File Information
Library: OSP/Auth
Package: Auth
Header: Poco/OSP/Auth/AuthAdminService.h
This service interface extends the basic AuthService interface with methods for administrating users, roles and their permissions.
Users can have assigned permissions and roles. Roles have assigned permissions as well. The effective permissions of a user are his directly assigned permissions plus the permissions assigned through the roles has has been assigned. Use of roles is thus optional.
Each user can have an arbitrary number of attributes.
Direct Base Classes: AuthService
All Base Classes: AuthService, Poco::OSP::Service, Poco::RefCountedObject
Known Derived Classes: PooledAuthAdminService, AbstractLDAPAuthAdminService
Member Summary
Member Functions: addRole, addUser, assignRoleToUser, attributesForUser, changePassword, effectivePermissionsForUser, findUsersByAttribute, getUserAttribute, grantPermissionsToRole, grantPermissionsToUser, invalidateCaches, isA, isExternalUser, isUserLockedOut, lockOutUser, permissionsForRole, permissionsForUser, removeRole, removeRoleFromUser, removeUser, removeUserAttribute, replacePermissionsForRole, replacePermissionsForUser, replaceRolesForUser, replaceUserAttributes, reset, revokePermission, revokePermissionsFromRole, revokePermissionsFromUser, roleExists, roles, rolesForUser, setUserAttribute, type, uncacheUser, unlockOutUser, updateUserAttributes, userEnabled, users, usersWithAttribute, usersWithName, usersWithPermission, usersWithRole
Inherited Functions: authenticate, authorize, duplicate, isA, referenceCount, release, type, userExists
Nested Classes
struct ValidateUserEvent
Types Aliases
using Ptr = Poco::AutoPtr < AuthAdminService >;
Member Functions
virtual void addRole(
const std::string & rolename
) = 0;
Adds a new role to the database.
Throws a Poco::ExistsException if a role with the given name already exists.
virtual void addUser(
const std::string & username,
const std::string & password
) = 0;
Adds a new user to the database.
Throws a Poco::ExistsException if an user with the given username already exists.
virtual void assignRoleToUser(
const std::string & username,
const std::string & rolename
) = 0;
Assigns a role to an user.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the user or role does not exist. Does nothing if the user already has the role.
virtual void attributesForUser(
const std::string & username,
std::set < std::string > & attributes
) const = 0;
Returns the names of all attributes set for the given username.
virtual void attributesForUser(
const std::string & username,
std::map < std::string, std::string > & attributes
) const = 0;
Returns the names and values of all attributes set for the given username.
virtual void changePassword(
const std::string & username,
const std::string & password
) = 0;
Changes the password for the user with the given username.
virtual void effectivePermissionsForUser(
const std::string & username,
std::set < std::string > & permissions
) const = 0;
Returns a set of permissions for the user given by username. Both permissions directly granted to the user and permissions granted indirectly through roles will be included in the result.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the user does not exist.
virtual std::vector < std::string > findUsersByAttribute(
const std::string & attribute,
const std::string & value
) const = 0;
Returns the names of all users having an attribute with the given value.
virtual std::string getUserAttribute(
const std::string & username,
const std::string & attribute,
const std::string & deflt = std::string ()
) const = 0;
Returns the value of a user attribute, or the specified default value if the user attribute does not exist.
virtual void grantPermissionsToRole(
const std::string & rolename,
const std::set < std::string > & permissions
) = 0;
Grants the given permissions to the role identified by rolename.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the role does not exist.
virtual void grantPermissionsToUser(
const std::string & username,
const std::set < std::string > & permissions
) = 0;
Grants the given permissions to the user identified by username.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the user does not exist.
virtual void invalidateCaches(
) = 0;
Invalidates cached data. The parameter specifies which caches to invalidate.
bool isA(
const std::type_info & otherType
) const;
See also: Poco::OSP::Auth::AuthService::isA()
virtual bool isExternalUser(
const std::string & username
) const = 0;
Returns true if the given username is managed externally, e.g. by and LDAP server.
virtual bool isUserLockedOut(
const std::string & username
) const = 0;
Returns true if the given username has been locked out, otherwise false.
virtual void lockOutUser(
const std::string & username,
const Poco::DateTime & lockOutUntil
) = 0;
Locks out the given username until the given date/time.
virtual void permissionsForRole(
const std::string & rolename,
std::set < std::string > & permissions
) const = 0;
Returns a set of permissions for the role given by rolename.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the role does not exist.
virtual void permissionsForUser(
const std::string & username,
std::set < std::string > & permissions
) const = 0;
Returns a set of permissions for the user given by username. Only permissions directly granted to the user will be returned. Permissions granted indirectly through roles will not be included.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the user does not exist.
virtual void removeRole(
const std::string & rolename
) = 0;
Removes the role identified by name from the database.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the role does not exist.
virtual void removeRoleFromUser(
const std::string & username,
const std::string & rolename
) = 0;
Removes a role from an user.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the user does not exist. Does nothing if the user does not have the role.
virtual void removeUser(
const std::string & username
) = 0;
Removes the user identified by username from the database.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the user does not exist.
