Library: Net
Package: HTML
Header: Poco/Net/HTMLForm.h
HTMLForm is a helper class for working with HTML forms, both on the client and on the server side.
The maximum number of form fields can be restricted by calling setFieldLimit(). This is useful to defend against certain kinds of denial-of-service attacks. The limit is only enforced when parsing form data from a stream or string, not when adding form fields programmatically. The default limit is 100.
Direct Base Classes: NameValueCollection
All Base Classes: NameValueCollection
Member Summary
Member Functions: addPart, boundary, calculateContentLength, getEncoding, getFieldLimit, getValueLengthLimit, load, prepareSubmit, read, readMultipart, readUrl, setEncoding, setFieldLimit, setValueLengthLimit, write, writeMultipart, writeUrl
Inherited Functions: add, begin, clear, empty, end, erase, find, get, has, operator =, operator [], secureClear, secureErase, set, size, swap
Don't use Chunked Transfer-Encoding for multipart requests.
Creates an empty HTMLForm and sets the encoding to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
explicit HTMLForm(
const std::string & encoding
Creates an empty HTMLForm that uses the given encoding.
Encoding must be either "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" (which is the default) or "multipart/form-data".
explicit HTMLForm(
const HTTPRequest & request
Creates a HTMLForm from the given HTTP request.
The request must be a GET request and the form data must be in the query string (URL encoded).
For POST requests, you must use one of the constructors taking an additional input stream for the request body.
const HTTPRequest & request,
std::istream & requestBody
Creates a HTMLForm from the given HTTP request.
Uploaded files are silently discarded.
const HTTPRequest & request,
std::istream & requestBody,
PartHandler & handler
Creates a HTMLForm from the given HTTP request.
Uploaded files are passed to the given PartHandler.
Destroys the HTMLForm.
Member Functions
void addPart(
const std::string & name,
PartSource * pSource
Adds an part/attachment (file upload) to the form.
The form takes ownership of the PartSource and deletes it when it is no longer needed.
The part will only be sent if the encoding set for the form is "multipart/form-data"
const std::string & boundary() const;
Returns the MIME boundary used for writing multipart form data.
std::streamsize calculateContentLength();
Calculate the content length for the form. May be UNKNOWN_CONTENT_LENGTH if not possible to calculate
const std::string & getEncoding() const;
Returns the encoding used for posting the form.
int getFieldLimit() const;
Returns the maximum number of header fields allowed.
See setFieldLimit() for more information.
int getValueLengthLimit() const;
Returns the maximum size for form field values stored as strings.
void load(
const HTTPRequest & request,
std::istream & requestBody,
PartHandler & handler
Reads the form data from the given HTTP request.
Uploaded files are passed to the given PartHandler.
void load(
const HTTPRequest & request,
std::istream & requestBody
Reads the form data from the given HTTP request.
Uploaded files are silently discarded.
void load(
const HTTPRequest & request
Reads the form data from the given HTTP request.
The request must be a GET request and the form data must be in the query string (URL encoded).
For POST requests, you must use one of the overloads taking an additional input stream for the request body.
void prepareSubmit(
HTTPRequest & request,
int options = 0
Fills out the request object for submitting the form.
If the request method is GET, the encoded form is appended to the request URI as query string. Otherwise (the method is POST), the form's content type is set to the form's encoding. The form's parameters must be written to the request body separately, with a call to write. If the request's HTTP version is HTTP/1.0:
- persistent connections are disabled
- the content transfer encoding is set to identity encoding
Otherwise, if the request's HTTP version is HTTP/1.1:
- the request's persistent connection state is left unchanged
- the content transfer encoding is set to chunked, unless the OPT_USE_CONTENT_LENGTH is given in options
Note: Not using chunked transfer encoding for multipart forms degrades performance, as the request content must be generated twice, first to determine its size, then to actually send it.
void read(
std::istream & istr,
PartHandler & handler
Reads the form data from the given input stream.
The form data read from the stream must be in the encoding specified for the form.
Note that read() does not clear the form before reading the new values.
void read(
std::istream & istr
Reads the URL-encoded form data from the given input stream.
Note that read() does not clear the form before reading the new values.
void read(
const std::string & queryString
Reads the form data from the given HTTP query string.
Note that read() does not clear the form before reading the new values.
void setEncoding(
const std::string & encoding
Sets the encoding used for posting the form.
Encoding must be either "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" (which is the default) or "multipart/form-data".
void setFieldLimit(
int limit
Sets the maximum number of header fields allowed. This limit is used to defend certain kinds of denial-of-service attacks. Specify 0 for unlimited (not recommended).
The default limit is 100.
void setValueLengthLimit(
int limit
Sets the maximum size for form field values stored as strings.
void write(
std::ostream & ostr,
const std::string & boundary
Writes the form data to the given output stream, using the specified encoding.
void write(
std::ostream & ostr
Writes the form data to the given output stream, using the specified encoding.
void readMultipart(
std::istream & istr,
PartHandler & handler
void readUrl(
std::istream & istr
void writeMultipart(
std::ostream & ostr
void writeUrl(
std::ostream & ostr
static const std::string ENCODING_MULTIPART;
static const std::string ENCODING_URL;
static const int UNKNOWN_CONTENT_LENGTH;