Open Service Platform

OSP Signed Bundles


The Open Service Platform provides optional support for digitally signed bundles. Digitally signed bundles offer the following features:

  • A signed bundle allows to confirm the author of the bundle, through the author's digital (public key) certificate.
  • A signed bundle guarantees that its contents have not been modified since the bundle was signed.

The two main uses for signed bundles in an OSP based applications are:

  • allowing only bundles from certain well-known and trusted sources being loaded into the application, and
  • preventing end users from tampering with the contents of bundles.

It must be stated that a signed bundle is not an encrypted bundle. All files stored in a signed bundle are unencrypted (unless they have been encrypted by application-specific means), and thus readable for everyone.

Signed bundles in OSP are in concept very similar to signed JAR files used by Java. Some implementation details are different, though, and the formats are not compatible.

Support for signed bundles in OSP is implemented in the OSPBundleSign library (namespace Poco::OSP::BundleSign). The signbundle tool is used to sign a bundle, or verify the signature of a bundle.

The author of this text assumes the reader has a basic understanding of cryptography, especially public-key cryptography. If not, or to refresh that knowledge, the following Wikipedia articles are recommended for reading:

A Note Regarding the SHA-1 Hash Function

The SHA-1 has function, which has been used for signing OSP bundles, is no longer considered secure, due to possible collision attacks. New applications should use one of the SHA-2 hash functions (SHA256) for signing bundles. Furthermore, existing applications should be upgraded to use a stronger SHA-2 hash function as well.

Anatomy of a Signed Bundle

A signed bundle at first looks like any ordinary bundle. It contains a number of files in different directories, among them the manifest file in the META-INF directory. In contrast to an unsigned bundle, a signed bundle contains two more files in the META-INF directory. The first of these two extra files is the signature file. The second one is called the signature block file. The signature file stores a cryptographic hash (SHA-1 or SHA-2) for every file stored in the bundle. The signature block file contains a digital signature (RSA-SHA) of the signature file, as well as optionally the certificate of the signer.

The Signature File

The signature file is a simple text file, containing multiple key-value pairs. Apart from some meta information (file format version and creator), the file contains the full path of every file in the bundle together with the SHA-1/SHA-2 hash (or message digest) of that file's content. An example for a typical signature file is shown below.

Signature-Version: 1.0
Created-By: OSP BundleSigner

SHA1-Digest: c81a1f73a6a2710eb954019c153b899459478f98

Name: bin/Darwin/i386/com.appinf.osp.bundleadmin.dylib
SHA1-Digest: fe769fec98a712d0e21e5c001f87150fd903572f

Name: bin/Darwin/i386/com.appinf.osp.bundleadmind.dylib
SHA1-Digest: ffb1a86170b30e973aeacfb297a83ca10a0cc9cd

SHA1-Digest: 23f1be5373d875316106033f52d3cf12177f844c

Name: css/styles.css
SHA1-Digest: 7d926a9403b067e8cb61cf1267c938be843bead3

Name: extensions.xml
SHA1-Digest: 106a920530fd490d7f422d6ce42e1a38532d70eb

Name: images/arrow-left.gif
SHA1-Digest: 7c493e28f32ba909ef2f63b80ed08c7c6d58337e

Name: images/arrow-right.gif
SHA1-Digest: 1270adfef816fc7eba739d9f5fbd2c11ac587d8f

Name: images/bullet.gif
SHA1-Digest: 9272111b7d32393ad8d323b12c76322f279735a3

The signature file has the file extension .sf and is always located in the META-INF directory of the bundle.

The Signature Block File

The signature block file, like the signature file, is a text file. It has a format very similar to the signature file. Apart from meta information, the signature block file contains the digital signature of the signature file (using the RSA-SHA algorithm), and optionally, the signer's certificate in PEM format. The certificate can later be used to verify the integrity of the signed bundle. An example for a signature block file is shown below.

Signature-Version: 1.0
Created-By: OSP BundleSigner

RSA-SHA1-Signature: 0129b7172527d6510c87d64a33e52d33b28eba5568324cc3...


The signature file has the file extension .rsa and is always located in the META-INF directory of the bundle.

How Signing Works

Apart from the complexities of public-key cryptography and X.509 signatures, the actual bundle signing mechanism is quite simple.

Signing a Bundle

To sign a bundle, the following steps are performed.

  1. For every file stored in the bundle, compute a message digest (or cryptographic hash). OSP uses the SHA-1 or one of the SHA-2 algorithms for this purpose.
  2. Create a file (the signature file) containing the names of all files in the bundle, along with their hashes.
  3. Create a hash (SHA-1 or SHA-2) of the signature file, and encrypt the hash with the signer's private key (using the RSA algorithm).
  4. Store the encrypted hash, along with the certificate (optionally) in the bundle (the signature block file).

After performing these four steps the bundle is digitally signed and can be later be verified.

