Remoting is a framework for implementing distributed (remote) objects and web services in C++. It implements mechanisms for C++ objects living in different processes, and even in different machines to communicate with each other seamlessly. In concept, Remoting is very similar to Java RMI, .NET Remoting or Windows Communication Foundation and, to a lesser extent, CORBA or DCOM. Possible usage scenarios for Remoting are high-level interprocess communication, distributed (or client-server) applications, or server applications providing SOAP web services to other applications (even applications not built with Remoting, such applications built with Java or .NET). Remoting can also be used to invoke third-party SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 web services, with the help of the XSDGen code generator.
Remoting makes implementing remote objects as simple as possible. There is not special interface definition language to learn. The basic idea is to take an ordinary C++ class and run a code generator over it which produces the necessary code to make objects of this class available over the network.
Remoting relies heavily on code generation. The Remoting code generator tool (RemoteGenNG for short) is the central part of Remoting. The Remoting core library provides features such as remote object registration and lookup — commonly known as Object Request Broker (ORB) functionality. Transport implementation libraries such as the TCP transport and the SOAP transport implement specific network protocols for sending requests and responses over a network connection.
As already mentioned, the basic idea behind Remoting is to take an ordinary C++ class implementing a certain service (the "service class"), and annotate it with special comments. These comments basically tell the code generator (RemoteGenNG) what code to generate. Based on these annotations the code generator creates classes for the client stub (proxy), the server stub (skeleton), an interface class, serializers and deserializers for parameters and return values, as well as various utility classes.
How Remoting Works
As a first example, we look at the following C++ class, implementing a very simple "Time Service". Its currentTime() member function simply returns the current date and time as a std::string object.
class TimeService { public: TimeService(); ~TimeService(); std::string currentTime() const; };
We could also use the more appropriate Poco::DateTime or Poco::Timestamp classes as return value, but in order to keep things simpler we'll use std::string for now.
The actual implementation of the class is not of interest for now. To make this class available as a remote object, or, in other words, to make it possible to call the currentTime() member function of an instance of this class over the network, we must first annotate the class with a special "remote" attribute.
//@ remote class TimeService { public: TimeService(); ~TimeService(); std::string currentTime() const; };
The remote attribute can either be placed at class-level, which means that all public member functions of the class will be available remotely, or it can be specified for each member functions separately. In the latter case, only member functions annotated with the remote attribute will be available remotely.
class TimeService { public: TimeService(); ~TimeService(); //@ remote std::string currentTime() const; };
Once this annotation has been added, the Remoting code generator (RemoteGenNG) can be invoked to process the class, by parsing the header file that defines the class, and to generate the necessary code that makes an instance of this class available over the network.
The Interface Class
Among other classes, an important class the code generator generates is the interface class. The interface class has, by convention, the same name as the service class, only with an uppercase I character prepended. Therefore, the interface class for the TimeService class will be named ITimeService. The interface class will have all methods of the service class annotated with the remote attribute, or all public methods if the class is annotated with the remote attribute. In the interface class, these methods will be pure virtual. The interface class has a few other methods as well, which are used internally by the Remoting framework.
For our example class, the generated interface class looks like this:
class ITimeService: public virtual Poco::RefCountedObject { public: using Ptr = Poco::AutoPtr<ITimeService>; ITimeService(); virtual ~ITimeService(); virtual std::string currentTime() const = 0; static const Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable::TypeId& remoting__typeId(); };
It is the interface class that enables true location transparency in Remoting. When a member function of the service object is invoked by a client, the client always uses this interface class. The interface class enables an important optimization in the Remoting framework. The code generator generates two subclasses implementing the interface class. The first one, the Proxy, is used to implement a true remote call, usually involving network communication. The second one, the RemoteObject, simply forwards all member function calls locally to the service object. When a remote object is obtained from the Object Request Broker, the ORB first checks if the actual service object is known to the local ORB. If so, the ORB returns an instance of the RemoteObject class. Therefore, virtually no overhead is incurred if the caller and the service reside in the same process (and therefore use the same ORB instance). If the local ORB does not know the service object, it returns a Proxy, which takes care of creating and sending requests over the network, as well as receiving responses for method calls.
How do clients obtain either the RemoteObject or the Proxy for a certain service? The simplest way is to use the ClientHelper class, which is also generated by the code generator.
std::string uri("http://server:8080/soap/TimeService/TheTimeService"); ITimeService::Ptr pTimeService = TimeServiceClientHelper::find(uri); std::string time = pTimeService->currentTime();
Identifying and Finding Remote Objects
To obtain the interface, the location of the remote object must be known. The location of a remote object is specified as a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). It consists of the network protocol used to talk to the remote object, the network address of the server where the remote object (the actual service object) resides, the protocol used for serialization, the class name of the service object and an object identifier that identifies the specific object. If all parts of the URI for a specific remote object are known, it is very easy to build the URI from scratch. Usually the URI will be obtained from a configuration file, or from another remote object implementing a registry or naming service that maps human-readable names to URIs. Such a service is not part of Remoting, but can be easily built from scratch.
