Library NetSSL_OpenSSL

Package SSLCore


Classes: AcceptCertificateHandler, CertificateHandlerFactory, CertificateHandlerFactoryImpl, CertificateHandlerFactoryMgr, CertificateHandlerFactoryRegistrar, CertificateValidationException, ConsoleCertificateHandler, Context, InvalidCertificateException, InvalidCertificateHandler, KeyConsoleHandler, KeyFileHandler, Params, PrivateKeyFactory, PrivateKeyFactoryImpl, PrivateKeyFactoryMgr, PrivateKeyFactoryRegistrar, PrivateKeyPassphraseHandler, RejectCertificateHandler, SSLConnectionUnexpectedlyClosedException, SSLContextException, SSLException, SSLManager, Session, Utility, VerificationErrorArgs, X509Certificate

Functions: initializeSSL, uninitializeSSL


class AcceptCertificateHandler

A AcceptCertificateHandler is invoked whenever an error occurs verifying the certificate. more...

class CertificateHandlerFactory

A CertificateHandlerFactory is responsible for creating InvalidCertificateHandlers. more...

class CertificateHandlerFactoryImpl


class CertificateHandlerFactoryMgr

A CertificateHandlerFactoryMgr manages all existing CertificateHandlerFactories. more...

class CertificateHandlerFactoryRegistrar

Registrar class which automatically registers CertificateHandlerFactory at the CertificateHandlerFactoryMgr. more...

class CertificateValidationException


class ConsoleCertificateHandler

A ConsoleCertificateHandler is invoked whenever an error occurs verifying the certificate. more...

class Context

This class encapsulates context information for an SSL server or client, such as the certificate verification mode and the location of certificates and private key files, as well as the list of supported ciphers. more...

class InvalidCertificateException


class InvalidCertificateHandler

A InvalidCertificateHandler is invoked whenever an error occurs verifying the certificate. more...

class KeyConsoleHandler

An implementation of PrivateKeyPassphraseHandler that reads the key for a certificate from the console. more...

class KeyFileHandler

An implementation of PrivateKeyPassphraseHandler that reads the key for a certificate from a configuration file under the path "openSSL. more...

struct Params


class PrivateKeyFactory

A PrivateKeyFactory is responsible for creating PrivateKeyPassphraseHandlers. more...

class PrivateKeyFactoryImpl


class PrivateKeyFactoryMgr

A PrivateKeyFactoryMgr manages all existing PrivateKeyFactories. more...

class PrivateKeyFactoryRegistrar

Registrar class which automatically registers PrivateKeyFactories at the PrivateKeyFactoryMgr. more...

class PrivateKeyPassphraseHandler

A passphrase handler is needed whenever the private key of a certificate is loaded and the certificate is protected by a passphrase. more...

class RejectCertificateHandler

A RejectCertificateHandler is invoked whenever an error occurs verifying the certificate. more...

class SSLConnectionUnexpectedlyClosedException


class SSLContextException


class SSLException


class SSLManager

SSLManager is a singleton for holding the default server/client Context and handling callbacks for certificate verification errors and private key passphrases. more...

class Session

This class encapsulates a SSL session object used with session caching on the client side. more...

class Utility

This class provides various helper functions for working with the OpenSSL library. more...

class VerificationErrorArgs

A utility class for certificate error handling. more...

class X509Certificate

This class extends Poco::Crypto::X509Certificate with the feature to validate a certificate. more...