Classes: AbstractObserver, AsyncNotificationCenter, AsyncObserver, NObserver, Notification, NotificationCenter, NotificationQueue, Observer, PriorityNotificationQueue, TimedNotificationQueue
class AbstractObserver
The base class for all instantiations of the Observer and NObserver template classes.
class AsyncNotificationCenter
AsyncNotificationCenter decouples posting of notifications from notifying subscribers by calling observers' notification handler in a dedicated thread.
class AsyncObserver
AsyncObserver notifies subscribers in a dedicated thread (as opposed to (N)Observer classes, which notify subscribers synchronously).
class NObserver
This template class implements an adapter that sits between a NotificationCenter and an object receiving notifications from it.
class Notification
The base class for all notification classes used with the NotificationCenter and the NotificationQueue classes.
class NotificationCenter
A NotificationCenter is essentially a notification dispatcher.
class NotificationQueue
A NotificationQueue object provides a way to implement asynchronous notifications.
class Observer
This template class implements an adapter that sits between a NotificationCenter and an object receiving notifications from it.
class PriorityNotificationQueue
A PriorityNotificationQueue object provides a way to implement asynchronous notifications.
class TimedNotificationQueue
A TimedNotificationQueue object provides a way to implement timed, asynchronous notifications.