Library: Data
Package: DataCore
Header: Poco/Data/Statement.h
A Statement is used to execute SQL statements. It does not contain code of its own. Its main purpose is to forward calls to the concrete StatementImpl stored inside. Statement execution can be synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous ececution is achieved through execute() call, while asynchronous is achieved through executeAsync() method call. An asynchronously executing statement should not be copied during the execution.
Once set as asynchronous through 'async' manipulator, statement remains asynchronous for all subsequent execution calls, both execute() and executeAsync(). However, calling executAsync() on a synchronous statement shall execute asynchronously but without altering the underlying statement's synchronous nature.
Once asynchronous, a statement can be reverted back to synchronous state in two ways:
1) By calling setAsync(false) 2) By means of 'sync' or 'reset' manipulators
See individual functions documentation for more details.
Statement owns the RowFormatter, which can be provided externaly through setFormatter() member function. If no formatter is externally supplied to the statement, the SimpleRowFormatter is lazy created and used.
If compiled with SQLParser support, Statement knows the number and type of the SQL statement(s) it contains, to the extent that the SQL string is a standard SQL and the staement type is supported. No proprietary SQL extensions are supported.
Supported statement types are:
Known Derived Classes: RecordSet
Member Summary
Member Functions: addBind, addBinding, addExtract, addExtraction, addExtractions, affectedRowCount, bind, canModifyStorage, clear, columnsExtracted, dataSetCount, done, execute, executeAsync, executeDirect, extractionCount, extractions, getRowFormatter, getStorage, hasDelete, hasInsert, hasMoreDataSets, hasSelect, hasUpdate, impl, initialized, isAsync, isBulkExtraction, isDelete, isInsert, isNull, isSelect, isUpdate, metaColumn, nextDataSet, operator <<, operator =, operator,, parse, parseError, paused, previousDataSet, removeBind, reset, rowsExtracted, session, setAsync, setRowFormatter, setStorage, state, statementsCount, storage, subTotalRowCount, swap, toString, wait
typedef void (* Manipulator)(Statement &);
Types Aliases
using AsyncExecMethod = ActiveMethod < std::size_t, bool, StatementImpl >;
using AsyncExecMethodPtr = SharedPtr < AsyncExecMethod >;
using ImplPtr = StatementImpl::Ptr;
using Result = ActiveResult < std::size_t >;
using ResultPtr = SharedPtr < Result >;
using State = StatementImpl::State;
StatementImpl::Ptr pImpl
Creates the Statement.
explicit Statement(
Session & session
Creates the Statement for the given Session.
The following:
Statement stmt(sess); stmt << "SELECT * FROM Table", ...
is equivalent to:
Statement stmt(sess << "SELECT * FROM Table", ...);
but in some cases better readable.
const Statement & stmt
Copy constructor. If the statement has been executed asynchronously and has not been synchronized prior to copy operation (i.e. is copied while executing), this constructor shall synchronize it.
Statement && other
) noexcept;
Move constructor.
Destroys the Statement.
Member Functions
Statement & addBind(
AbstractBinding::Ptr pBind
Registers a single binding with the statement.
template < typename C > Statement & addBinding(
C & bindingCont,
bool reset
Registers binding container with the Statement.
Statement & addExtract(
AbstractExtraction::Ptr pExtract
Registers a single extraction with the statement.
template < typename C > Statement & addExtraction(
C & val,
bool reset
Registers extraction container with the Statement.
template < typename C > Statement & addExtractions(
C & val
Registers container of extraction containers with the Statement.
std::size_t affectedRowCount() const;
Returns the number of affected rows. Used to find out the number of rows affected by insert, delete or update.
template < typename C > Statement & bind(
const C & value
Adds a binding to the Statement. This can be used to implement generic binding mechanisms and is a nicer syntax for:
statement , bind(value);
bool canModifyStorage();
Returns true if statement is in a state that allows the internal storage to be modified.
std::size_t columnsExtracted(
int dataSet = StatementImpl::USE_CURRENT_DATA_SET
) const;
Returns the number of columns returned for current data set. Default value indicates current data set (if any).
std::size_t dataSetCount() const;
Returns the number of data sets associated with the statement.
bool done();
Returns true if the statement was completely executed or false if a range limit stopped it and there is more work to do. When no limit is set, it will always return true after calling execute().
std::size_t execute(
bool reset = true
Executes the statement synchronously or asynchronously. Stops when either a limit is hit or the whole statement was executed. Returns the number of rows extracted from the database (for statements returning data) or number of rows affected (for all other statements). If reset is true (default), associated storage is reset and reused. Otherwise, the results from this execution step are appended. The reset argument has no meaning for unlimited statements that return all rows. If isAsync() returns true, the statement is executed asynchronously and the return value from this function is zero. The result of execution (i.e. number of returned or affected rows) can be obtained by calling wait() on the statement at a later point in time.
