
class Database

File Information

Library: MongoDB
Package: MongoDB
Header: Poco/MongoDB/Database.h


Database is a helper class for creating requests. MongoDB works with collection names and uses the part before the first dot as the name of the database.

Member Summary

Member Functions: authCR, authSCRAM, authenticate, count, createCommand, createCountRequest, createDeleteRequest, createInsertRequest, createOpMsgCursor, createOpMsgMessage, createQueryRequest, createUpdateRequest, ensureIndex, getLastError, getLastErrorDoc, name, queryBuildInfo, queryServerHello



Wire version as reported by the command hello. See details in MongoDB github, repository specifications. @see queryServerHello

VER_26 = 1

VER_26_2 = 2

VER_30 = 3

VER_32 = 4

VER_34 = 5

VER_36 = 6

< First wire version that supports OP_MSG

VER_40 = 7

VER_42 = 8

VER_44 = 9

VER_50 = 13

VER_51 = 14

< First wire version that supports only OP_MSG

VER_52 = 15

VER_53 = 16

VER_60 = 17



explicit Database(
    const std::string & name

Creates a Database for the database with the given name.


~Database virtual

virtual ~Database();

Destroys the Database.

Member Functions


bool authenticate(
    Connection & connection,
    const std::string & username,
    const std::string & password,
    const std::string & method = AUTH_SCRAM_SHA1

Authenticates against the database using the given connection, username and password, as well as authentication method.

"MONGODB-CR" (default prior to MongoDB 3.0) and "SCRAM-SHA-1" (default starting in 3.0) are the only supported authentication methods.

Returns true if authentication was successful, otherwise false.

May throw a Poco::ProtocolException if authentication fails for a reason other than invalid credentials.


Int64 count(
    Connection & connection,
    const std::string & collectionName
) const;

Sends a count request for the given collection to MongoDB. (old wire protocol)

If the command fails, -1 is returned.

createCommand inline

Poco::SharedPtr < Poco::MongoDB::QueryRequest > createCommand() const;

Creates a QueryRequest for a command. (old wire protocol)


Poco::SharedPtr < Poco::MongoDB::QueryRequest > createCountRequest(
    const std::string & collectionName
) const;

Creates a QueryRequest to count the given collection. The collectionname must not contain the database name. (old wire protocol)

createDeleteRequest inline

Poco::SharedPtr < Poco::MongoDB::DeleteRequest > createDeleteRequest(
    const std::string & collectionName
) const;

Creates a DeleteRequest to delete documents in the given collection. The collectionname must not contain the database name. (old wire protocol)

createInsertRequest inline

Poco::SharedPtr < Poco::MongoDB::InsertRequest > createInsertRequest(
    const std::string & collectionName
) const;

Creates an InsertRequest to insert new documents in the given collection. The collectionname must not contain the database name. (old wire protocol)

createOpMsgCursor inline

Poco::SharedPtr < Poco::MongoDB::OpMsgCursor > createOpMsgCursor(
    const std::string & collectionName
) const;

Creates OpMsgCursor. (new wire protocol)

createOpMsgMessage inline

Poco::SharedPtr < Poco::MongoDB::OpMsgMessage > createOpMsgMessage(
    const std::string & collectionName
) const;

Creates OpMsgMessage. (new wire protocol)


Poco::SharedPtr < Poco::MongoDB::OpMsgMessage > createOpMsgMessage() const;

Creates OpMsgMessage for database commands that do not require collection as an argument. (new wire protocol)

createQueryRequest inline

Poco::SharedPtr < Poco::MongoDB::QueryRequest > createQueryRequest(
    const std::string & collectionName
) const;

Creates a QueryRequest. (old wire protocol) The collectionname must not contain the database name.

createUpdateRequest inline

Poco::SharedPtr < Poco::MongoDB::UpdateRequest > createUpdateRequest(
    const std::string & collectionName
) const;

Creates an UpdateRequest. (old wire protocol) The collectionname must not contain the database name.


Poco::MongoDB::Document::Ptr ensureIndex(
    Connection & connection,
    const std::string & collection,
    const std::string & indexName,
    Poco::MongoDB::Document::Ptr keys,
    bool unique = false,
    bool background = false,
    int version = 0,
    int ttl = 0

Creates an index. The document returned is the result of a getLastError call. For more info look at the ensureIndex information on the MongoDB website. (old wire protocol)


std::string getLastError(
    Connection & connection
) const;

Sends the getLastError command to the database and returns the err element from the error document. When err is null, an empty string is returned. (old wire protocol)


Document::Ptr getLastErrorDoc(
    Connection & connection
) const;

Sends the getLastError command to the database and returns the error document. (old wire protocol)

name inline

const std::string & name() const;

Database name


Document::Ptr queryBuildInfo(
    Connection & connection
) const;

Queries server build info (all wire protocols)


Document::Ptr queryServerHello(
    Connection & connection
) const;

Queries hello response from server (all wire protocols)

authCR protected

bool authCR(
    Connection & connection,
    const std::string & username,
    const std::string & password

authSCRAM protected

bool authSCRAM(
    Connection & connection,
    const std::string & username,
    const std::string & password



static const std::string AUTH_MONGODB_CR;

Default authentication mechanism prior to MongoDB 3.0.


static const std::string AUTH_SCRAM_SHA1;

Default authentication mechanism for MongoDB 3.0.