
class HTTPDigestCredentials

File Information

Library: Net
Package: HTTP
Header: Poco/Net/HTTPDigestCredentials.h


This is a utility class for working with HTTP Digest Authentication in HTTPRequest objects.

Note: currently, no qop or qop=auth is supported only.

Member Summary

Member Functions: authenticate, clear, createNonce, empty, getPassword, getUsername, isAlgorithmSupported, proxyAuthenticate, reset, setPassword, setUsername, updateAuthInfo, updateProxyAuthInfo, verifyAuthInfo, verifyAuthParams




Creates an empty HTTPDigestCredentials object.


    const std::string & username,
    const std::string & password

Creates a HTTPDigestCredentials object with the given username and password.




Destroys the HTTPDigestCredentials.

Member Functions


void authenticate(
    HTTPRequest & request,
    const HTTPResponse & response

Parses WWW-Authenticate header of the HTTPResponse, initializes internal state, and adds authentication information to the given HTTPRequest.


void authenticate(
    HTTPRequest & request,
    const HTTPAuthenticationParams & responseAuthParams

Initializes internal state according to information from the HTTPAuthenticationParams of the response, and adds authentication information to the given HTTPRequest.

Throws InvalidArgumentException if HTTPAuthenticationParams is invalid or some required parameter is missing. Throws NotImplementedException in case of unsupported digest algorithm or quality of protection method.


void clear();

Clears both username and password.

createNonce static

static std::string createNonce();

Creates a random nonce string.

empty inline

bool empty() const;

Returns true if both username and password are empty, otherwise false.

getPassword inline

const std::string & getPassword() const;

Returns the password.

getUsername inline

const std::string & getUsername() const;

Returns the username.


bool isAlgorithmSupported(
    const std::string & algorithm
) const;

Check if digest algorithm is supported


void proxyAuthenticate(
    HTTPRequest & request,
    const HTTPResponse & response

Parses Proxy-Authenticate header of the HTTPResponse, initializes internal state, and adds proxy authentication information to the given HTTPRequest.


void proxyAuthenticate(
    HTTPRequest & request,
    const HTTPAuthenticationParams & responseAuthParams

Initializes internal state according to information from the HTTPAuthenticationParams of the response, and adds proxy authentication information to the given HTTPRequest.

Throws InvalidArgumentException if HTTPAuthenticationParams is invalid or some required parameter is missing. Throws NotImplementedException in case of unsupported digest algorithm or quality of protection method.


void reset();

Resets the HTTPDigestCredentials object to a clean state. Does not clear username and password.


void setPassword(
    const std::string & password

Sets the password.


void setUsername(
    const std::string & username

Sets the username.


void updateAuthInfo(
    HTTPRequest & request

Updates internal state and adds authentication information to the given HTTPRequest.


void updateProxyAuthInfo(
    HTTPRequest & request

Updates internal state and adds proxy authentication information to the given HTTPRequest.


bool verifyAuthInfo(
    const HTTPRequest & request
) const;

Verifies the digest authentication information in the given HTTPRequest by recomputing the response and comparing it with what's in the request.

Note: This method creates a HTTPAuthenticationParams object from the request and calls verifyAuthParams() with request and params.


bool verifyAuthParams(
    const HTTPRequest & request,
    const HTTPAuthenticationParams & params
) const;

Verifies the digest authentication information in the given HTTPRequest and HTTPAuthenticationParams by recomputing the response and comparing it with what's in the request.


SCHEME static

static const std::string SCHEME;