
class Stringifier

File Information

Library: JSON
Package: JSON
Header: Poco/JSON/Stringifier.h


Helper class for creating a string from a JSON object or array.

Member Summary

Member Functions: condense, formatString, stringify

Member Functions

condense static inline

static void condense(
    const Dynamic::Var & any,
    std::ostream & out,
    int options = Poco::JSON_WRAP_STRINGS

Writes a condensed string representation of the value to the output stream while preserving the insertion order.

If JSON_ESCAPE_UNICODE is in options, all unicode characters will be escaped, otherwise only the compulsory ones.

This is just a "shortcut" to stringify(any, out) with name indicating the function effect.

formatString static

static void formatString(
    const std::string & value,
    std::ostream & out,
    int options = Poco::JSON_WRAP_STRINGS

Formats the JSON string and streams it into ostream.

If JSON_ESCAPE_UNICODE is in options, all unicode characters will be escaped, otherwise only the compulsory ones.

stringify static

static void stringify(
    const Dynamic::Var & any,
    std::ostream & out,
    unsigned int indent = 0,
    int step = - 1,
    int options = Poco::JSON_WRAP_STRINGS

Writes a string representation of the value to the output stream.

When indent is 0, the string will be created as small as possible. Indentation is increased/decreased using number of spaces defined in step. The default value -1 for step indicates that step will be equal to the indent size.

If JSON_ESCAPE_UNICODE is in options, all unicode characters will be escaped, otherwise only the compulsory ones.