Open Service Platform

OSP Command Shell


The OSP Command Shell is an extension to the Open Service Platform that provides a command-line administration interface to an OSP-based application. The OSP Shell consists of two parts. A bundle running within the OSP-based application implements a service that accepts commands over a socket connection, executes the commands, and sends back the result. A simple client application (ospsh) reads commands from the user, sends them to the server, and displays the response from the server.

The OSP Shell is extensible — it is possible to add new commands to the shell using a mechanism based on extension points. The standard commands provided by the OSP Shell provide the following features:

  • list all bundles installed in an OSP application
  • list all services registered with the Service Registry
  • get detailed information (version, dependencies) for installed bundles
  • manage the lifecycle of bundles (install, resolve, start, stop, uninstall, upgrade)

Accessing the OSP Shell

To start the OSP Shell, the OSP Shell client application, named ospsh, must be started. For the client to work, the OSP Shell Service bundle must be running on the local machine.

After starting ospsh, the user is prompted for a username and password used to authenticate against the OSP Shell server. The default user name and password is "admin", and "admin", respectively. The username and password can also be provided via command-line arguments, or via environment variables (OSPSH_USERNAME and OSPSH_PASSWORD).

user@host> ospsh
Username: admin

OSP Command Shell Service ready.
Copyright (c) 2009-2023, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
Enter "h" or "help" for a list of commands.

osp> _

After the connection to the OSP Shell Service has been established, a greeting message from the OSP Shell Service is displayed, followed by a command prompt. Entering the help command shows a list of all available commands.

osp> help
The following commands are available:
  bundles (ls, ss)
  quit (exit)
  services (lss)
  uninstall (rm)

Enter <command> --help for more information about a command.
osp> _

Some commands are available under an alternative name. In the help screen, the alternatives are shown in parenthesis following the primary name. For example, instead of entering the "bundles" command, the ls command can be entered with the same effect.

All standard commands provide a --help (or -h in short) option. Starting a command with this option shows a small help screen, including the supported command options.

osp> bundles --help
usage: bundles [--help] [pattern ...]
List all installed bundles in the system. A pattern can be specified to list
only bundles matching the given pattern.

-h, --help  display help information on command line arguments
osp> _

To exit the shell, the quit (or exit) command is used.

Common Tasks

Listing All Installed Bundles

Enter the bundles command to show a list of all installed bundles. An optional wildcard pattern can be given as argument to only show bundles matching the pattern.

osp> bundles
    ID  State         Bundle
    12  active        com.appinf.osp.bundleadmin/1.1.0
     1  active        com.appinf.osp.samples.auth/1.0.0
     2  active        com.appinf.osp.samples.extensible/1.0.0
     3  active        com.appinf.osp.samples.extension/1.0.0
     4  active        com.appinf.osp.samples.greeter/1.0.0
     5  active        com.appinf.osp.samples.greetingservice/1.0.0
     6  active        com.appinf.osp.samples.preferences/1.0.0
     7  active        com.appinf.osp.samples.servicelistener/1.0.0
     8  active        com.appinf.osp.samples.webindex/1.0.0
     9  active        com.appinf.osp.samples.webinfo/1.0.0
    10  active        com.appinf.osp.samples.webpage/1.0.0
    11  active        com.appinf.osp.samples.websession/1.0.0
    13  active
    14  active        osp.core/1.1.0
    17  active        osp.web/1.0.2
    16  active        osp.web.server/1.0.0
    15  active
    20  active
    18  active
    19  active
    22  active
    21  active
osp> _

The ls (list) and ss (system status) commands are alternative names for the bundles command.

osp> ls osp.*
    ID  State         Bundle
    14  active        osp.core/1.1.0
    17  active        osp.web/1.0.2
    16  active        osp.web.server/1.0.0
    15  active
osp> _

Listing All Registered Services

The services (or lss) command lists all currently registered services.

osp> services
osp> _

Similar to the bundles command, a wildcard pattern can be given as argument, to list only matching services.

The command can also be used to find services based on a query expression, as understood by the Poco::OSP::ServiceRegistry::find() function. To specify a query expression, the --query (or -q) option is used.

osp> services -qname==\"osp.auth\"
osp> _

Getting Information About a Bundle

The info command displayes information about a bundle.

osp> info osp.core
ID:            14
Symbolic Name: osp.core
Name:          OSP Core
Version:       1.1.0
Vendor:        Applied Informatics
Copyright:     (c) 2007-2009, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH
State:         active
Run Level:     000
Path:          /ws/poco-1.3/OSP/bundles/osp.core_1.1.0.bndl
osp> _

Instead of giving the symbolic name of the bundle as argument, the numeric ID of the bundle can be given as well.

The bundle's dependencies (the list of bundles required by the given bundle) can be listed by specifying the --dependencies (or -d) option.

osp> info -d 15
osp.web [1.0.0,1.1.0) [1.3.0,2.0.0)
osp> _

The --clients (or -c) lists all bundles that require the given bundle.

osp> info -c
osp> _

Managing The Bundle Lifecycle

A bundle in resolved state can be started with the start command. A currently active bundle can be stopped with the stop bundle. A stopped bundle (resolved or installed state) can be uninstalled with the uninstall (or rm) command.

Note that all bundles that change the state of a bundle require the bundleAdmin permission for the current user.

