Library: Net
Package: FTP
Header: Poco/Net/FTPClientSession.h
This class implements an File Transfer Protocol (FTP, RFC 959) client.
Most of the features of the FTP protocol, as specified in RFC 959, are supported. Not supported are EBCDIC and LOCAL data types and format control and structured files.
Also supported are the EPRT and EPSV commands from RFC 1738 (FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NAT). The client will first attempt to use the EPRT and EPSV commands. If the server does not supports these commands, the client will fall back to PORT and PASV.
Known Derived Classes: FTPSClientSession
Member Summary
Member Functions: abort, activeDataConnection, beginDownload, beginList, beginUpload, cdup, close, createDirectory, endDownload, endList, endTransfer, endUpload, establishDataConnection, extractPath, getFileType, getHost, getPassive, getTimeout, getWorkingDirectory, isLoggedIn, isOpen, isPermanentNegative, isPositiveCompletion, isPositiveIntermediate, isPositivePreliminary, isSecure, isTransientNegative, login, logout, open, parseAddress, parseExtAddress, passiveDataConnection, receiveServerReadyReply, remove, removeDirectory, rename, sendCommand, sendEPRT, sendEPSV, sendPASV, sendPORT, sendPassiveCommand, sendPortCommand, setFileType, setPassive, setTimeout, setWorkingDirectory, systemType, welcomeMessage
TYPE I (Image/binary data)
Poco::UInt16 activeDataPort = 0
Creates an FTPClientSession.
Passive mode will be used for data transfers.
const StreamSocket & socket,
bool readWelcomeMessage = true,
Poco::UInt16 activeDataPort = 0
Creates an FTPClientSession using the given connected socket for the control connection.
Passive mode will be used for data transfers.
const std::string & host,
Poco::UInt16 port = FTP_PORT,
const std::string & username = "",
const std::string & password = "",
Poco::UInt16 activeDataPort = 0
Creates an FTPClientSession using a socket connected to the given host and port. If username is supplied, login is attempted.
Passive mode will be used for data transfers.
virtual ~FTPClientSession();
Destroys the FTPClientSession.
Member Functions
void abort();
Aborts the download or upload currently in progress.
Sends a TELNET IP/SYNCH sequence, followed by an ABOR command to the server.
A separate call to endDownload() or endUpload() is not necessary.
std::istream & beginDownload(
const std::string & path
Starts downloading the file with the given name. After all data has been read from the returned stream, endDownload() must be called to finish the download.
A stream for reading the file's content is returned. The stream is valid until endDownload() is called.
Creates a data connection between the client and the server. If passive mode is on, then the server waits for a connection request from the client. Otherwise, the client waits for a connection request from the server. After establishing the data connection, a SocketStream for transferring the data is created.
If ASCII transfer mode is selected, the caller is responsible for converting the received data to the native text file format. The InputLineEndingConverter class from the Foundation library can be used for that purpose.
std::istream & beginList(
const std::string & path = "",
bool extended = false
Starts downloading a directory listing. After all data has been read from the returned stream, endList() must be called to finish the download.
A stream for reading the directory data is returned. The stream is valid until endList() is called.
Optionally, a path to a directory or file can be specified. According to the FTP protocol, if a path to a filename is given, only information for the specific file is returned. If a path to a directory is given, a listing of that directory is returned. If no path is given, a listing of the current working directory is returned.
If extended is false, only a filenames (one per line) are returned. Otherwise, a full directory listing including file attributes is returned. The format of this listing depends on the FTP server. No attempt is made to interpret this data.
Creates a data connection between the client and the server. If passive mode is on, then the server waits for a connection request from the client. Otherwise, the client waits for a connection request from the server. After establishing the data connection, a SocketStream for transferring the data is created.
std::ostream & beginUpload(
const std::string & path
Starts uploading the file with the given name. After all data has been written to the returned stream, endUpload() must be called to finish the upload.
A stream for reading the file's content is returned. The stream is valid until endUpload() is called.
Creates a data connection between the client and the server. If passive mode is on, then the server waits for a connection request from the client. Otherwise, the client waits for a connection request from the server. After establishing the data connection, a SocketStream for transferring the data is created.
If ASCII transfer mode is selected, the caller is responsible for converting the data to be sent into network (CR-LF line endings) format. The OutputLineEndingConverter class from the Foundation library can be used for that purpose.
void cdup();
Moves one directory up from the current working directory on the server.
Sends a CDUP command to the server.
