
class SpinlockMutex

Library: Foundation
Package: Threading
Header: Poco/Mutex.h


A SpinlockMutex, implemented in terms of std::atomic_flag, as busy-wait mutual exclusion.

While in some cases (eg. locking small blocks of code) busy-waiting may be an optimal solution, in many scenarios spinlock may not be the right choice (especially on single-core systems) - it is up to the user to choose the proper mutex type for their particular case.

Works with the ScopedLock class.

Member Summary

Member Functions: lock, tryLock, unlock

Types Aliases


using ScopedLock = Poco::ScopedLock < SpinlockMutex >;




Creates the SpinlockMutex.




Destroys the SpinlockMutex.

Member Functions

lock inline

void lock();

Locks the mutex. Blocks if the mutex is held by another thread.


void lock(
    long milliseconds

Locks the mutex. Blocks up to the given number of milliseconds if the mutex is held by another thread. Throws a TimeoutException if the mutex can not be locked within the given timeout.

tryLock inline

bool tryLock();

Tries to lock the mutex. Returns immediately, false if the mutex is already held by another thread, true if the mutex was successfully locked.


bool tryLock(
    long milliseconds

Locks the mutex. Blocks up to the given number of milliseconds if the mutex is held by another thread. Returns true if the mutex was successfully locked.

unlock inline

void unlock();

Unlocks the mutex so that it can be acquired by other threads.