
class Timer

Library: Foundation
Package: Threading
Header: Poco/Timer.h


This class implements a thread-based timer. A timer starts a thread that first waits for a given start interval. Once that interval expires, the timer callback is called repeatedly in the given periodic interval. If the interval is 0, the timer is only called once. The timer callback method can stop the timer by setting the timer's periodic interval to 0.

The timer callback runs in its own thread, so multithreading issues (proper synchronization) have to be considered when writing the callback method.

The exact interval at which the callback is called depends on many factors like operating system, CPU performance and system load and may differ from the specified interval.

The time needed to execute the timer callback is not included in the interval between invocations. For example, if the interval is 500 milliseconds, and the callback needs 400 milliseconds to execute, the callback function is nevertheless called every 500 milliseconds. If the callback takes longer to execute than the interval, the callback function will not be called until the next proper interval. The number of skipped invocations since the last invocation will be recorded and can be obtained by the callback by calling skipped().

The timer thread is taken from a thread pool, so there is a limit to the number of available concurrent timers.


Direct Base Classes: Runnable

All Base Classes: Runnable

Member Summary

Member Functions: getPeriodicInterval, getStartInterval, restart, run, setPeriodicInterval, setStartInterval, skipped, start, stop

Inherited Functions: run



    long startInterval = 0,
    long periodicInterval = 0

Creates a new timer object. StartInterval and periodicInterval are given in milliseconds. If a periodicInterval of zero is specified, the callback will only be called once, after the startInterval expires. To start the timer, call the Start() method.


~Timer virtual

~Timer() override;

Stops and destroys the timer.

Member Functions


long getPeriodicInterval() const;

Returns the periodic interval.


long getStartInterval() const;

Returns the start interval.


void restart();

Restarts the periodic interval. If the callback method is already running, nothing will happen.


void restart(
    long milliseconds

Sets a new periodic interval and restarts the timer. An interval of 0 will stop the timer.


void setPeriodicInterval(
    long milliseconds

Sets the periodic interval. If the timer is already running the new interval will be effective when the current interval expires.


void setStartInterval(
    long milliseconds

Sets the start interval. Will only be effective before start() is called.


long skipped() const;

Returns the number of skipped invocations since the last invocation. Skipped invocations happen if the timer callback function takes longer to execute than the timer interval.


void start(
    const AbstractTimerCallback & method

Starts the timer. Create the TimerCallback as follows:

TimerCallback<MyClass> callback(*this, &MyClass::onTimer);

The timer thread is taken from the global default thread pool.


void start(
    const AbstractTimerCallback & method,
    Thread::Priority priority

Starts the timer in a thread with the given priority. Create the TimerCallback as follows:

TimerCallback<MyClass> callback(*this, &MyClass::onTimer);

The timer thread is taken from the global default thread pool.


void start(
    const AbstractTimerCallback & method,
    ThreadPool & threadPool

Starts the timer. Create the TimerCallback as follows:

TimerCallback<MyClass> callback(*this, &MyClass::onTimer);


void start(
    const AbstractTimerCallback & method,
    Thread::Priority priority,
    ThreadPool & threadPool

Starts the timer in a thread with the given priority. Create the TimerCallback as follows:

TimerCallback<MyClass> callback(*this, &MyClass::onTimer);


void stop();

Stops the timer. If the callback method is currently running it will be allowed to finish first. WARNING: Never call this method from within the callback method, as a deadlock would result. To stop the timer from within the callback method, call restart(0).

run protected virtual

void run() override;