Library: Foundation
Package: DateTime
Header: Poco/DateTime.h
This class represents an instant in time, expressed in years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds based on the Gregorian calendar. The class is mainly useful for conversions between UTC, Julian day and Gregorian calendar dates.
The date and time stored in a DateTime is always in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and thus independent of the timezone in effect on the system.
Conversion calculations are based on algorithms collected and described by Peter Baum at
Internally, this class stores a date/time in two forms (UTC and broken down) for performance reasons. Only use this class for conversions between date/time representations. Use the Timestamp class for everything else.
- Zero is a valid year (in accordance with ISO 8601 and astronomical year numbering)
- Year zero (0) is a leap year
- Minimum date/time that can be represented is 12:00:00 UTC Monday, 1 January 4713 BC (Julian Day 0, Gregorian -4713-11-24 12:00:00)
For more information, please see:
Member Summary
Member Functions: assign, checkValid, computeDaytime, computeGregorian, day, dayOfWeek, dayOfYear, daysOfMonth, hour, hourAMPM, isAM, isLeapYear, isPM, isValid, julianDay, makeLocal, makeTM, makeUTC, microsecond, millisecond, minute, month, operator !=, operator +, operator +=, operator -, operator -=, operator <, operator <=, operator =, operator ==, operator >, operator >=, second, swap, timestamp, toJulianDay, toUtcTime, utcTime, week, year
Symbolic names for week day numbers (0 to 6).
Symbolic names for month numbers (1 to 12).
Creates a DateTime for the current date and time.
const tm & tmStruct
Creates a DateTime from tm struct.
const Timestamp & timestamp
double julianDay
Creates a DateTime for the given Julian day.
const DateTime & dateTime
Copy constructor. Creates the DateTime from another one.
Timestamp::UtcTimeVal utcTime,
Timestamp::TimeDiff diff
Creates a DateTime from an UtcTimeVal and a TimeDiff.
Mainly used internally by DateTime and friends.
int year,
int month,
int day,
int hour = 0,
int minute = 0,
int second = 0,
int millisecond = 0,
int microsecond = 0
Creates a DateTime for the given Gregorian date and time.
- year is from 0 to 9999.
- month is from 1 to 12.
- day is from 1 to 31.
- hour is from 0 to 23.
- minute is from 0 to 59.
- second is from 0 to 60.
- millisecond is from 0 to 999.
- microsecond is from 0 to 999.
Throws an InvalidArgumentException if an argument date is out of range.
Destroys the DateTime.
Member Functions
DateTime & assign(
int year,
int month,
int day,
int hour = 0,
int minute = 0,
int second = 0,
int millisecond = 0,
int microseconds = 0
Assigns a Gregorian date and time.
- year is from 0 to 9999.
- month is from 1 to 12.
- day is from 1 to 31.
- hour is from 0 to 23.
- minute is from 0 to 59.
- second is from 0 to 60.
- millisecond is from 0 to 999.
- microsecond is from 0 to 999.
Throws an InvalidArgumentException if an argument date is out of range.
int day() const;
Returns the day within the month (1 to 31).
int dayOfWeek() const;
Returns the weekday (0 to 6, where 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, ..., 6 = Saturday).
int dayOfYear() const;
Returns the number of the day in the year. January 1 is 1, February 1 is 32, etc.
static int daysOfMonth(
int year,
int month
Returns the number of days in the given month and year. Month is from 1 to 12.
int hour() const;
Returns the hour (0 to 23).
int hourAMPM() const;
Returns the hour (0 to 12).
bool isAM() const;
Returns true if hour < 12;
static bool isLeapYear(
int year
Returns true if the given year is a leap year; false otherwise.
bool isPM() const;
Returns true if hour >= 12.
static bool isValid(
int year,
int month,
int day,
int hour = 0,
int minute = 0,
int second = 0,
int millisecond = 0,
int microsecond = 0
Checks if the given date and time is valid (all arguments are within a proper range).
Returns true if all arguments are valid, false otherwise.
double julianDay() const;
Returns the julian day for the date and time.
void makeLocal(
int tzd
Converts a UTC time into a local time, by applying the given time zone differential.
tm makeTM() const;
Converts DateTime to tm struct.
void makeUTC(
int tzd
Converts a local time into UTC, by applying the given time zone differential.
int microsecond() const;
Returns the microsecond (0 to 999)
int millisecond() const;
Returns the millisecond (0 to 999)
int minute() const;
Returns the minute (0 to 59).
int month() const;
Returns the month (1 to 12).
operator !=
bool operator != (
const DateTime & dateTime
) const;
operator +
DateTime operator + (
const Timespan & span
) const;
operator +=
DateTime & operator += (
const Timespan & span
operator -
DateTime operator - (
const Timespan & span
) const;
operator -
Timespan operator - (
const DateTime & dateTime
) const;
operator -=
DateTime & operator -= (
const Timespan & span
operator <
bool operator < (
const DateTime & dateTime
) const;
operator <=
bool operator <= (
const DateTime & dateTime
) const;
operator =
DateTime & operator = (
const DateTime & dateTime
Assigns another DateTime.
operator =
DateTime & operator = (
const Timestamp & timestamp
Assigns a Timestamp.
operator =
DateTime & operator = (
double julianDay
Assigns a Julian day.
operator ==
bool operator == (
const DateTime & dateTime
) const;
operator >
bool operator > (
const DateTime & dateTime
) const;
operator >=
bool operator >= (
const DateTime & dateTime
) const;
int second() const;
Returns the second (0 to 59).
void swap(
DateTime & dateTime
) noexcept;
Swaps the DateTime with another one.
Timestamp timestamp() const;
Returns the date and time expressed as a Timestamp.
Timestamp::UtcTimeVal utcTime() const;
Returns the date and time expressed in UTC-based time. UTC base time is midnight, October 15, 1582. Resolution is 100 nanoseconds.
int week(
int firstDayOfWeek = MONDAY
) const;
Returns the week number within the year. FirstDayOfWeek should be either SUNDAY (0) or MONDAY (1). The returned week number will be from 0 to 53. Week number 1 is the week containing January 4. This is in accordance to ISO 8601.
The following example assumes that firstDayOfWeek is MONDAY. For 2005, which started on a Saturday, week 1 will be the week starting on Monday, January 3. January 1 and 2 will fall within week 0 (or the last week of the previous year).
For 2007, which starts on a Monday, week 1 will be the week starting on Monday, January 1. There will be no week 0 in 2007.
int year() const;
Returns the year.
void checkValid();
Checks if the given date and time is valid (all arguments are within a proper range). Expects all members to be set.
Throws Poco::InvalidArgumentException if any of the arguments is not valid.
void computeDaytime();
Extracts the daytime (hours, minutes, seconds, etc.) from the stored utcTime.
void computeGregorian(
double julianDay
Computes the Gregorian date for the given Julian day. See <>, section 3.3.1 for the algorithm.
static double toJulianDay(
Timestamp::UtcTimeVal utcTime
Computes the Julian day for an UTC time.
static double toJulianDay(
int year,
int month,
int day,
int hour = 0,
int minute = 0,
int second = 0,
int millisecond = 0,
int microsecond = 0
Computes the Julian day for a Gregorian calendar date and time. See <>, section 2.3.1 for the algorithm.
static Timestamp::UtcTimeVal toUtcTime(
double julianDay
Computes the UTC time for a Julian day.