The URI for a remote object can also be obtained from the server. When the server registers a service object with its ORB, the ORB creates and returns the URI for this object.
How a Remote Method Call Works
Figure 1 illustrates what happens during a remote method call.

Once the client has obtained a proxy object from the ORB, it can call a method of the remote object via the proxy. With help from the transport, the proxy turns the method call into a network request, which includes the remote object's class name, its object ID and the method name. Then it serializes all parameters and sends them to the server, also with the help from the transport.
On the server side, a listener receives the request from the client and passes it to the skeleton. The skeleton deserializes all parameters and then invokes the remote object, which in turn invokes the actual service object. The return value, as well as all output parameters are then serialized for sending them back to the client, as response message.
On the client side again, the proxy deserializes the return value and output parameters and returns them to the caller.
The ORB has a built-in optimization for the case when the service object resides in the same process as the caller. In this case, instead of the proxy object, the ORB returns the remote object to the caller. A method call to the remote object is immediately forwarded by the remote object to the service object, using an ordinary C++ method call. Therefore, no network and marshalling overhead is involved in such a call.
The Remoting core library only implements basic infrastructure for managing and finding remote objects, dealing with proxies and skeletons, serialization and so on. It does not provide any mechanism to actually transmit data over a network. Remoting does not care what network protocol is used to send data over the network, or how parameters are serialized for a wire protocol. This is the business of the Transport. A Transport combines a network protocol (such as a plain TCP socket connection, or HTTP) with a wire (serialization) format. Therefore, the Transport is responsible for making sure a remote method call is transported over the network from the client to the server, and the response from the server is transported back to the client.
A nice feature of Remoting is that remote objects and Transports are completely orthogonal. This means that as soon as a remote object has been registered with the server ORB, it can be reached via every Transport implementation available on the server, even by multiple transports simultaneously.
Remoting comes with multiple Transport implementations: a fast TCP transport using a proprietary binary protocol, a HTTP-based transport also using the binary serialization protocol, a JSON-RPC transport, a REST transport, and a SOAP transport which supports SOAP 1.1 and 1.2, as well as the Message Transport Optimization Mechanism (MTOM), and which works with SOAP implementations for other platforms.
The TCP Transport
The TCP Transport uses a persistent TCP connection between client and server per proxy. As soon as the first request is sent through the proxy, the transport opens a socket connection to the server. Parameter and return values are serialized in an efficient binary format. The transport takes care of byte order differences between the client and the server, so it is possible to call remote objects even if the machine architecture and byte order of the client and server systems differ. The serialization format is quite efficient, making the TCP Transport a good choice where fast communication between Remoting-based applications is required. The TCP Transport can also be used over a secure SSL/TLS connection.
The HTTP Transport
The HTTP Transport is a very lightweight HTTP-based Transport implementation, using the Remoting NG binary serialization format with a HTTP connection.
This transport is a good choice if a Remoting NG based C++ application needs to communicate with another one if only a HTTP connection is possible between them (e.g., due to a proxy server or firewall).
The JSON-RPC Transport
The JSON-RPC Transport is a very lightweight HTTP-based Transport implementation, supporting the JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol specification.
This transport is a good choice if web browser-based JavaScript applications need to invoke native methods on the server.
The REST Transport
The REST Transport is a HTTP-based Transport implementation, enabling RESTful web services.
The SOAP Transport
The SOAP Transport uses SOAP 1.1 or 1.2 over HTTP(S). This transport is a good choice if the remote service provided by a Remoting-based C++ application must be accessible by clients written using other frameworks or even other programming languages or runtimes, such as Java or .NET. This transport can also be used to invoke third-party web services. It also supports the Message Transport Optimization Mechanism (MTOM), HTTP compression and HTTP Basic and Digest authentication.
Classes Generated by RemoteGenNG
Figure 2 shows the classes that the Remoting code generator creates. All classes are generated from one input class, the Service class which implements the remote service. Not shown in the figure are serializer and deserializer classes which are generated for every user-defined class used as argument or return value.