Verifying The Integrity of a Signed Bundle

To verify the integrity of a signed bundle, the following steps are performed.

  1. Create a hash (SHA-1 or SHA-2) of the signature file in the bundle.
  2. Decrypt the encrypted hash stored in the signature block file with the signer's public key (from the signer's certificate) and compare it with the computed hash. If both are equal, the signature file is okay. If not, the signature file has been tampered with, and verification fails.
  3. For every file stored in the bundle, compute a message digest (or cryptographic hash).
  4. Verify all computed hashes match the hashes stored in the signature file. Also verify that every file in the bundle has a corresponding entry in the signature file, and vice versa.

This is all that is necessary to verify the integrity of a bundle. For example, if someone attempts to change the content of a file in the bundle, the file's new hash no longer matches the hash stored in the signature file. If the signature file is modified as well (with the file's updated hash value), the hash of the signature file no longer matches the (encrypted) hash value stored in the signature block file. To encrypt the new hash value, access to the signer's private key would be required. All an attacker could do is remove the existing signature, sign the entire bundle with his own private key, and include his own certificate. This can be detected as well, through examination of the certificate's subject, and through verifying the certificate chain.

Signer Aliases And Multiple Signers

It is possible for a bundle to contain signatures from multiple signers. Every signer uses an alias name to sign the bundle. The alias name is used to build the file name of the signature and signature block files. The alias name is usually the same as the bundle's common name, but it can be different as well. For example, if the signer's alias name is "signer", then the signature file would be META-INF/signer.sf, and the signature block file would be META-INF/signer.rsa, respectively.

Note that in case of multiple signers, signature files (META-INF/*.sf and META-INF/*.rsa are excluded from signing.

Signing Bundles

Bundles can be signed either using the Bundle Signer (signbundle) tool, or programmatically, using the Poco::OSP::BundleSign::BundleSigner class.

Signing With The Bundle Signer Tool

The Bundle Signer tool (the command to execute the tool is signbundle) is a small utility application that basically provides a command line interface to the Poco::OSP::BundleSign::BundleSigner class. To sign a bundle, the private key of the signer is required. The private key must be stored in a file in PEM format. If the certificate should be included in the signed bundle, the file containing the certificate in PEM format is required as well. Private key and certificate can be stored in the same file.

The private key and certificate file must be passed to the signbundle tool with the /key (or --key) and /certificate (or --certificate) command line options.

If the private key is protected by a passphrase, the passphrase must be passed to the tool with the /passphrase (or --passphrase) option.

An alias name for the signer can be specified as well, using the /alias (or --alias) option. If no alias name is specified, the alias name is taken from the certificate's common name, or, if no certificate has been specified, from the private key file's name.

The path of the bundle file (or directory) must be passed as command line argument as well.

Example: The following command will sign the bundle using the private key contained in file, and store the certificate (contained in the same file) in the signed bundle. The command usage shown is for Windows.

C:\Sample> signbundle com.appinf.osp.bundleadmin_1.1.0.bndl / /

To do the same on a Unix or Linux platform, the command is:

$ signbundle com.appinf.osp.bundleadmin_1.1.0.bndl

Signing Bundles Programmatically

Bundles can be signed programmatically, using the Poco::OSP::BundleSign::BundleSigner class. Signing a bundle is straightforward. First, a Poco::Crypto::RSAKey object must be created. The key object must contain the private key used for signing. Then a Poco::OSP::BundleSign::BundleSigner is created, by passing the path of the bundle file or directory, and the private key to the constructor. Then, the signBundle() member function is called. If the signer's certificate should be included in the bundle, a Poco::Crypto::X509Certificate object containing the certificate must be passed to the signBundle() member function.


Poco::Crypto::RSAKey signerKey("", "", "");
Poco::OSP::BundleSign::BundleSigner bundleSigner("", signerKey, "SHA256");
Poco::Crypto::X509Certificate cert("");
bundleSigner.signBundle("com.appinf.osp.bundleadmin_1.1.0.bndl", cert);

Verifying Signed Bundles

The signature of a signed bundle can be verified either using the Bundle Signer (signbundle) tool, or programmatically, using the Poco::OSP::BundleSign::BundleVerifier class.

Verifying With The Bundle Signer Tool

A signed bundle can be verified by passing the /verify (or --verify) option to the signbundle tool. If the bundle does not contain the signer's certificate, the certificate to be used for verifying the bundle's signature must be passed to the tool as well, using the /certificate (or --certificate) option. The certificate must be stored in a file in PEM format.

In case of multiple signers, the signature to verify can be specified via the /alias (or --alias) command-line option.

