setRawOption, shutdown, shutdownReceive, shutdownSend, useSession, verifyPeerCertificate

Inherited Functions: acceptConnection, address, available, bind, bind6, checkBrokenTimeout, close, connect, connectNB, duplicate, error, fcntl, getBlocking, getBroadcast, getError, getKeepAlive, getLinger, getNoDelay, getOOBInline, getOption, getRawOption, getReceiveBufferSize, getReceiveTimeout, getReuseAddress, getReusePort, getSendBufferSize, getSendTimeout, init, initSocket, initialized, ioctl, lastError, listen, peerAddress, poll, receiveBytes, receiveFrom, referenceCount, release, reset, secure, sendBytes, sendFile, sendFileBlockwise, sendFileNative, sendTo, sendUrgent, setBlocking, setBroadcast, setKeepAlive, setLinger, setNoDelay, setOOBInline, setOption, setRawOption, setReceiveBufferSize, setReceiveTimeout, setReuseAddress, setReusePort, setSendBufferSize, setSendTimeout, shutdown, shutdownReceive, shutdownSend, socketError, sockfd, type, useFileDescriptor



    Context::Ptr pContext

Creates the SecureStreamSocketImpl.


    StreamSocketImpl * pStreamSocket,
    Context::Ptr pContext

Creates the SecureStreamSocketImpl.


~SecureStreamSocketImpl protected virtual

~SecureStreamSocketImpl() override;

Destroys the SecureStreamSocketImpl.

Member Functions


void abort();

Aborts the connection by closing the underlying TCP connection. No orderly SSL shutdown is performed.

acceptConnection virtual

SocketImpl * acceptConnection(
    SocketAddress & clientAddr
) override;

Not supported by a SecureStreamSocket.

Throws a Poco::InvalidAccessException.

available virtual

int available() override;

Returns the number of bytes available that can be read without causing the socket to block.

For an SSL connection, returns the number of bytes that can be read from the currently buffered SSL record, before a new record is read from the underlying socket.

bind virtual

void bind(
    const SocketAddress & address,
    bool reuseAddress = false
) override;

Not supported by a SecureStreamSocket.

Throws a Poco::InvalidAccessException.

close virtual

void close() override;

Close the socket.


int completeHandshake();

Completes the SSL handshake.

If the SSL connection was the result of an accept(), the server-side handshake is completed, otherwise a client-side handshake is performed.

connect virtual

void connect(
    const SocketAddress & address
) override;

Initializes the socket and establishes a connection to the TCP server at the given address.

Can also be used for UDP sockets. In this case, no connection is established. Instead, incoming and outgoing packets are restricted to the specified address.

connect virtual

void connect(
    const SocketAddress & address,
    const Poco::Timespan & timeout
) override;

Initializes the socket, sets the socket timeout and establishes a connection to the TCP server at the given address.

connectNB virtual

void connectNB(
    const SocketAddress & address
) override;

Initializes the socket and establishes a connection to the TCP server at the given address. Prior to opening the connection the socket is set to nonblocking mode.

context inline

Context::Ptr context() const;

Returns the SSL context used by this socket.

currentSession inline

Session::Ptr currentSession();

Returns the SSL session of the current connection, for reuse in a future connection (if session caching is enabled).

If no connection is established, returns null.

getBlocking virtual

virtual bool getBlocking() const override;


bool getLazyHandshake() const;

Returns true if setLazyHandshake(true) has been called.

getPeerHostName inline

const std::string & getPeerHostName() const;

Returns the peer host name.

getRawOption virtual

virtual void getRawOption(
    int level,
    int option,
    void * value,
    socklen_t & length
) override;


bool havePeerCertificate() const;

Returns true iff the peer has presented a certificate.

listen virtual

void listen(
    int backlog = 64
) override;

Not supported by a SecureStreamSocket.

Throws a Poco::InvalidAccessException.


X509Certificate peerCertificate() const;

Returns the peer's X509 certificate.

Throws a SSLException if the peer did not present a certificate.

receiveBytes virtual

int receiveBytes(
    void * buffer,
    int length,
    int flags = 0
) override;

Receives data from the socket and stores it in buffer. Up to length bytes are received.

Returns the number of bytes received.

receiveFrom virtual

int receiveFrom(
    void * buffer,
    int length,
    SocketAddress & address,
    int flags = 0
) override;

Not supported by a SecureStreamSocket.

Throws a Poco::InvalidAccessException.

secure virtual

bool secure() const override;

Returns true iff the socket's connection is secure (using SSL or TLS).

sendBytes virtual

int sendBytes(
    const void * buffer,
    int length,
    int flags = 0
) override;

Sends the contents of the given buffer through the socket. Any specified flags are ignored.

Returns the number of bytes sent, which may be less than the number of bytes specified.

sendTo virtual

int sendTo(
    const void * buffer,
    int length,
    const SocketAddress & address,
    int flags = 0
) override;

Not supported by a SecureStreamSocket.

Throws a Poco::InvalidAccessException.

sendUrgent virtual

void sendUrgent(
    unsigned char data
) override;

Not supported by a SecureStreamSocket.

Throws a Poco::InvalidAccessException.

sessionWasReused inline

bool sessionWasReused();

Returns true iff a reused session was negotiated during the handshake.

setBlocking virtual

virtual void setBlocking(
    bool flag
) override;


void setLazyHandshake(
    bool flag = true

Enable lazy SSL handshake. If enabled, the SSL handshake will be performed the first time date is sent or received over the connection.

setPeerHostName inline

void setPeerHostName(
    const std::string & hostName

Sets the peer host name for certificate validation purposes.

setRawOption virtual

virtual void setRawOption(
    int level,
    int option,
    const void * value,
    socklen_t length
) override;

shutdown virtual

int shutdown() override;

Shuts down the SSL connection.

Same as shutdownSend().

shutdownReceive virtual

void shutdownReceive() override;

Shuts down the receiving part of the socket connection.

Since SSL does not support a half shutdown, this does nothing.

shutdownSend virtual

int shutdownSend() override;

Shuts down the receiving part of the socket connection.

Sends a close notify shutdown alert message to the peer (if not sent yet), then calls shutdownSend() on the underlying socket.

Returns 0 if the message has been sent. Returns 1 if the message has been sent, but the peer has not yet sent its shutdown alert message. In case of a non-blocking socket, returns < 0 if the message cannot be sent at the moment. In this case, the call to shutdownSend() must be retried after the underlying socket becomes writable again.

useSession inline

void useSession(
    Session::Ptr pSession

Sets the SSL session to use for the next connection. Setting a previously saved Session object is necessary to enable session caching.

To remove the currently set session, a null pointer can be given.

Must be called before connect() to be effective.


void verifyPeerCertificate();

Performs post-connect (or post-accept) peer certificate validation, using the peer's IP address as host name.


void verifyPeerCertificate(
    const std::string & hostName

Performs post-connect (or post-accept) peer certificate validation using the given host name.

acceptSSL protected

void acceptSSL();

Performs a SSL server-side handshake.

connectSSL protected

void connectSSL();

Performs a SSL client-side handshake on an already connected TCP socket.

error protected static inline

static void error();

error protected static

static void error(
    const std::string & arg

error protected static

static void error(
    int code

error protected static

static void error(
    int code,
    const std::string & arg

lastError protected static inline

static int lastError();