File Information
Library: Data
Package: DataCore
Header: Poco/Data/TypeHandler.h
Converts Rows to a Type and the other way around. Provide template specializations to support your own complex types.
Take as example the following (simplified) class: class Person { private: std::string _lastName; std::string _firstName; int _age; public: const std::string& getLastName(); [...] // other set/get methods (returning const reference), a default constructor, [...] // optional < operator (for set, multiset) or function operator (for map, multimap) };
The TypeHandler must provide a custom bind, size, prepare and extract method:
template <> class TypeHandler<struct Person> { public: static std::size_t size() {
return 3; // lastName + firstname + age occupy three columns
static void bind(std::size_t pos, const Person& obj, AbstractBinder::Ptr pBinder, AbstractBinder::Direction dir) {
// the table is defined as Person (LastName VARCHAR(30), FirstName VARCHAR, Age INTEGER(3)) // Note that we advance pos by the number of columns the datatype uses! For string/int this is one. poco_assert_dbg (!pBinder.isNull()); TypeHandler<std::string>::bind(pos++, obj.getLastName(), pBinder, dir); TypeHandler<std::string>::bind(pos++, obj.getFirstName(), pBinder, dir); TypeHandler<int>::bind(pos++, obj.getAge(), pBinder, dir);
static void prepare(std::size_t pos, const Person& obj, AbstractPreparator::Ptr pPreparator) {
// the table is defined as Person (LastName VARCHAR(30), FirstName VARCHAR, Age INTEGER(3)) poco_assert_dbg (!pPreparator.isNull()); TypeHandler<std::string>::prepare(pos++, obj.getLastName(), pPreparator); TypeHandler<std::string>::prepare(pos++, obj.getFirstName(), pPreparator); TypeHandler<int>::prepare(pos++, obj.getAge(), pPreparator);
static void extract(std::size_t pos, Person& obj, const Person& defVal, AbstractExtractor::Ptr pExt) {
// defVal is the default person we should use if we encunter NULL entries, so we take the individual fields // as defaults. You can do more complex checking, ie return defVal if only one single entry of the fields is null etc... poco_assert_dbg (!pExt.isNull()); std::string lastName; std::string firstName; int age = 0; // the table is defined as Person (LastName VARCHAR(30), FirstName VARCHAR, Age INTEGER(3)) TypeHandler<std::string>::extract(pos++, lastName, defVal.getLastName(), pExt); TypeHandler<std::string>::extract(pos++, firstName, defVal.getFirstName(), pExt); TypeHandler<int>::extract(pos++, age, defVal.getAge(), pExt); obj.setLastName(lastName); obj.setFirstName(firstName); obj.setAge(age);
} };
Note that the TypeHandler template specialization must always be declared in the namespace Poco::Data. Apart from that no further work is needed. One can now use Person with into and use clauses.
Direct Base Classes: AbstractTypeHandler
All Base Classes: AbstractTypeHandler
Member Summary
Member Functions: bind, extract, prepare, size
Inherited Functions: operator =
Member Functions
static void bind(
std::size_t pos,
const T & obj,
AbstractBinder::Ptr pBinder,
AbstractBinder::Direction dir
static void extract(
std::size_t pos,
T & obj,
const T & defVal,
AbstractExtractor::Ptr pExt
static void prepare(
std::size_t pos,
const T & obj,
AbstractPreparator::Ptr pPreparator
static std::size_t size();