
class DOMWriter

File Information

Library: XML
Package: DOM
Header: Poco/DOM/DOMWriter.h


The DOMWriter uses a DOMSerializer with an XMLWriter to serialize a DOM document into textual XML.

Member Summary

Member Functions: getEncoding, getIndent, getNewLine, getOptions, setEncoding, setIndent, setNewLine, setOptions, writeNode




Creates a DOMWriter.




Destroys a DOMWriter.

Member Functions

getEncoding inline

const std::string & getEncoding() const;

Returns the encoding name set with setEncoding.

getIndent inline

const std::string & getIndent() const;

Returns the string used for one indentation step.

getNewLine inline

const std::string & getNewLine() const;

Returns the line ending characters used by the internal XMLWriter.

getOptions inline

int getOptions() const;

Returns the options for the internal XMLWriter.


void setEncoding(
    const std::string & encodingName,
    Poco::TextEncoding & textEncoding

Sets the encoding, which will be reflected in the written XML declaration.


void setIndent(
    const std::string & indent

Sets the string used for one indentation step.

The default is a single TAB character. The given string should only contain TAB or SPACE characters (e.g., a single TAB character, or two to four SPACE characters).


void setNewLine(
    const std::string & newLine

Sets the line ending characters for the internal XMLWriter. See XMLWriter::setNewLine() for a list of supported values.


void setOptions(
    int options

Sets options for the internal XMLWriter.

See class XMLWriter for available options.


void writeNode(
    XMLByteOutputStream & ostr,
    const Node * pNode

Writes the XML for the given node to the specified stream.


void writeNode(
    const std::string & systemId,
    const Node * pNode

Writes the XML for the given node to the file specified in systemId, using a standard file output stream (Poco::FileOutputStream).