Library: NetSSL_OpenSSL
Package: HTTPSClient
Header: Poco/Net/HTTPSClientSession.h
This class implements the client-side of a HTTPS session.
To send a HTTPS request to a HTTPS server, first instantiate a HTTPSClientSession object and specify the server's host name and port number.
Then create a HTTPRequest object, fill it accordingly, and pass it as argument to the sendRequest() method.
sendRequest() will return an output stream that can be used to send the request body, if there is any.
After you are done sending the request body, create a HTTPResponse object and pass it to receiveResponse().
This will return an input stream that can be used to read the response body.
See RFC 2616 <> for more information about the HTTP protocol.
Note that sending requests that neither contain a content length field in the header nor are using chunked transfer encoding will result in a SSL protocol violation, as the framework shuts down the socket after sending the message body. No orderly SSL shutdown will be performed in this case.
If session caching has been enabled for the Context object passed to the HTTPSClientSession, the HTTPSClientSession class will attempt to reuse a previously obtained Session object in case of a reconnect.
Direct Base Classes: HTTPClientSession
All Base Classes: HTTPClientSession, HTTPSession
Member Summary
Member Functions: abort, connect, proxyAuthenticate, proxyRequestPrefix, read, secure, serverCertificate, sslSession
Inherited Functions: abort, attachSessionData, attachSocket, buffered, bypassProxy, clearException, close, connect, connected, detachSocket, drainBuffer, flushRequest, get, getConnectTimeout, getGlobalProxyConfig, getHost, getKeepAlive, getKeepAliveTimeout, getPort, getProxyConfig, getProxyHost, getProxyPassword, getProxyPort, getProxyUsername, getReceiveTimeout, getSendTimeout, getSourceAddress, getSourceAddress4, getSourceAddress6, getTimeout, mustReconnect, networkException, peek, peekResponse, proxyAuthenticate, proxyAuthenticateDigest, proxyAuthenticateImpl, proxyAuthenticateNTLM, proxyConnect, proxyRequestPrefix, proxyTunnel, read, receive, receiveResponse, reconnect, refill, requestTrailer, reset, responseTrailer, secure, sendChallengeRequest, sendRequest, sendRequestImpl, sessionData, setConnectTimeout, setException, setGlobalProxyConfig, setHost, setKeepAlive, setKeepAliveTimeout, setPort, setProxy, setProxyConfig, setProxyCredentials, setProxyHost, setProxyPassword, setProxyPort, setProxyUsername, setReceiveTimeout, setSendTimeout, setSourceAddress, setTimeout, socket, write
Creates an unconnected HTTPSClientSession.
explicit HTTPSClientSession(
Context::Ptr pContext
Creates an unconnected HTTPSClientSession, using the give SSL context.
const SecureStreamSocket & socket,
Session::Ptr pSession
Creates a HTTPSClientSession using the given socket. The socket must not be connected. The session takes ownership of the socket.
The given Session is reused, if possible (client session caching is enabled for the given Context, and the server agrees to reuse the session).
const std::string & host,
Poco::UInt16 port = HTTPS_PORT
Creates a HTTPSClientSession using the given host and port.
Context::Ptr pContext,
Session::Ptr pSession
Creates an unconnected HTTPSClientSession, using the give SSL context.
The given Session is reused, if possible (client session caching is enabled for the given Context, and the server agrees to reuse the session).
explicit HTTPSClientSession(
const SecureStreamSocket & socket,
const std::string & host,
Poco::UInt16 port = HTTPS_PORT
Creates a HTTPSClientSession using the given socket. The socket must not be connected. The session takes ownership of the socket.
The given host name is used for certificate verification.
const std::string & host,
Poco::UInt16 port,
Context::Ptr pContext
Creates a HTTPSClientSession using the given host and port, using the given SSL context.
const std::string & host,
Poco::UInt16 port,
Context::Ptr pContext,
Session::Ptr pSession
Creates a HTTPSClientSession using the given host and port, using the given SSL context.
The given Session is reused, if possible (client session caching is enabled for the given Context, and the server agrees to reuse the session).
Destroys the HTTPSClientSession and closes the underlying socket.
Member Functions
void abort();
See also: Poco::Net::HTTPSession::abort()
bool secure() const;
Return true iff the session uses SSL or TLS, or false otherwise.
See also: Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession::secure()
X509Certificate serverCertificate();
Returns the server's certificate.
The certificate is available after the first request has been sent.
Session::Ptr sslSession();
Returns the SSL Session object for the current connection, if session caching has been enabled for the HTTPSClientSession's Context. A null pointer is returned otherwise.
The Session object can be obtained after the first request has been sent.
void connect(
const SocketAddress & address
See also: Poco::Net::HTTPSession::connect()
void proxyAuthenticate(
HTTPRequest & request
std::string proxyRequestPrefix() const;
int read(
char * buffer,
std::streamsize length
See also: Poco::Net::HTTPSession::read()