
class ZipUtil

File Information

Library: Zip
Package: Zip
Header: Poco/Zip/ZipUtil.h


A utility class used for parsing header information inside of zip files

Member Summary

Member Functions: fakeZLibInitString, get16BitValue, get32BitValue, get64BitValue, parseDateTime, set16BitValue, set32BitValue, set64BitValue, setDateTime, sync, syncDataDescriptor, validZipEntryFileName, verifyZipEntryFileName



~ZipUtil protected


Member Functions

fakeZLibInitString static

static std::string fakeZLibInitString(
    ZipCommon::CompressionLevel cl

get16BitValue static inline

static Poco::UInt16 get16BitValue(
    const char * pVal,
    const Poco::UInt32 pos

get32BitValue static inline

static Poco::UInt32 get32BitValue(
    const char * pVal,
    const Poco::UInt32 pos

get64BitValue static inline

static Poco::UInt64 get64BitValue(
    const char * pVal,
    const Poco::UInt32 pos

parseDateTime static

static Poco::DateTime parseDateTime(
    const char * pVal,
    const Poco::UInt32 timePos,
    const Poco::UInt32 datePos

set16BitValue static inline

static void set16BitValue(
    const Poco::UInt16 val,
    char * pVal,
    const Poco::UInt32 pos

set32BitValue static inline

static void set32BitValue(
    const Poco::UInt32 val,
    char * pVal,
    const Poco::UInt32 pos

set64BitValue static inline

static void set64BitValue(
    const Poco::UInt64 val,
    char * pVal,
    const Poco::UInt32 pos

setDateTime static

static void setDateTime(
    const Poco::DateTime & dt,
    char * pVal,
    const Poco::UInt32 timePos,
    const Poco::UInt32 datePos

sync static

static void sync(
    std::istream & in

Searches the next valid header in the input stream, stops right before it

syncDataDescriptor static

static void syncDataDescriptor(
    std::istream & in,
    bool force64

Searches the next data descriptor

validZipEntryFileName static

static std::string validZipEntryFileName(
    const Poco::Path & entry

verifyZipEntryFileName static

static void verifyZipEntryFileName(
    const std::string & zipPath

Verifies that the name of the ZipEntry is a valid path