Library: MongoDB
Package: MongoDB
Header: Poco/MongoDB/Array.h
This class represents a BSON Array.
Direct Base Classes: Document
All Base Classes: Document
Member Summary
Member Functions: add, get, isType, toString
Inherited Functions: add, addElement, addNewArray, addNewDocument, clear, elementNames, empty, exists, get, getInteger, isType, read, remove, size, toString, write
Types Aliases
using Ptr = SharedPtr < Array >;
Creates an empty Array.
~Array() override;
Destroys the Array.
Member Functions
template < typename T > Document & add(
T value
Creates an element with the name from the current pos and value and adds it to the array document.
The active document is returned to allow chaining of the add methods.
Document & add(
const char * value
Creates an element with a name from the current pos and value and adds it to the array document.
The active document is returned to allow chaining of the add methods.
template < typename T > T get(
std::size_t pos
) const;
Returns the element at the given index and tries to convert it to the template type. If the element is not found, a Poco::NotFoundException will be thrown. If the element cannot be converted a BadCastException will be thrown.
template < typename T > T get(
std::size_t pos,
const T & deflt
) const;
Returns the element at the given index and tries to convert it to the template type. If the element is not found, or has the wrong type, the deflt argument will be returned.
Element::Ptr get(
std::size_t pos
) const;
Returns the element at the given index. An empty element will be returned if the element is not found.
template < typename T > bool isType(
std::size_t pos
) const;
Returns true if the type of the element equals the TypeId of ElementTrait, otherwise false.
std::string toString(
int indent = 0
) const override;
Returns a string representation of the Array.
See also: Poco::MongoDB::Document::toString()