Example (Windows):

C:\Sample> signbundle com.appinf.osp.bundleadmin_1.1.0.bndl /verify /

Provided the bundle signature could be verified, the output of the above command would be:

Bundle verification successful for bundle com.appinf.osp.bundleadmin_1.1.0.bndl (signed
by / Informatics Software Engineering GmbH/OU=Development/ST=Car
inthia/C=AT/L=St. Jakob im Rosental/

Verifying Bundles Programmatically

The verification of a bundle's signature can of course be done programmatically, too. For this purpose, the Poco::OSP::BundleSign::BundleVerifier class is used. To verify the signature of a bundle, the following steps must be performed:

  1. The signer of the bundle must be obtained. This is done by looking for signature files in the bundle. Since a signature file's name includes the signer's alias name, it's easy to get the alias name once a signature file has been found in the bundle. The easiest way to do this is to call Poco::OSP::BundleSign::BundleVerifier::firstSigner().
  2. The signer's certificate (containing the signer's public key) for verifying the bundle's signature must be obtained. The certificate can be obtained directly from the bundle (by calling Poco::OSP::BundleSign::BundleVerifier::extractCertificate()), if it is store therein, or it can be obtained from another location (e.g., a certificate store), by application specific means.
  3. Once the signer's alias name is known and the signer's certificate is available, the bundle's signature can be verified. This is done by calling Poco::OSP::BundleSign::BundleVerifier::verify().

Following code sample shows how to do these steps in C++.

using Poco::OSP::BundleSign::BundleVerifier;
BundleVerifier verifier("com.appinf.osp.bundleadmin_1.1.0.bndl");
std::string alias = verifier.firstSigner();
if (!alias.empty())
    BundleVerifier::CertificatePtr pCert = verifier.extractCertificate(alias);
    if (pCert)
        std::vector<std::string> messages;
        BundleVerifier::VerificationResult result = verifier.verify(alias, *pCert, messages);
        switch (result)
        case BundleVerifier::BUNDLE_VERIFICATION_OK:
            // Everything is okay. However, the application might want to
            // verify the certificate and its certificate chain as well.
        case BundleVerifier::BUNDLE_VERIFICATION_NO_SIGNATURE:
            // The bundle does not contain a signature. Note that this
            // cannot happen if we have obtained the certificate from
            // the bundle, as in this example.
            // Depending on the application's policy, this may be okay or not.
            // The signature is invalid because of a malformed signature file.
        case BundleVerifier::BUNDLE_VERIFICATION_FAILED:
            // The signature cannot be verified and the bundle has
            // very likely been tampered with.
            // The exact reason for the failure can be found by looking
            // at the error messages stored in the messages vector.
        // The bundle does not contain the signer's certificate.
    // The bundle does not contain a signature.

Integrating Bundle Verification Into an Application

OSP does not perform any bundle verification itself — it merely provides a framework that an application can use to implement its specific verification scheme. One way to implement automatic verification of bundles is to add an event handler for the bundleResolving event. With this, whenever a bundle is about to be resolved, its signature is first verified. If verification fails, an exception is thrown, which prevents the bundle from being resolved. The simplest way to implement this is to subclass the Poco::OSP::OSPSubsystem class. Example code for doing this is shown in the following:

class VerifyingOSPSubsystem: public OSPSubsystem
    void startBundles(Poco::Util::Application& app)
        bundleLoader().events().bundleResolving += Delegate<VerifyingOSPSubsystem, BundleEvent>(
        	this, &VerifyingOSPSubsystem::onResolvingBundle);

    void onResolvingBundle(const void* pSender, BundleEvent& event)

    void verifyBundle(Bundle::Ptr pBundle)
        BundleVerifier verifier(pBundle->path());
        std::string alias = verifier.firstSigner();
        if (!alias.empty())
            BundleVerifier::CertificatePtr pCert = verifier.extractCertificate(alias);
            if (pCert)
                std::vector<std::string> messages;
                BundleVerifier::VerificationResult result = verifier.verify(alias, *pCert, messages);
                switch (result)
                case BundleVerifier::BUNDLE_VERIFICATION_OK:
                    // Everything is okay. However, the application might want to
                    // verify the certificate and its certificate chain as well.
                case BundleVerifier::BUNDLE_VERIFICATION_NO_SIGNATURE:
                    // The bundle does not contain a signature. Note that this
                    // cannot happen if we have obtained the certificate from
                    // the bundle, as in this example.
                    // Depending on the application's policy, this may be okay or not.
                case BundleVerifier::BUNDLE_VERIFICATION_INVALID_SIGNATURE:
                    // The signature is invalid because of a malformed signature file.
                    throw Poco::OSP::BundleResolveException("Bundle signature is malformed");
                case BundleVerifier::BUNDLE_VERIFICATION_FAILED:
                    // The signature cannot be verified and the bundle has
                    // very likely been tampered with.
                    // The exact reason for the failure can be found by looking
                    // at the error messages stored in the messages vector.
                    throw Poco::OSP::BundleResolveException("Bundle verification failed");
                // The bundle does not contain the signer's certificate.
            // The bundle does not contain a signature.