Library: NetSSL_OpenSSL
Package: SSLSockets
Header: Poco/Net/SecureStreamSocket.h
A subclass of StreamSocket for secure SSL sockets.
A few notes about nonblocking IO: sendBytes() and receiveBytes() can return a negative value when using a nonblocking socket, which means a SSL handshake is currently in progress and more data needs to be read or written for the handshake to continue. If sendBytes() or receiveBytes() return ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE, sendBytes() must be called as soon as possible (usually, after select() indicates that data can be written). Likewise, if ERR_SSL_WANT_READ is returned, receiveBytes() must be called as soon as data is available for reading (indicated by select()).
The SSL handshake is delayed until the first sendBytes() or receiveBytes() operation is performed on the socket. No automatic post connection check (checking the peer certificate for a valid hostname) is performed when using nonblocking I/O. To manually perform peer certificate validation, call verifyPeerCertificate() after the SSL handshake has been completed.
Direct Base Classes: StreamSocket
All Base Classes: Socket, StreamSocket
Member Summary
Member Functions: abort, attach, completeHandshake, context, currentSession, getLazyHandshake, getPeerHostName, havePeerCertificate, operator =, peerCertificate, sessionWasReused, setLazyHandshake, setPeerHostName, useSession, verifyPeerCertificate
Inherited Functions: address, available, bind, close, connect, connectNB, destroyBufVec, error, fromFileDescriptor, getBlocking, getError, getKeepAlive, getLinger, getNoDelay, getOOBInline, getOption, getReceiveBufferSize, getReceiveTimeout, getReuseAddress, getReusePort, getSendBufferSize, getSendTimeout, impl, init, isDatagram, isNull, isRaw, isStream, lastError, lastErrorDesc, makeBufVec, makeBuffer, operator !=, operator <, operator <=, operator =, operator ==, operator >, operator >=, peerAddress, poll, receiveBytes, secure, select, sendBytes, sendFile, sendUrgent, setBlocking, setKeepAlive, setLinger, setNoDelay, setOOBInline, setOption, setReceiveBufferSize, setReceiveTimeout, setReuseAddress, setReusePort, setSendBufferSize, setSendTimeout, shutdown, shutdownReceive, shutdownSend, sockfd, supportsIPv4, supportsIPv6, type
Creates an unconnected secure stream socket using the default client SSL context.
Before sending or receiving data, the socket must be connected with a call to connect().
explicit SecureStreamSocket(
Context::Ptr pContext
Creates an unconnected secure stream socket using the given SSL context.
Before sending or receiving data, the socket must be connected with a call to connect().
explicit SecureStreamSocket(
const SocketAddress & address
Creates a secure stream socket using the default client SSL context and connects it to the socket specified by address.
const std::string & hostName
Creates a secure stream socket using the default client SSL context. The created socket is not connected.
The given host name is used for certificate verification.
const Socket & socket
Creates the SecureStreamSocket with the SocketImpl from another socket. The SocketImpl must be a SecureStreamSocketImpl, otherwise an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.
Context::Ptr pContext,
Session::Ptr pSession
Creates an unconnected secure stream socket using the given SSL context.
Before sending or receiving data, the socket must be connected with a call to connect().
The given Session is reused, if possible (client session caching is enabled for the given Context, and the server agrees to reuse the session).
const SocketAddress & address,
Context::Ptr pContext
Creates a secure stream socket using the given client SSL context and connects it to the socket specified by address.
const SocketAddress & address,
const std::string & hostName
Creates a secure stream socket using the default client SSL context and connects it to the socket specified by address.
The given host name is used for certificate verification.
const std::string & hostName,
Context::Ptr pContext
Creates a secure stream socket using the given client SSL context. The created socket is not connected.
The given host name is used for certificate verification.
const SocketAddress & address,
Context::Ptr pContext,
Session::Ptr pSession
Creates a secure stream socket using the given client SSL context and connects it to the socket specified by address.
The given Session is reused, if possible (client session caching is enabled for the given Context, and the server agrees to reuse the session).
const SocketAddress & address,
const std::string & hostName,
Context::Ptr pContext
Creates a secure stream socket using the given client SSL context and connects it to the socket specified by address.
The given host name is used for certificate verification.
const SocketAddress & address,
const std::string & hostName,
Context::Ptr pContext,
Session::Ptr pSession
Creates a secure stream socket using the given client SSL context and connects it to the socket specified by address.