The interface class has all public member functions which are marked as remote in the service class. In the interface class, these methods are pure virtual. The name of the interface class is, by convention, the same as the service class, with an uppercase I (for interface) prepended to the name. Therefore, the interface class for Service will be named IService. The interface class is the base class for both the proxy and the remote object class generated by the code generator. The interface class is a subclass of Poco::RefCountedObject (or Poco::OSP::Service, if OSP support is enabled) and thus supports reference counting. Normally, the interface class is used with Poco::AutoPtr. The interface class contains a type definition that makes a suitable Poco::AutoPtr instantiation available under the name IService::Ptr.
The proxy class implements the client part of the remoting machinery. Its task is to serialize and deserialize parameters and return values, and, together with the transport, send requests over the network to the server and receive responses from the server.
The proxy class normally is not thread safe, so a single proxy object should only be used by a single thread at any given time. However, there can be more than one proxy object in a process, so each thread can have its own proxy object. The proxy object can be made thread safe if the service class is annotated with the synchronized attribute.
The proxy class is a subclass of the interface class.
The remote object is used on the server side. Like the proxy on the client side, it is a subclass of the interface class. Internally, it maintains a pointer to the actual service object. Its member functions simply forward all calls to the service object.
The ORB has a built-in optimization for the case when the service object resides in the same process as the client. In this case, instead of the proxy object, the ORB returns the remote object to the caller. A method call to the remote object is locally forwarded by the remote object to the service object. Therefore, no network and marshalling overhead is involved in such a situation.
If the service class has been annotated with the synchronized attribute, calls to the service object are serialized. This useful if the service object has not been implemented in a threadsafe manner.
The skeleton implements the server part of the remoting machinery. Its task is to deserialize parameters from client requests, invoke methods on the service object (via the remote object), and serialize return values and output parameters back to the client.
The proxy factory is a simple factory for proxy objects, as its name implies. It is used internally by the ORB to create proxy objects.
The EventSubscriber is responsible for deserializing and dispatching event messages received from a server via an EventListener to a Proxy object. This class is only generated if the service object has events. The Proxy generates the EventSubscriber when events are enabled for it with a call to remoting__enableEvents().
The EventDispatcher is responsible for delivering events fired by service objects to remote subscribers. This class is only generated if the service object has events. The ServerHelper class will create and register the EventDispatcher with the ORB. The EventDispatcher also supports per-subscriber event filtering, based on Poco::RemotingNG::EventFilter.
The server helper provides static member functions that simplify the registration of a service object (along with its skeleton and remote object) with the ORB. It is not needed by the remoting machinery and provided for convenience only. Everything that the server helper does can also be achieved by directly calling ORB methods.
The client helper provides static member functions for obtaining a proxy object (or more generatlly speaking, an implementation of the interface) from the ORB on the client side. It is not needed by the remoting machinery and provided for convenience only. Everything that the client helper does can also be achieved by directly calling ORB methods.
Remoting Dos and Don'ts
Even though Remoting does its best to make remote calls look like ordinary local member function calls, the fact that one is dealing with remote objects can never be fully hidden. The reason for this is that there is a network connection involved. And with a network connection comes latency, as well as a considerable overhead for serialization, deserialization, and transferring data over the network.
Because of this, it's almost never a good idea to simply take an existing C++ class and turn it into a remote service. A well designed C++ class usually has a fine-grained interface — many member functions, each only performing a very small task. This often results in many calls to an object to perform a complex task. This is fine for local method calls, where the overhead of a call is neglectable. However, for a remote object call, this is the worst possible case. A well designed remote interface therefore is almost the total opposite of a well designed local interface. A well designed remote interface provides very few functions, each taking many parameters (or a few parameter objects), and each function does as much as possible, with the goal to reduce remote calls to the absolute minimum.
Furthermore, since an remote object's methods can be called from multiple client simultaneously, a remote object is typically stateless.
Nevertheless it is usually possible to turn an existing C++ class into a remote service. This involves the creation of a remote facade object. The remote facade object implements a coarse-grained remote interface, using the fine grained interface from the existing C++ class.
As an example, we look at the following C++ class implementing a collection of objects, such as a database query result or a playlist.
class Collection { public: Collection(); ~Collection(); unsigned getSize() const; const Item& getItem(unsigned index) const; ... };
Turning this class straight into a remote service would be a bad idea. For obtaining all items of the collection of size N, N+1 remote calls (one to getSize(), and N to getItem() would be necessary. This is not an issue for local method calls, but it can be an issue for remote calls, due to the remote invocation overhead.
A better way to make the Collection object available remotely is to create a remote facade that allows retrieval of multiple items with a single call.
//@ remote class CollectionFacade { public: CollectionFacade(Collection& collection); ~CollectionFacade(); unsigned getItems(unsigned first, unsigned count, std::vector<Item>& items) const; ... };