virtual void removeUserAttribute(
const std::string & username,
const std::string & attribute
) = 0;
Removes the given attribute from username.
virtual void replacePermissionsForRole(
const std::string & rolename,
const std::set < std::string > & permissions
) = 0;
Removes all previously granted permissions and grants the given permissions to the role identified by rolename.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the role does not exist.
virtual void replacePermissionsForUser(
const std::string & username,
const std::set < std::string > & permissions
) = 0;
Removes all previously granted permissions and grants the given permissions to the user identified by username.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the user does not exist.
virtual void replaceRolesForUser(
const std::string & username,
const std::set < std::string > & roles
) = 0;
Unassignes all roles from the user, then assigns the given roles.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the user does not exist.
virtual void replaceUserAttributes(
const std::string & username,
const std::map < std::string, std::string > & attributes
) = 0;
Replaces the attributes of the given user. Will also remove all other attributes.
virtual void reset() = 0;
Resets the service, clearing the cache and re-connecting the database.
virtual void revokePermission(
const std::string & permission
) = 0;
Revokes the given permission from all users and roles.
virtual void revokePermissionsFromRole(
const std::string & rolename,
const std::set < std::string > & permissions
) = 0;
Revokes the given permissions from the role identified by rolename.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the role does not exist.
virtual void revokePermissionsFromUser(
const std::string & username,
const std::set < std::string > & permissions
) = 0;
Revokes the given permissions from the user identified by username.
Throws a Poco::NotFoundException if the user does not exist.
virtual bool roleExists(
const std::string & rolename
) const = 0;
Returns true if and only if a role with the given rolename exists.
virtual void roles(
std::set < std::string > & roles
) const = 0;
Returns a set of all roles in the database.
virtual void rolesForUser(
const std::string & username,
std::set < std::string > & roles
) const = 0;
Returns the set of roles assigned to the user identified by username.
virtual void setUserAttribute(
const std::string & username,
const std::string & attribute,
const std::string & value
) = 0;
Sets the value of a user attribute.
const std::type_info & type() const;
See also: Poco::OSP::Auth::AuthService::type()
virtual void uncacheUser(
const std::string & username
) = 0;
Removes all cached data for the user with the given name.
Should be done when a user logs out of an application.
virtual void unlockOutUser(
const std::string & username
) = 0;
Unlocks out the given username.
virtual void updateUserAttributes(
const std::string & username,
const std::map < std::string, std::string > & attributes
) = 0;
Updates the attributes of the given user.
virtual bool userEnabled(
const std::string & username
) const = 0;
Returns true if the user with the given username is enabled.
If the implementation has no concept of disabling user accounts, this should just return true.
virtual int users(
std::set < std::string > & users,
int first = 0,
int limit = 0
) const = 0;
Returns a list of all users in the database.
This method supports "paged" retrieval. First specifies the index of the first user to be returned. Limit specifies the maximum number of users to return.
Returns the total number of users.
virtual int usersWithAttribute(
std::set < std::string > & users,
const std::string & attribute,
const std::string & value,
int first = 0,
int limit = 0
) const = 0;
Returns a list of all users in the database having the given attribute.
This method supports "paged" retrieval. First specifies the index of the first user to be returned. Limit specifies the maximum number of users to return.
Returns the total number of users with the given attribute.
virtual int usersWithName(
std::set < std::string > & users,
const std::string & pattern,
int first = 0,
int limit = 0
) const = 0;
Returns a list of all users in the database matching the given pattern.
An asterisk '*' in the expression matches any sequence of characters, even an empty sequence. A question mark '?' matches any single character.
This method supports "paged" retrieval. First specifies the index of the first user to be returned. Limit specifies the maximum number of users to return.
Returns the total number of users.
virtual int usersWithPermission(
std::set < std::string > & users,
const std::string & permission,
int first = 0,
int limit = 0
) const = 0;
Returns a list of all users in the database having the given permission.
Only users having the given permission granted explicitly are returned. Users having a permission only granted implicitly via a role are ignored.
This method supports "paged" retrieval. First specifies the index of the first user to be returned. Limit specifies the maximum number of users to return.
Returns the total number of users with the given permission.
virtual int usersWithRole(
std::set < std::string > & users,
const std::string & role,
int first = 0,
int limit = 0
) const = 0;
Returns a list of all users in the database having the given role.
Only users having been explicitly assigned the role are returned.
This method supports "paged" retrieval. First specifies the index of the first user to be returned. Limit specifies the maximum number of users to return.
Returns the total number of users with the given role.
static const std::string SERVICE_NAME;
Poco::BasicEvent < const std::string > roleAdded;
Fired when a new role has been created.
Poco::BasicEvent < const std::string > roleRemoved;
Fired when a role has been removed.
Poco::BasicEvent < const std::string > userAdded;
Fired when a new user account has been created.
Poco::BasicEvent < const std::string > userRemoved;
Fired when a user account has been removed.
Poco::BasicEvent < ValidateUserEvent > validateUser;
Fired during authenticate() or userEnabled() to perform application-specific validation of a user account. This can be used to check if a user account has expired or otherwise disabled at the application level.