
template < std::size_t S = 1472 + sizeof (UDPMsgSizeT)+ SocketAddress::MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH, typename P = SingleSocketPoller < S >>

class UDPServerImpl

File Information

Library: Net
Package: UDP
Header: Poco/Net/UDPServer.h


UDP server, runs in its own thread and owns a poller, to which data arrival and discovery is delegated. See SingleSocketPoller and MultipleSocketPoller for more information.


Direct Base Classes: Poco::Runnable

All Base Classes: Poco::Runnable

Member Summary

Member Functions: UDPServerImpl, address, port, run

Inherited Functions: run


~UDPServerImpl virtual inline


Destroys the UDPServer.

Member Functions

UDPServerImpl inline

    typename UDPHandlerImpl < S >::List & handlers,
    const Poco::Net::SocketAddress & sa

Creates the UDPServer and binds it to the given address.

UDPServerImpl inline

    typename UDPHandlerImpl < S >::List & handlers,
    const UDPServerParams & params

Creates the UDPServer and binds it to the given address.

address inline

Poco::Net::SocketAddress address() const;

Returns the address of the server.

port inline

Poco::UInt16 port() const;

Returns the port the server is listening on.

run virtual inline

void run();

Does the work.