Library: Foundation
Package: Core
Header: Poco/Any.h
Any class represents a general type and is capable of storing any type, supporting type-safe extraction of the internally stored data.
Code taken from the Boost 1.33.1 library. Original copyright by Kevlin Henney. Modified for Poco by Applied Informatics.
Modified for small object optimization support (optionally supported through conditional compilation) by Alex Fabijanic.
Member Summary
Member Functions: empty, local, operator =, swap, type
Any() = default;
Creates an empty any type.
template < typename ValueType > Any(
const ValueType & value
Creates an any which stores the init parameter inside.
Any a(13); Any a(string("12345"));
Copy constructor, works with both empty and initialized Any values.
Move constructor, works with both empty and initialized Any values.
~Any() = default;
Destructor. Small Object Optimization mode behavior: Invokes the Placeholder destructor, which calls the ValueHolder destructor explicitly (locally held Any), or deletes the ValueHolder heap memory (heap-allocated Any).
Member Functions
bool empty() const;
Returns true if the Any is empty.
bool local() const;
Returns true if data is held locally (ie. not allocated on the heap). If POCO_NO_SOO is defined, it always return false. The main purpose of this function is use for testing.
operator =
template < typename ValueType > Any & operator = (
const ValueType & rhs
operator =
Any & operator = (
const Any & rhs
Assignment operator for Any.
operator =
Any & operator = (
Any && rhs
Move operator for Any.
Any & swap(
Any & other
) noexcept;
Swaps the content of the two Anys.
If an exception occurs during swapping, the program execution is aborted.
const std::type_info & type() const;
Returns the type information of the stored content. If the Any is empty typeid(void) is returned. It is recommended to always query an Any for its type info before trying to extract data via an AnyCast/RefAnyCast.