
class EVPPKey

Library: Crypto
Package: CryptoCore
Header: Poco/Crypto/EVPPKey.h


Utility class for conversion of native keys to EVP. Currently, only RSA and EC keys are supported.

Member Summary

Member Functions: duplicate, isSupported, name, operator !=, operator =, operator ==, operator EVP_PKEY *, operator const EVP_PKEY *, save, type



explicit EVPPKey(
    const std::string & ecCurveName

Constructs EVPPKey from ECC curve name.

Only EC keys can be wrapped by an EVPPKey created using this constructor.


explicit EVPPKey(
    const char * ecCurveName

Constructs EVPPKey from ECC curve name.

Only EC keys can be wrapped by an EVPPKey created using this constructor.


    const X509Certificate & cert

Constructs EVPPKey from the given certificate.


    const PKCS12Container & cert

Constructs EVPPKey from the given container.


explicit EVPPKey(

Constructs EVPPKey from EVP_PKEY pointer. The content behind the supplied pointer is internally duplicated.

EVPPKey inline

template < typename K > explicit EVPPKey(
    K * pKey

Constructs EVPPKey from a "native" OpenSSL (RSA or EC_KEY), or a Poco wrapper (RSAKey, ECKey) key pointer.


    const EVPPKey & other

Copy constructor.


    EVPPKey && other
) noexcept;

Move constructor.


    const std::string & publicKeyFile,
    const std::string & privateKeyFile,
    const std::string & privateKeyPassphrase = ""

Creates the EVPPKey, by reading public and private key from the given files and using the given passphrase for the private key. Can only by used for signing if a private key is available.


    std::istream * pPublicKeyStream,
    std::istream * pPrivateKeyStream,
    const std::string & privateKeyPassphrase = ""

Creates the EVPPKey. Can only by used for signing if pPrivKey is not null. If a private key file is specified, you don't need to specify a public key file. OpenSSL will auto-create it from the private key.




Destroys the EVPPKey.

Member Functions

duplicate static

static EVP_PKEY * duplicate(
    const EVP_PKEY * pFromKey,
    EVP_PKEY * * pToKey

Duplicates pFromKey into *pToKey and returns the pointer to duplicated EVP_PKEY.

isSupported inline

bool isSupported(
    int type
) const;

Returns true if OpenSSL type is supported


const std::string & name() const;

Retuns the EVPPKey name.

operator != inline

bool operator != (
    const EVPPKey & other
) const;

Comparison operator. Returns true if public key components and parameters of the other key are different from this key.

Works as expected when one key contains only public key, while the other one contains private (thus also public) key.

operator =

EVPPKey & operator = (
    const EVPPKey & other

Assignment operator.

operator =

EVPPKey & operator = (
    EVPPKey && other
) noexcept;

Assignment move operator.

operator == inline

bool operator == (
    const EVPPKey & other
) const;

Comparison operator. Returns true if public key components and parameters of the other key are equal to this key.

Works as expected when one key contains only public key, while the other one contains private (thus also public) key.

operator EVP_PKEY * inline

operator EVP_PKEY * ();

Returns pointer to the OpenSSL EVP_PKEY structure.

operator const EVP_PKEY * inline

operator const EVP_PKEY * () const;

Returns const pointer to the OpenSSL EVP_PKEY structure.


void save(
    const std::string & publicKeyFile,
    const std::string & privateKeyFile = "",
    const std::string & privateKeyPassphrase = ""
) const;

Exports the public and/or private keys to the given files.

If an empty filename is specified, the corresponding key is not exported.


void save(
    std::ostream * pPublicKeyStream,
    std::ostream * pPrivateKeyStream = 0,
    const std::string & privateKeyPassphrase = ""
) const;

Exports the public and/or private key to the given streams.

If a null pointer is passed for a stream, the corresponding key is not exported.

type inline

int type() const;

Retuns the EVPPKey type NID.