When Poco::Data is compiled with SQL parsing support, if session is not already in a transaction and not in autocommit mode, an attempt to parse the SQL is made before statement execution, and if (1) successful, and (2) the statement does not consist only of SELECT statements, a transaction is started.
Note that parsing is not guaranteed to succeed, as some backends have proprietary keywords not supported by the parser. Parsing failures are silent in terms of throwing exceptions or logging, but it is possible to get error information by calling Statement::parseError(). When parsing does not succeed, transaction is not started, and Poco::Data::Session will not reflect its state accurately. The underlying database session, however, will be in transaction state. In such state, in order to complete the transaction and unlock the resources, commit() or rollback() must be called on the Poco::Data::Session; this is true even for a single SELECT statement in non-autocommit mode when parsing does not succeed.
For Poco::Data builds without SQLParser support, the behavior is the same as for unsuccesful parsing.
const Result & executeAsync(
bool reset = true
Executes the statement asynchronously. Stops when either a limit is hit or the whole statement was executed. Returns immediately. Calling wait() (on either the result returned from this call or the statement itself) returns the number of rows extracted or number of rows affected by the statement execution. When executed on a synchronous statement, this method does not alter the statement's synchronous nature. For transactional behavior, see execute() documentation.
void executeDirect(
const std::string & query
Executes the query synchronously and directly. Even when isAsync() returns true, the statement is still executed synchronously. For transactional behavior, see execute() documentation.
std::size_t extractionCount() const;
Returns the number of extraction storage buffers associated with the current data set.
const std::string & getStorage() const;
Returns the internal storage type for the statement.
Optional < bool > hasDelete() const;
Returns true if the statement contains a DELETE statement. For Poco::Data builds with POCO_DATA_NO_SQL_PARSER, it always returns unspecified.
Optional < bool > hasInsert() const;
Returns true if the statement contains an INSERT statement. For Poco::Data builds with POCO_DATA_NO_SQL_PARSER, it always returns unspecified.
bool hasMoreDataSets() const;
Returns false if the current data set index points to the last data set. Otherwise, it returns true.
Optional < bool > hasSelect() const;
Returns true if the statement contains a SELECT statement. For Poco::Data builds with POCO_DATA_NO_SQL_PARSER, it always returns unspecified.
Optional < bool > hasUpdate() const;
Returns true if the statement contains an UPDATE statement. For Poco::Data builds with POCO_DATA_NO_SQL_PARSER, it always returns unspecified.
bool initialized();
Returns true if the statement was initialized (i.e. not executed yet).
bool isAsync() const;
Returns true if statement was marked for asynchronous execution.
Optional < bool > isDelete() const;
Returns true if the statement consists only of DELETE statement(s). For Poco::Data builds with POCO_DATA_NO_SQL_PARSER, it always returns unspecified.
Optional < bool > isInsert() const;
Returns true if the statement consists only of INSERT statement(s). For Poco::Data builds with POCO_DATA_NO_SQL_PARSER, it always returns unspecified.
Optional < bool > isSelect() const;
Returns true if the statement consists only of SELECT statement(s). For Poco::Data builds with POCO_DATA_NO_SQL_PARSER, it always returns unspecified.
Optional < bool > isUpdate() const;
Returns true if the statement consists only of UPDATE statement(s). For Poco::Data builds with POCO_DATA_NO_SQL_PARSER, it always returns unspecified.
std::size_t nextDataSet();
Returns the index of the next data set.
operator <<
template < typename T > Statement & operator << (
const T & t
Concatenates data with the SQL statement string.
operator =
Statement & operator = (
const Statement & stmt
Assignment operator.
operator =
Statement & operator = (
Statement && stmt
) noexcept;
Move assignment.
Statement & operator, (
Manipulator manip
Handles manipulators, such as now, async, etc.
Statement & operator, (
AbstractBinding::Ptr pBind
Statement & operator, (
AbstractBindingVec & bindVec
Statement & operator, (
AbstractExtraction::Ptr extract
Registers objects used for extracting data with the Statement by calling addExtract().
Statement & operator, (
AbstractExtractionVec & extVec
Registers the extraction vector with the Statement. The vector is registered at position 0 (i.e. for the first returned data set).
Statement & operator, (
AbstractExtractionVecVec & extVecVec
Registers the vector of extraction vectors with the Statement.
Statement & operator, (
const Bulk & bulk
Sets the bulk execution mode (both binding and extraction) for this statement.Statement must not have any extractors or binders set at the time when this operator is applied. Failure to adhere to the above constraint shall result in InvalidAccessException.
