
class Serializer

File Information

Library: JWT
Package: JWT
Header: Poco/JWT/Serializer.h


A helper class for serializing and deserializing JWTs.

Member Summary

Member Functions: deserialize, serialize, split

Member Functions

deserialize static

static Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr deserialize(
    const std::string & serialized

Attempts to deserialize a base64-encoded serialized JSON object.

deserialize static

static Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr deserialize(
    std::istream & stream

Attempts to deserialize a base64-encoded serialized JSON object.

serialize static

static std::string serialize(
    const Poco::JSON::Object & object

Serializes and base64-encodes a JSON object.

serialize static

static void serialize(
    const Poco::JSON::Object & object,
    std::ostream & stream

Serializes and base64-encodes a JSON object.

split static

static std::vector < std::string > split(
    const std::string & token

Splits a serialized JWT into its components.