Stopping And Uninstalling Bundles

Stopping a bundle can be a dangerous operation, as other bundles may require the bundle to do their work. Therefore, the stop command checks the dependencies of a bundle to be stopped and displays a warning message if there are other bundles depending on the bundle to be stopped. To nevertheless stop such a bundle, the --force option can be specified.

osp> stop 22
Cannot stop bundle as the following bundles depend on it: (13)
osp.web (17) (21)
Use the --force option to override at your own risk.
osp> _

Upgrading a Bundle

An installed bundle can be upgraded, which involves the following steps:

  • stopping the bundle
  • uninstalling the bundle
  • downloading a new version of the bundle
  • installing the new version of the bundle

The ID of the bundle or its symbolic name, and a network location (URI) or filesystem path, where the bundle file containing the new version of the bundle can be found must be specified.

osp> upgrade 24 /data/bundles/com.appinf.osp.sample_1.1.0.bndl
Downloading and upgrading bundle com.appinf.osp.sample from /data/bundles/com.appinf.osp.sample_1.1.0.bndl
Bundle successfully upgraded: com.appinf.osp.sample/1.1.0 (New ID: 29)
osp> _

Installing a Bundle

A new bundle can be installed using the install command. A network location (URI) or filesystem path, where the bundle file to be installed can be found must be specified.

osp> install
Downloading and installing bundle from
Bundle successfully installed: com.appinf.osp.sample/1.1.0 (ID: 24)
osp> _

After installing or upgrading a bundle, the bundle must be resolved using the resolve command before the bundle can be started.

Shell Command-Line Options

The ospsh command accepts the following command-line options:

  • /help, -h, --help: Display help information on command-line arguments.
  • /username=<username>, -u<username>, --username=<username>: Specify the user name for logging in to the shell service.
  • /password=<password>, -p<password>, --password=<password>: Specify the password for logging in to the shell service.
  • /host=<host>, -h<host>, --host=<host>: Specify the hostname or IP address of the host running the OSP shell service.
  • /port=<port>, -p<port>, --port=<port>: Specify the port number of the OSP shell service.
  • /file=<path>, -f<path>, --file=<path>: Read commands from the file specified by <path>.
  • /noprompt, -n, --noprompt: Do not display a prompt. Also do not show welcome message.
  • /noauth, -N, --noauth: Do not authenticate against the server (no login command is send after establishing the connection).

Adding Custom Commands to the OSP Command Shell Service

It is possible to add new commands to the OSP Command Shell Service by making use of the extension point to register a command with the service.

The Poco::OSP::Shell::Command Interface

To implement a command, a class must be created that implements the Poco::OSP::Shell::Command interface. It is sufficient to override the execute() member function. In addition to creating the command class, a factory class for the command also must be provided. The factory class must be a subclass of Poco::OSP::Shell::CommandFactory and must be exported in a class loader manifest named Shell.

Commands supporting command-line options should be implemented based on the Poco::OSP::Shell::AbstractCommand class. This class does much of the heavylifting required to process command-line options and arguments, based on the Poco::Util::Option class and friends.

Commands that deal with bundles might benefit from using the Poco::OSP::Shell::OSPCommand class.

The following sample code implements an echo command that simply echoes back all command-line argument. References to an application configuration property in the form ${property} are expanded.

#include "Poco/ClassLibrary.h"
#include "Poco/OSP/Shell/Command.h"
#include "Poco/OSP/Shell/CommandFactory.h"
#include "Poco/Util/Application.h"
#include "Poco/Util/AbstractConfiguration.h"

class EchoCommand: public Poco::OSP::Shell::Command
    int execute(Poco::OSP::Shell::Session& session, const std::vector<std::string>& args, std::ostream& ostr)
        Poco::Util::Application& app = Poco::Util::Application::instance();

        for (int i = 1; i < args.size(); ++i)
            if (i > 1) ostr << ' ';
            ostr << app.config().expand(args[i]);
        ostr << std::endl;

        return Command::STATUS_OK;

class EchoCommandFactory: public Poco::OSP::Shell::CommandFactory
    Poco::OSP::Shell::Command* createCommand()
        return new EchoCommand;

POCO_BEGIN_NAMED_MANIFEST(Shell, Poco::OSP::Shell::CommandFactory)

The complete source code and all necessary project and support files for the sample can be found in the OSP samples directory.

The Command Extension Point

To add the command to the shell, the extension point must be used.

Following is the extensions.xml file for installing the necessary extension point for the sample command.

  <extension point="" command="echo" class="EchoCommandFactory"/>

The extension point has a few more (optional) attributes. A complete list of attributes is given below:

  • command: the name of the command (e.g., "bundles").
  • aliases: a comma-separated list of alias names for the command (e.g., "ls").
  • permission: the permission required to run this command.
  • class: the class name of the command factory (see the Poco::OSP::Shell::CommandFactory class).
  • library: the name of the shared library containing the command factory (can be omitted if the name of the library matches the name of the bundle).

Customizing the OSP Command Shell Service

The OSP Command Shell Service can be customized by editing the settings in the shell bundle's file and rebuilding the bundle.

The following settings can be customized:

  • interface: The network interface where the shell service listens for incoming connections. For security reasons, the shell service only listens at the localhost interface per default.
  • port: The TCP port number of the shell service. Defaults to 22023.
  • maxConnections: The maximum number of simultaneous connections to the shell service. Defaults to 1.
  • authServiceName: The name of the authentication/authorization service to use. Defaults to osp.auth.

The settings stored in the bundle can be overridden by specifying the following settings in the OSP application's global configuration file:
