
class VarHolder

Library: Foundation
Package: Dynamic
Header: Poco/Dynamic/VarHolder.h


Interface for a data holder used by the Var class. Provides methods to convert between data types. Only data types for which VarHolder specialization exists are supported.

Provided are specializations for all C++ built-in types with addition of std::string, Poco::UTF16String, DateTime, LocalDateTime, Timestamp, std::vector<Var> and DynamicStruct.

Additional types can be supported by adding specializations. When implementing specializations, the only condition is that they reside in Poco namespace and implement the pure virtual functions clone() and type().

Those conversions that are not implemented shall fail back to this base class implementation. All the convert() function overloads in this class throw BadCastException.


Known Derived Classes: VarHolderImpl

Member Summary

Member Functions: clone, cloneHolder, convert, convertSignedFloatToUnsigned, convertSignedToUnsigned, convertToFP, convertToSigned, convertToSmaller, convertToUnsigned, convertUnsignedToSigned, isArray, isBoolean, isDate, isDateTime, isDeque, isInteger, isList, isNumeric, isOrdered, isSigned, isString, isStruct, isTime, isUUID, isVector, size, type

Types Aliases


using ArrayValueType = Var;


VarHolder protected


Creates the VarHolder.


~VarHolder virtual

virtual ~VarHolder();

Destroys the VarHolder.

Member Functions

clone virtual

virtual VarHolder * clone(
    Placeholder < VarHolder > * pHolder = __nullptr
) const = 0;

Implementation must implement this function to deep-copy the VarHolder. If small object optimization is enabled (i.e. if POCO_NO_SOO is not defined), VarHolder will be instantiated in-place if it's size is smaller than POCO_SMALL_OBJECT_SIZE.

convert virtual inline

virtual void convert(
    Int8 & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    Int16 & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    Int32 & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    Int64 & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    UInt8 & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    UInt16 & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    UInt32 & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    UInt64 & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    DateTime & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    LocalDateTime & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    Timestamp & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    UUID & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.


void convert(
    long & val
) const;

Calls convert(Int32).


void convert(
    unsigned long & val
) const;

Calls convert(UInt32).

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    bool & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    float & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    double & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    char & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    std::string & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

convert virtual

virtual void convert(
    Poco::UTF16String & val
) const;

Throws BadCastException. Must be overridden in a type specialization in order to support the conversion.

isArray virtual inline

virtual bool isArray() const;

Returns true.

isBoolean virtual inline

virtual bool isBoolean() const;

Returns false. Must be properly overridden in a type specialization in order to support the diagnostic.

isDate virtual inline

virtual bool isDate() const;

Returns false. Must be properly overridden in a type specialization in order to support the diagnostic.

isDateTime virtual inline

virtual bool isDateTime() const;

Returns false. Must be properly overridden in a type specialization in order to support the diagnostic.

isDeque virtual inline

virtual bool isDeque() const;

Returns false. Must be properly overridden in a type specialization in order to support the diagnostic.

isInteger virtual inline

virtual bool isInteger() const;

Returns false. Must be properly overridden in a type specialization in order to support the diagnostic.

isList virtual inline

virtual bool isList() const;

Returns false. Must be properly overridden in a type specialization in order to support the diagnostic.

isNumeric virtual inline

virtual bool isNumeric() const;

Returns false. Must be properly overridden in a type specialization in order to support the diagnostic.

isOrdered virtual inline

virtual bool isOrdered() const;

Returns false. Must be properly overridden in a type specialization in order to support the diagnostic.

isSigned virtual inline

virtual bool isSigned() const;

Returns false. Must be properly overridden in a type specialization in order to support the diagnostic.

isString virtual inline

virtual bool isString() const;

Returns false. Must be properly overridden in a type specialization in order to support the diagnostic.

isStruct virtual inline

virtual bool isStruct() const;

Returns false. Must be properly overridden in a type specialization in order to support the diagnostic.

isTime virtual inline

virtual bool isTime() const;

Returns false. Must be properly overridden in a type specialization in order to support the diagnostic.

isUUID virtual inline

virtual bool isUUID() const;

Returns false. Must be properly overridden in a type specialization in order to support the diagnostic.

isVector virtual inline

virtual bool isVector() const;

Returns false. Must be properly overridden in a type specialization in order to support the diagnostic.

size virtual inline

virtual std::size_t size() const;

Returns 1 iff Var is not empty or this function overridden.

type virtual

virtual const std::type_info & type() const = 0;

Implementation must return the type information (typeid) for the stored content.

cloneHolder protected inline

template < typename T > VarHolder * cloneHolder(
    Placeholder < VarHolder > * pVarHolder,
    const T & val
) const;

Instantiates value holder wrapper.

Called from clone() member function of the implementation.

