Library Prometheus

Package Core


Classes: AtomicFloat, CallbackMetric, Collector, Counter, CounterSample, Exporter, Gauge, GaugeSample, Histogram, HistogramData, HistogramSample, IntCounter, IntGauge, LabeledMetric, LabeledMetricImpl, Metric, Params, Params, Params, Params, Params, Registry, TextExporter


class AtomicFloat

This class provides efficient atomic operations on float and double values. 

class CallbackMetric

A generic Metric implementation where the sample is obtained via a callback function or lambda. 

class Collector

This is the base class for all metrics, such as Counter, Gauge and Histogram. 

class Counter

A generic counter supporting labels. 

class CounterSample


class Exporter

The Exporter interface is used to format and write metrics to an output stream. 

class Gauge

A generic gauge supporting labels. 

class GaugeSample


class Histogram

A histogram with a configurable number of buckets. 

struct HistogramData


class HistogramSample


class IntCounter

IntCounter is a very low overhead implementation of a Counter, supporting 64-bit unsigned integer values only, using std::atomic Labels are not supported. 

class IntGauge

IntGauge is a very low overhead implementation of a Gauge, supporting 64-bit integer values only, using std::atomic. 

class LabeledMetric

This class adds support for labels to the basic Metric class. 

class LabeledMetricImpl

A helper class for implementing LabeledMetric classes such as Counter, Gauge and Histogram. 

class Metric

This is the base class for all metrics, such as Counter, Gauge and Histogram. 

struct Params


struct Params


struct Params


struct Params


struct Params


class Registry

The metric registry is a collection of all active Collector instances. 

class TextExporter

Exporter implementation for the Prometheus text format.