File Information
Library: OSP
Package: Service
Header: Poco/OSP/ServiceFinder.h
A utility class that simplifies service lookup and instantiation.
Member Summary
Member Functions: find, findByName
Member Functions
template < typename Svc > static Poco::AutoPtr < Svc > find(
Poco::OSP::BundleContext::Ptr pContext
Looks up the service with the name given by Svc::SERVICE_NAME, casts it to the class given by the template argument and returns it.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the service cannot be found. Throws a Poco::BadCastException if the cast cannot be performed.
template < typename Svc > static Poco::AutoPtr < Svc > findByName(
Poco::OSP::BundleContext::Ptr pContext,
const std::string & name
Looks up the service with the given name, casts it to the class given by the template argument and returns it.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the service cannot be found. Throws a Poco::BadCastException if the cast cannot be performed.