
class ParserImpl

File Information

Library: JSON
Package: JSON
Header: Poco/JSON/ParserImpl.h


Known Derived Classes: Parser

Member Summary

Member Functions: asVarImpl, getAllowCommentsImpl, getAllowNullByteImpl, getDepthImpl, getHandlerImpl, parseImpl, resetImpl, resultImpl, setAllowCommentsImpl, setAllowNullByteImpl, setDepthImpl, setHandlerImpl


ParserImpl protected

    const Handler::Ptr & pHandler = new ParseHandler

Creates JSON ParserImpl, using the given Handler and buffer size.


~ParserImpl protected virtual

virtual ~ParserImpl();

Destroys JSON ParserImpl.

Member Functions

asVarImpl protected inline

Dynamic::Var asVarImpl() const;

Returns the result of parsing;

getAllowCommentsImpl protected inline

bool getAllowCommentsImpl() const;

Returns true if comments are allowed, false otherwise.

By default, comments are not allowed.

getAllowNullByteImpl protected inline

bool getAllowNullByteImpl() const;

Returns true if null byte is allowed, false otherwise.

By default, null bytes are allowed.

getDepthImpl protected inline

std::size_t getDepthImpl() const;

Returns the allowed JSON depth.

getHandlerImpl protected inline

const Handler::Ptr & getHandlerImpl();

Returns the Handler.

parseImpl protected

Dynamic::Var parseImpl(
    const std::string & json

Parses JSON from a string.

parseImpl protected

Dynamic::Var parseImpl(
    std::istream & in

Parses JSON from an input stream.

resetImpl protected inline

void resetImpl();

Resets the parser.

resultImpl protected inline

Dynamic::Var resultImpl() const;

Returns the result of parsing as Dynamic::Var;

setAllowCommentsImpl protected inline

void setAllowCommentsImpl(
    bool comments

Allow or disallow comments. By default, comments are not allowed.

setAllowNullByteImpl protected inline

void setAllowNullByteImpl(
    bool nullByte

Allow or disallow null byte in strings.

By default, null byte is allowed.

setDepthImpl protected inline

void setDepthImpl(
    std::size_t depth

Sets the allowed JSON depth.

setHandlerImpl protected inline

void setHandlerImpl(
    const Handler::Ptr & pHandler

Set the Handler.


JSON_DEFAULT_DEPTH protected static

static const std::size_t JSON_DEFAULT_DEPTH = 128;