
template < class T >

class CopyBinding final

File Information

Library: Data
Package: DataCore
Header: Poco/Data/Binding.h


Binding maps a value or multiple values (see Binding specializations for STL containers as well as type handlers) to database column(s). Values to be bound can be either mapped directly (by reference) or a copy can be created, depending on the value of the copy argument. To pass a reference to a variable, it is recommended to pass it to the intermediate utility function use(), which will create the proper binding. In cases when a reference is passed to binding, the storage it refers to must be valid at the statement execution time. To pass a copy of a variable, constant or string literal, use utility function bind(). Variables can be passed as either copies or references (i.e. using either use() or bind()).


Direct Base Classes: AbstractBinding

All Base Classes: AbstractBinding

Member Summary

Member Functions: bind, canBind, numOfColumnsHandled, numOfRowsHandled, reset

Inherited Functions: bind, bulkSize, canBind, getBinder, getDirection, isBulk, name, numOfColumnsHandled, numOfRowsHandled, reset, setBinder

Types Aliases


using Ptr = SharedPtr < Type >;


using Type = CopyBinding < ValType >;


using ValPtr = SharedPtr < ValType >;


using ValType = T;


CopyBinding inline

explicit CopyBinding(
    T & val,
    const std::string & name = "",
    Direction direction = PD_IN

Creates the Binding using the passed reference as bound value. If copy is true, a copy of the value referred to is created.


~CopyBinding virtual inline


Destroys the CopyBinding.

Member Functions

bind virtual inline

void bind(
    std::size_t pos

canBind virtual inline

bool canBind() const;

numOfColumnsHandled virtual inline

std::size_t numOfColumnsHandled() const;

numOfRowsHandled virtual inline

std::size_t numOfRowsHandled() const;

reset virtual inline

void reset();