The given host name is used for certificate verification.
The given Session is reused, if possible (client session caching is enabled for the given Context, and the server agrees to reuse the session).
SocketImpl * pImpl
~SecureStreamSocket() override;
Destroys the StreamSocket.
Member Functions
void abort();
Aborts the SSL connection by closing the underlying TCP connection. No orderly SSL shutdown is performed.
static SecureStreamSocket attach(
const StreamSocket & streamSocket
Creates a SecureStreamSocket over an existing socket connection. The given StreamSocket must be connected. A SSL handshake will be performed.
static SecureStreamSocket attach(
const StreamSocket & streamSocket,
Context::Ptr pContext
Creates a SecureStreamSocket over an existing socket connection. The given StreamSocket must be connected. A SSL handshake will be performed.
static SecureStreamSocket attach(
const StreamSocket & streamSocket,
Context::Ptr pContext,
Session::Ptr pSession
Creates a SecureStreamSocket over an existing socket connection. The given StreamSocket must be connected. A SSL handshake will be performed.
The given Session is reused, if possible (client session caching is enabled for the given Context, and the server agrees to reuse the session).
static SecureStreamSocket attach(
const StreamSocket & streamSocket,
const std::string & peerHostName
Creates a SecureStreamSocket over an existing socket connection. The given StreamSocket must be connected. A SSL handshake will be performed.
static SecureStreamSocket attach(
const StreamSocket & streamSocket,
const std::string & peerHostName,
Context::Ptr pContext
Creates a SecureStreamSocket over an existing socket connection. The given StreamSocket must be connected. A SSL handshake will be performed.
static SecureStreamSocket attach(
const StreamSocket & streamSocket,
const std::string & peerHostName,
Context::Ptr pContext,
Session::Ptr pSession
Creates a SecureStreamSocket over an existing socket connection. The given StreamSocket must be connected. A SSL handshake will be performed.
The given Session is reused, if possible (client session caching is enabled for the given Context, and the server agrees to reuse the session).
int completeHandshake();
Completes the SSL handshake.
If the SSL connection was the result of an accept(), the server-side handshake is completed, otherwise a client-side handshake is performed.
Returns 1 if the handshake was successful, ERR_SSL_WANT_READ or ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE if more data is required to complete the handshake. In this case, completeHandshake() should be called again, after the necessary condition has been met.
Context::Ptr context() const;
Returns the SSL context used by this socket.
Session::Ptr currentSession();
Returns the SSL session of the current connection, for reuse in a future connection (if session caching is enabled).
If no connection is established, returns null.
bool getLazyHandshake() const;
Returns true if setLazyHandshake(true) has been called.
const std::string & getPeerHostName() const;
Returns the peer's host name used for certificate validation.
bool havePeerCertificate() const;
Returns true iff the peer has presented a certificate.
operator =
SecureStreamSocket & operator = (
const Socket & socket
Assignment operator.
Releases the socket's SocketImpl and attaches the SocketImpl from the other socket and increments the reference count of the SocketImpl.
X509Certificate peerCertificate() const;
Returns the peer's X509 certificate.
Throws a SSLException if the peer did not present a certificate.
bool sessionWasReused();
Returns true iff a reused session was negotiated during the handshake.
void setLazyHandshake(
bool flag = true
Enable lazy SSL handshake. If enabled, the SSL handshake will be performed the first time date is sent or received over the connection.
void setPeerHostName(
const std::string & hostName
Sets the peer's host name used for certificate validation.
void useSession(
Session::Ptr pSession
Sets the SSL session to use for the next connection. Setting a previously saved Session object is necessary to enable session caching.
To remove the currently set session, a null pointer can be given.
Must be called before connect() to be effective.
void verifyPeerCertificate();
Performs post-connect (or post-accept) peer certificate validation, using the peer host name set with setPeerHostName(), or the peer's IP address string if no peer host name has been set.
Should only be used for non-blocking connections, after the initial SSL handshake has been performed (see completeHandshake()).
void verifyPeerCertificate(
const std::string & hostName
Performs post-connect (or post-accept) peer certificate validation using the given host name.
Should only be used for non-blocking connections, after the initial SSL handshake has been performed (see completeHandshake()).