
class HTTPSessionInstantiator

File Information

Library: Net
Package: HTTPClient
Header: Poco/Net/HTTPSessionInstantiator.h


A factory for HTTPClientSession objects.

Creates a HTTP session for a given URI. A HTTPSessionInstantiator is not used directly. Instances are registered with a HTTPSessionFactory, and used through it.

Member Summary

Member Functions: createClientSession, getProxyConfig, registerInstantiator, setProxyConfig, unregisterInstantiator





~HTTPSessionInstantiator virtual

virtual ~HTTPSessionInstantiator();

Destroys the HTTPSessionInstantiator.

Member Functions

createClientSession virtual

virtual HTTPClientSession * createClientSession(
    const Poco::URI & uri

Creates a HTTPClientSession for the given URI.

registerInstantiator static

static void registerInstantiator();

Registers the instantiator with the global HTTPSessionFactory.

unregisterInstantiator static

static void unregisterInstantiator();

Unregisters the factory with the global HTTPSessionFactory.

getProxyConfig protected inline

const HTTPClientSession::ProxyConfig & getProxyConfig() const;

Returns the proxy configuration.

setProxyConfig protected

void setProxyConfig(
    const HTTPClientSession::ProxyConfig & proxyConfig

Sets the proxy configuration.