When the smal object optimization is enabled (POCO_NO_SOO not defined), if size of the wrapper is larger than POCO_SMALL_OBJECT_SIZE, holder is instantiated on the heap, otherwise it is instantiated in-place (in the pre-allocated buffer inside the holder).

convertSignedFloatToUnsigned protected static inline

template < typename F, typename T, std::enable_if_t < std::is_floating_point_v < F >, bool > = true, std::enable_if_t < std::is_integral_v < T > && ! std::is_signed_v < T >, T > * = __nullptr > static void convertSignedFloatToUnsigned(
    const F & from,
    T & to

Converts floating point data types to unsigned integral data types. Negative values can not be converted and if one is encountered, RangeException is thrown. If upper limit is within the target data type limits, the conversion is performed.

convertSignedToUnsigned protected static inline

template < typename F, typename T, std::enable_if_t < std::is_integral_v < F > && std::is_signed_v < F >, F > * = __nullptr, std::enable_if_t < std::is_integral_v < T > && ! std::is_signed_v < T >, T > * = __nullptr > static void convertSignedToUnsigned(
    const F & from,
    T & to

Converts unsigned integral data types from larger to smaller, as well as to floating-point, types. Since lower limit is always 0 for unsigned types, only the upper limit is checked, thus saving some cycles compared to the signed version of the function. If the value to be converted is smaller than the maximum value for the target type, the conversion is performed. Converts signed integral data types to unsigned data types. Negative values can not be converted and if one is encountered, RangeException is thrown. If upper limit is within the target data type limits, the conversion is performed.

convertToFP protected static inline

template < typename F, typename T, std::enable_if_t < std::is_integral_v < F >, bool > = true, std::enable_if_t < std::is_floating_point_v < T >, bool > = true > static void convertToFP(
    F & from,
    T & to

Converts unsigned integral data types to floating-point data types. If the number of significant digits used for the integer vaue exceeds the number of available digits in the floatinng-point destination (ie. if precision would be lost by casting the value), RangeException is thrown.

convertToSigned protected inline

template < typename F, typename T, std::enable_if_t < std::is_signed_v < F > && std::is_signed_v < T > && (sizeof (F)<= sizeof (T))> * = __nullptr > void convertToSigned(
    const F & from,
    T & to
) const;

convertToSigned protected inline

template < typename F, typename T, std::enable_if_t < std::is_signed_v < F > && std::is_signed_v < T > && (sizeof (F)> sizeof (T))> * = __nullptr > void convertToSigned(
    const F & from,
    T & to
) const;

convertToSigned protected inline

template < typename F, typename T, std::enable_if_t < ! std::is_signed_v < F > && std::is_signed_v < T >> * = __nullptr > void convertToSigned(
    const F & from,
    T & to
) const;

convertToSmaller protected static inline

template < typename F, typename T, std::enable_if_t < std::is_integral_v < F > && std::is_signed_v < T >, F > * = __nullptr, std::enable_if_t < std::is_floating_point_v < T >, T > * = __nullptr > static void convertToSmaller(
    const F & from,
    T & to

Converts signed integral, as well as floating-point, values from larger to smaller type. It checks the upper and lower bound and if from value is within limits of type T (i.e. check calls do not throw), it is converted. Converts signed integral values from integral to floating-point type. Checks for the loss of precision and if from value is within limits of type T (i.e. check calls do not throw), it is converted.

convertToSmaller protected static inline

template < typename F, typename T, std::enable_if_t < std::is_same_v < F, bool >> * = __nullptr, std::enable_if_t < std::is_floating_point_v < T >, T > * = __nullptr > static void convertToSmaller(
    const F & from,
    T & to

Converts boolean values to floating-point type.

convertToUnsigned protected inline

template < typename F, typename T, std::enable_if_t < ! std::is_signed_v < F > && ! std::is_signed_v < T > && (sizeof (F)<= sizeof (T))> * = __nullptr > void convertToUnsigned(
    const F & from,
    T & to
) const;

convertToUnsigned protected inline

template < typename F, typename T, std::enable_if_t < ! std::is_signed_v < F > && ! std::is_signed_v < T > && (sizeof (F)> sizeof (T))> * = __nullptr > void convertToUnsigned(
    const F & from,
    T & to
) const;

convertToUnsigned protected inline

template < typename F, typename T, std::enable_if_t < std::is_signed_v < F > && ! std::is_signed_v < T >> * = __nullptr > void convertToUnsigned(
    const F & from,
    T & to
) const;

convertUnsignedToSigned protected static inline

template < typename F, typename T, std::enable_if_t < std::is_integral_v < F > && ! std::is_signed_v < F >, F > * = __nullptr, std::enable_if_t < std::is_integral_v < T > && std::is_signed_v < T >, T > * = __nullptr > static void convertUnsignedToSigned(
    const F & from,
    T & to

Converts unsigned integral data types to signed integral data types. If upper limit is within the target data type limits, the conversion is performed.