The BundleAdmin utility is a web-based application for managing, installing and upgrading bundles in an OSP application. The BundleAdmin utility is itself implemented in a bundle named com.appinf.osp.bundleadmin and requires the Web bundle to function.
The following features are provided by the BundleAdmin utility:
- list all bundles installed in an OSP application
- get detailed information (version, dependencies) for installed bundles
- manage the lifecycle of bundles (install, resolve, start, stop, uninstall, upgrade)
Accessing the BundleAdmin Utility
The BundleAdmin utility can be accessed from anywhere on the network using a web browser such as Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari. Since the BundleAdmin utility runs within the OSP web server, the TCP port number on which the OSP web server runs must be known. The default port for the OSP web server is 22080, and the default port for the secure (HTTPS) web server is 22443. Within the OSP web server, the BundleAdmin utility lives under the path /bundleAdmin. Depending on your authentication/authorization setup, you may need a password to access the BundleAdmin utility. Assuming a default installation running on your local host, the BundleAdmin utility can be accessed by directing your browser to <http://localhost:22080/bundleAdmin>. The default user name and password is "admin", and "admin", respectively. See the AuthService documentation for information on how to change the password.
Upon successful login, the BundleAdmin utility shows a list of all bundles installed in the current application:

Getting Information About a Bundle
Clicking the name of bundle brings up a page showing detailed information about the bundle, including name, version, vendor information, copyright, current state and a list of all bundles that this bundle requires to function.

Managing The Bundle Lifecycle
Depending on the current state of the bundle, different buttons are available as well. For a bundle in running state, only the Stop button is available. For a button in resolved state, more buttons are available.

Stopping And Uninstalling Bundles
Stopping a bundle can be a dangerous operation, as other bundles may require the bundle to do their work. Therefore, the BundleAdmin utility checks the dependencies of a bundle to be stopped and displays a warning and confirmation page if there are other bundles depending on the bundle to be stopped.

Also, a confirmation page will be shown if the Uninstall button is clicked.
Upgrading a Bundle
An installed bundle can be upgraded, which involves the following steps:
- stopping the bundle
- uninstalling the bundle
- uploading a new version of the bundle
- installing the new version of the bundle
The steps required to upgrade a bundle are the same as for installing a bundle.
Installing a Bundle
A new bundle can be installed over the network by clicking the Install Bundle button at the bottom of the Installed Bundles page. Clicking the buttom will bring up a page that allows you to chose a bundle file in your local file system.

After selecting a bundle file, click the Upload and Install button to upload the bundle to the computer running the OSP application, and to install the bundle. After successfully installing a bundle, the following page will be shown.