The REST Transport is a HTTP-based Transport implementation, enabling RESTful web services.
The REST transport supports the following features:
- HTTP compression (GZIP content transfer encoding) for requests and responses.
- HTTP authentication (basic or digest; digest is supported on client only)
- CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
- Passing parameters in request/response body (JSON and raw), query, form, resource path and HTTP request/response headers.
Defining RESTful Interfaces
Defining RESTful interfaces with C++ classes is different from defining interfaces for other transports such as SOAP, JSON-RPC or TCP. The main difference is that method names are directly mapped to HTTP request method names (GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE). Therefore, only the following method names may be used:
- get
- post
- patch
- put
- delete_ (note the trailing underscore)
When defining RESTful interfaces, it's best to think in terms of collections and resources, and to define endpoints for both. Typically, a collection will be used to create new resources, and to obtain a list of existing resources of a given type or class. For that purpose, post() and get() methods are used. Resource endpoints are used to obtain details of a specific resource or object, make changes to the resource, or delete it, using get(), patch() (or put()) and delete_() methods.
Parameters can be passed in:
- request/response body, using JSON or raw format
- query strings
- form data in request body
- request path
- HTTP request/response headers
Non-scalar values (struct and objects, std::vector and other collection types) can only be passed in request or response body, using JSON format. There may at most be one parameter in the request and response body. Scalar values can be passed in any part of the request or response. The location and format of parameters is specified using REST-specific Remoting NG attributes. Multiple parameters can be passed in query strings, form data, request path or request/response headers.
REST-specific Remoting NG Attributes
Specifies the MIME content type (Content-Type HTTP header) of the request body.
- level: method
- type: string
- default: "application/json" or "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
If exclusiveMax is true, the parameter or variable value must be strictly less than the value, specified with max. Otherwise the value must be less than or equal to this value. The attribute will be reflected in a generated OpenAPI document as exclusiveMaximum validation keyword.
- level: parameter/variable
- type: boolean
If exclusiveMin is true, the parameter or variable value must be strictly greater than the value, specified with min. Otherwise the value must be greater than or equal to this value. The attribute will be reflected in a generated OpenAPI document as exclusiveMinimum validation keyword.
- level: parameter/variable
- type: boolean
Describes the format of a parameter passed in the request or response body.
- level: parameter
- type: string
- default: "json"
Valid values are:
- raw: The parameter is passed as a string or raw binary data. Can only be used for simple types, e.g. std::string and std::vector<char>. This is useful for passing raw binary data as a std::string or std::vector<char> in the request or response body. If specified, an appropriate content type should also be specified using the consumes or produces attribute.
- binary: same as "raw".
- json: The parameter is formatted as JSON. Can be used for simple and complex types.
//@ $file={in=path} //@ return={in=body, format=raw} //@ produces="text/plain" std::string get(const std::string& file);
Defines the location of a parameter.
- level: parameter
- type: string
- default: "body"
Valid values are:
- path: The parameter is passed as part of the URI path. A path attribute must also be specified for the method or object, containing a corresponding place holder for the parameter ({name}).
- query: The parameter is a passed as URI query parameter.
- form: The parameter is passed in the request body, using form encoding (content type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded").
- header: The parameters is passed as HTTP request or response header.
- body: The parameter is passed in the request or response body (raw string or JSON-formatted).
//@ $file={in=path} //@ return={in=body, format=raw} //@ produces="text/plain" std::string get(const std::string& file);
Specifies the maximum allowed value for a numeric parameter or variable. If exclusiveMax is true, the value must be strictly less than this value, otherwise the value must be less than or equal to this value. This attribute is only used for documentation purposes, no validation will be performed by the generated code. The attribute will be reflected in a generated OpenAPI document as maximum validation keyword.
- level: parameter/variable
- type: number
//@ path="/api/1.0/orders/{orderNo}/items/{itemNo}" //@ $orderNo={in=path, min=1} //@ $itemNo={in=path, min=1, max=999} Item get(int orderNo, int itemNo);
Specifies the maximum number of elements in a vector or set. This attribute is only used for documentation purposes, no validation will be performed by the generated code. The attribute will be reflected in a generated OpenAPI document as maxItems validation keyword.