Throws a FTPException in case of a FTP-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
void close();
Sends a QUIT command and closes the connection to the server.
Throws a FTPException in case of a FTP-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
void createDirectory(
const std::string & path
Creates a new directory with the given path on the server.
Sends a MKD command with path as argument to the server.
Throws a FTPException in case of a FTP-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
void endDownload();
Must be called to complete a download initiated with beginDownload().
void endList();
Must be called to complete a directory listing download initiated with beginList().
void endUpload();
Must be called to complete an upload initiated with beginUpload().
FileType getFileType() const;
Returns the file type for transferring files.
bool getPassive() const;
Returns true if and only if passive mode is enabled for this connection.
Poco::Timespan getTimeout() const;
Returns the timeout for socket operations.
std::string getWorkingDirectory();
Returns the current working directory on the server.
Throws a FTPException in case of a FTP-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
bool isLoggedIn() const;
Returns true if the session is logged in.
bool isOpen() const;
Returns true if the connection with FTP server is opened.
bool isSecure() const;
Returns true if the session is FTPS.
virtual void login(
const std::string & username,
const std::string & password
Authenticates the user against the FTP server. Must be called before any other commands (except QUIT) can be sent.
Sends a USER command followed by a PASS command with the respective arguments to the server.
Throws a FTPException in case of a FTP-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
void logout();
Logs out from the server by sending a QUIT command. Any transfer that's in progress is ended. The control connection is kept open.
virtual void open(
const std::string & host,
Poco::UInt16 port,
const std::string & username = "",
const std::string & password = ""
Opens the FTP connection to the given host and port. If username is supplied, login is attempted.
void remove(
const std::string & path
Deletes the file specified by path on the server.
Sends a DELE command with path as argument to the server.
Throws a FTPException in case of a FTP-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
void removeDirectory(
const std::string & path
Removes the directory specified by path from the server.
Sends a RMD command with path as argument to the server.
Throws a FTPException in case of a FTP-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
void rename(
const std::string & oldName,
const std::string & newName
Renames the file on the server given by oldName to newName.
Sends a RNFR command, followed by a RNTO command to the server.
Throws a FTPException in case of a FTP-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
int sendCommand(
const std::string & command,
std::string & response
Sends the given command verbatim to the server and waits for a response.
int sendCommand(
const std::string & command,
const std::string & arg,
std::string & response
Sends the given command verbatim to the server and waits for a response.
void setFileType(
FileType type
Sets the file type for transferring files.
Sends a TYPE command with a corresponding argument to the server.
Throws a FTPException in case of a FTP-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
void setPassive(
bool flag,
bool useRFC1738 = true
Enables (default) or disables FTP passive mode for this session.
If useRFC1738 is true (the default), the RFC 1738 EPSV command is used (with a fallback to PASV if EPSV fails) for switching to passive mode. The same applies to EPRT and PORT for active connections.
void setTimeout(
const Poco::Timespan & timeout
Sets the timeout for socket operations.
void setWorkingDirectory(
const std::string & path
Changes the current working directory on the server.
Sends a CWD command with the given path as argument to the server.
Throws a FTPException in case of a FTP-specific error, or a NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
std::string systemType();
Returns the system type of the FTP server.
Sends a SYST command to the server and returns the result.
const std::string & welcomeMessage();
Returns the welcome message.
StreamSocket activeDataConnection(
const std::string & command,
const std::string & arg
void endTransfer();
virtual StreamSocket establishDataConnection(
const std::string & command,
const std::string & arg
std::string extractPath(
const std::string & response
const std::string & getHost() const;
Returns the host name
static bool isPermanentNegative(
int status
static bool isPositiveCompletion(
int status
static bool isPositiveIntermediate(
int status
static bool isPositivePreliminary(
int status
static bool isTransientNegative(
int status
void parseAddress(
const std::string & str,
SocketAddress & addr
void parseExtAddress(
const std::string & str,
SocketAddress & addr
StreamSocket passiveDataConnection(
const std::string & command,
const std::string & arg
virtual void receiveServerReadyReply();
bool sendEPRT(
const SocketAddress & addr
bool sendEPSV(
SocketAddress & addr
void sendPASV(
SocketAddress & addr
void sendPORT(
const SocketAddress & addr
SocketAddress sendPassiveCommand();
void sendPortCommand(
const SocketAddress & addr
DialogSocket * _pControlSocket = __nullptr;
SocketStream * _pDataStream = __nullptr;