
class Exporter

Library: Prometheus
Package: Core
Header: Poco/Prometheus/Exporter.h


The Exporter interface is used to format and write metrics to an output stream.


Known Derived Classes: TextExporter

Member Summary

Member Functions: operator =, writeHeader, writeSample


Exporter protected

Exporter() = default;

Exporter protected

    const Exporter & param486
) = delete;

Exporter protected

    Exporter && param487
) = delete;


~Exporter protected virtual

virtual ~Exporter() = default;

Member Functions

writeHeader virtual

virtual void writeHeader(
    const Metric & metric
) = 0;

Writes the header (HELP and TYPE in text format).

writeSample virtual

virtual void writeSample(
    const Metric & metric,
    const std::vector < std::string > & labelNames,
    const std::vector < std::string > & labelValues,
    float value,
    const Poco::Timestamp & timestamp = 0
) = 0;

Writes a sample for the given metric and the given labels.

writeSample virtual

virtual void writeSample(
    const Metric & metric,
    const std::vector < std::string > & labelNames,
    const std::vector < std::string > & labelValues,
    double value,
    const Poco::Timestamp & timestamp = 0
) = 0;

Writes a sample for the given metric and the given labels.

writeSample virtual

virtual void writeSample(
    const Metric & metric,
    const std::vector < std::string > & labelNames,
    const std::vector < std::string > & labelValues,
    Poco::UInt32 value,
    const Poco::Timestamp & timestamp = 0
) = 0;

Writes a sample for the given metric and the given labels.

writeSample virtual

virtual void writeSample(
    const Metric & metric,
    const std::vector < std::string > & labelNames,
    const std::vector < std::string > & labelValues,
    Poco::Int32 value,
    const Poco::Timestamp & timestamp = 0
) = 0;

Writes a sample for the given metric and the given labels.

writeSample virtual

virtual void writeSample(
    const Metric & metric,
    const std::vector < std::string > & labelNames,
    const std::vector < std::string > & labelValues,
    Poco::UInt64 value,
    const Poco::Timestamp & timestamp = 0
) = 0;

Writes a sample for the given metric and the given labels.

writeSample virtual

virtual void writeSample(
    const Metric & metric,
    const std::vector < std::string > & labelNames,
    const std::vector < std::string > & labelValues,
    Poco::Int64 value,
    const Poco::Timestamp & timestamp = 0
) = 0;

Writes a sample for the given metric and the given labels.

writeSample virtual

virtual void writeSample(
    const Metric & metric,
    const std::vector < std::string > & labelNames,
    const std::vector < std::string > & labelValues,
    const std::string & value,
    const Poco::Timestamp & timestamp = 0
) = 0;

Writes a sample for the given metric and the given labels.

operator = protected

Exporter & operator = (
    const Exporter & param488
) = delete;

operator = protected

Exporter & operator = (
    Exporter && param489
) = delete;