Statement & operator, (
Sets the bulk execution mode (both binding and extraction) for this statement.Statement must not have any extractors or binders set at the time when this operator is applied. Additionally, this function requires limit to be set in order to determine the bulk size. Failure to adhere to the above constraints shall result in InvalidAccessException.
Statement & operator, (
const Limit & extrLimit
Sets a limit on the maximum number of rows a select is allowed to return.
Set per default to zero to Limit::LIMIT_UNLIMITED, which disables the limit.
Statement & operator, (
RowFormatter::Ptr pRowFformatter
Sets the row formatter for the statement.
Statement & operator, (
const Range & extrRange
Sets a an extraction range for the maximum number of rows a select is allowed to return.
Set per default to Limit::LIMIT_UNLIMITED which disables the range.
Statement & operator, (
char value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Statement & operator, (
Poco::UInt8 value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Statement & operator, (
Poco::Int8 value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Statement & operator, (
Poco::UInt16 value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Statement & operator, (
Poco::Int16 value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Statement & operator, (
Poco::UInt32 value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Statement & operator, (
Poco::Int32 value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Statement & operator, (
long value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Statement & operator, (
unsigned long value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Statement & operator, (
Poco::UInt64 value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Statement & operator, (
Poco::Int64 value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Statement & operator, (
double value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Statement & operator, (
float value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Statement & operator, (
bool value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Statement & operator, (
const std::string & value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Statement & operator, (
const char * value
Adds the value to the list of values to be supplied to the SQL string formatting function.
Optional < bool > parse();
Parses the SQL statement and returns true if successful.
Note that parsing is not guaranteed to succeed, as some backends have proprietary keywords not supported by the parser. Parsing failures are silent in terms of throwing exceptions or logging, but it is possible to get error information by calling parseError().
For Poco::Data builds with POCO_DATA_NO_SQL_PARSER, it always returns unspecified.
const std::string & parseError();
Returns the SQL statement parse error message, if any. For Poco::Data builds with POCO_DATA_NO_SQL_PARSER, it always returns an empty string.
bool paused();
Returns true if the statement was paused (a range limit stopped it and there is more work to do).
std::size_t previousDataSet();
Returns the index of the previous data set.
void removeBind(
const std::string & name
Removes the all the bindings with specified name from the statement.
Statement & reset(
Session & session
Resets the Statement and assigns it a new session, so that it can be filled with a new SQL query.
Statement & reset();
Resets the Statement so that it can be filled with a new SQL query.
std::size_t rowsExtracted(
int dataSet = StatementImpl::USE_CURRENT_DATA_SET
) const;
Returns the number of rows returned for current data set during last statement execution. Default value indicates current data set (if any).
void setAsync(
bool async = true
Sets the asynchronous flag. If this flag is true, executeAsync() is called from the now() manipulator. This setting does not affect the statement's capability to be executed synchronously by directly calling execute().
void setRowFormatter(
RowFormatter::Ptr pRowFormatter
Sets the row formatter for this statement. Statement takes the ownership of the formatter.
void setStorage(
const std::string & storage
Sets the internal storage type for the statement.
State state() const;
Returns the statement state.
Optional < std::size_t > statementsCount() const;
Returns the total number of SQL statements held in the accummulated SQL statement.
For Poco::Data builds with POCO_DATA_NO_SQL_PARSER, it always returns unspecified.
Storage storage() const;
Returns the internal storage type for the statement.
std::size_t subTotalRowCount(
int dataSet = StatementImpl::USE_CURRENT_DATA_SET
) const;
Returns the number of rows extracted so far for the data set. Default value indicates current data set (if any).
void swap(
Statement & other
) noexcept;
Swaps the statement with another one.
const std::string & toString() const;
Creates a string from the accumulated SQL statement.
std::size_t wait(
long milliseconds = WAIT_FOREVER
Waits for the execution completion for asynchronous statements or returns immediately for synchronous ones. The return value for asynchronous statement is the execution result (i.e. number of rows retrieved). For synchronous statements, the return value is zero.
void clear() noexcept;
Clears the statement.
const AbstractExtractionVec & extractions() const;
Returns the extractions vector.
const RowFormatter::Ptr & getRowFormatter();
Returns the row formatter for this statement.
ImplPtr impl() const;
Returns pointer to statement implementation.
bool isBulkExtraction() const;
Returns true if this statement extracts data in bulk.
bool isNull(
std::size_t col,
std::size_t row
) const;
Returns true if the current row value at column pos is null.
const MetaColumn & metaColumn(
std::size_t pos
) const;
Returns the type for the column at specified position.
const MetaColumn & metaColumn(
const std::string & name
) const;
Returns the type for the column with specified name.
Session session();
Returns the underlying session.
static const int WAIT_FOREVER = - 1;