- level: parameter/variable
- type: integer
Specifies the maximum allowed length for a string variable or parameter. This attribute is only used for documentation purposes, no validation will be performed by the generated code. The attribute will be reflected in a generated OpenAPI document as maxLength validation keyword.
- level: parameter/variable
- type: integer
Specifies the minimum allowed value for a numeric parameter or variable. If exclusiveMin is true, the value must be strictly greater than this value, otherwise the value must be greater than or equal to this value. This attribute is only used for documentation purposes, no validation will be performed by the generated code. The attribute will be reflected in a generated OpenAPI document as minimum validation keyword.
- level: parameter/variable
- type: number
Specifies the minimum number of elements in a vector or set. This attribute is only used for documentation purposes, no validation will be performed by the generated code. The attribute will be reflected in a generated OpenAPI document as minItems validation keyword.
- level: parameter/variable
- type: integer
Specifies the minimum allowed length for a string variable or parameter. This attribute is only used for documentation purposes, no validation will be performed by the generated code. The attribute will be reflected in a generated OpenAPI document as minLength validation keyword.
- level: parameter/variable
- type: integer
If specified, the variable or parameter value must be a multiple of the specified value. This attribute is only used for documentation purposes, no validation will be performed by the generated code. The attribute will be reflected in a generated OpenAPI document as multipleOf validation keyword.
- level: parameter/variable
- type: number
Specifies the path template used for extracting parameters passed within the request URI.
- level: class/method
- type: string
The location of parameters within the path is indicated by putting the parameter name in curly brackets.
//@ path="/api/1.0/orders/{orderNo}/items/{itemNo}" //@ $orderNo={in=path} //@ $itemNo={in=path} Item get(int orderNo, int itemNo);
Specifies a regular expression to validate a string parameter or variable. This attribute is only used for documentation purposes, no validation will be performed by the generated code. The attribute will be reflected in a generated OpenAPI document as pattern validation keyword.
- level: parameter/variable
- type: string (regular expression)
Specifies the MIME content type of the response body.
- level: method
- type: string
- default: "application/json"
Resource Paths
The default Remoting NG resource path (/rest/class/object) is not really well suited for RESTful web service endpoints. Therefore, every endpoint class should specify a proper path with the path attribute. The path can contain parameter placeholders in the form of a parameter name enclosed in curly brackets. Resource paths specified on an endpoint object using the path attribute will automatically be registered as alias paths with the ORB when the respective RemoteObject is registered.
Error Responses
REST methods can report errors and failures by throwing an exception. An exception in a REST method will cause the HTTP response to have a 4xx or 5xx status code. Furthermore, the response content will be the following JSON document:
{ "error": "<exceptionName>", "detail": "<exceptionMessage>", "code": <exceptionCode> }
A REST method can also set the HTTP status code explicitly, by throwing a Poco::Net::HTTPException and specifying the HTTP status code in the constructor of the Poco::Net::HTTPException. Example:
throw Poco::Net::HTTPException("You are not authorized to access this resource", 403);
The following exceptions will cause the HTTP response status code to be set to a special value. All other exceptions will result in a generic 500 "Internal Server Error".
Exception HTTP Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Poco::Net::HTTPException (given exception code) Poco::RemotingNG::MethodNotFoundException 405 Method Not Allowed Poco::RemotingNG::AuthenticationFailedException 401 Unauthorized Poco::RemotingNG::NoPermissionException 403 Forbidden Poco::NoPermissionException 403 Forbidden Poco::NotFoundException 404 Not Found Poco::ExistsException 409 Conflict Poco::InvalidArgumentException 400 Bad Request Poco::NotImplementedException 501 Not Implemented
Basic REST Transport Usage
Server Usage
To use the REST Transport in a server, the following three steps must be performed:
- Register the Poco::RemotingNG::REST::TransportFactory with the ORB,
- Optionally configure the listener (e.g., to enable CORS),
- Register the Listener with the ORB, and finally,
- Register the individual objects with the ORB.
Following is an example code fragment for setting up a REST Listener, configuring it to enable CORS (from any origin), and registering a service object for use with the listener.
Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Listener::Ptr pListener = new Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Listener("localhost:8080"); pListener->enableCORS(true); std::string listener = Poco::RemotingNG::ORB::instance().registerListener(pListener); st::string uri = Sample::TimeEndpointServerHelper::registerObject( new Sample::TimeEndpoint, "TheTime", listener );
Please see the Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Listener class documentation for detailed information about how to setup and configure the listener.
Client Usage
To use the REST Transport in a client, the following two steps must be performed:
- Register the Poco::RemotingNG::REST::TransportFactory with the ORB, and
- Retrieve the interface (proxy) object using the helper class.
Following is an example code fragment for setting up a REST Transport, and obtaining a Proxy object for invoking methods on the service object.
Poco::RemotingNG::REST::TransportFactory::registerFactory(); Sample::ITimeEndpoint::Ptr pTimeEndpoint = MyProject::MyClassHelper::find( "http://localhost:8080/rest/TimeEndpoint/TheTime"); );
Configuring The Client Transport
To configure the client transport (e.g., to , enable HTTP compression, or HTTP authentication), the Transport object must be obtained from the proxy. This is done in two steps. First, the interface pointer obtained from the client helper must be casted to a proxy:
Poco::RemotingNG::Proxy::Ptr pProxy = pTimeEndpoint.cast<Poco::RemotingNG::Proxy>();
Second, the Transport object can be obtained from the proxy:
Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Transport& trans = static_cast<Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Transport&>(pProxy->remoting__transport());
These two casts can also be put into a utility function transportFromInterface():
template <class I> Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Transport& transportFromInterface(Poco::AutoPtr<I> pInterface) { Poco::RemotingNG::Proxy::Ptr pProxy = pInterface.template cast<Poco::RemotingNG::Proxy>(); if (pProxy) { return static_cast<Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Transport&>(pProxy->remoting__transport()); } else throw Poco::BadCastException(); }
Using the transportFromInterface() function, we can write:
Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Transport& trans = transportFromInterface(pTimeEndpoint);
Now that we have access to the Transport object, we can configure it:
Configuration should be done before the first method is invoked over the proxy.
Please see the Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Transport class documentation for other configuration options, including timeouts and user-agent string.
HTTP and OAuth 2 Authentication
The REST Transport supports HTTP Basic and Digest authentication, as well as OAuth 2.0 authentication using a bearer token. To enable authentication for a proxy object, first obtain the Transport object as shown in the previous section.
HTTP Basic Authentication can then be enabled with:
trans.setAuthentication(Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Transport::AUTH_BASIC); Poco::RemotingNG::Credentials creds; creds.setAttribute("username", "user"); creds.setAttribute("password", "s3cr3t"); trans.setCredentials(creds);
To enable HTTP Digest Authentication:
trans.setAuthentication(Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Transport::AUTH_DIGEST); Poco::RemotingNG::Credentials creds; creds.setAttribute("username", "user"); creds.setAttribute("password", "s3cr3t"); trans.setCredentials(creds); trans.enableChunkedTransferEncoding(false);
Please note that chunked transfer encoding must be disabled in order to use HTTP Digest Authentication.
It is also possible to enable both Basic and Digest authentication and use whatever the server requests:
trans.setAuthentication(Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Transport::AUTH_ANY); Poco::RemotingNG::Credentials creds; creds.setAttribute("username", "user"); creds.setAttribute("password", "s3cr3t"); trans.setCredentials(creds); trans.enableChunkedTransferEncoding(false);
To enable OAuth 2 authentication using a bearer token:
trans.setAuthentication(Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Transport::AUTH_BEARER); Poco::RemotingNG::Credentials creds; creds.setAttribute("token", "bearertoken"); trans.setCredentials(creds);
Note: Obtaining the bearer token is outside the scope of the Remoting REST framework. This will usually be done by implementing the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow in a web application.
The REST Transport supports HTTP cookies. Any cookies sent by the server through a HTTP response will be sent back to the server with subsequent HTTP requests. The lifetime (maximum age) of cookies, if set, will be honored, and expired cookies will not be sent back to the server.
Cookies are mostly useful for session-based authentication. The cookies stored in a Transport object can be obtained and shared with a different Transport object. This is useful if a REST server uses session cookies for authentication and the same session needs to be used by multiple proxy instances.
Cookies are stored in a Poco::RemotingNG::REST::CookieStore object. A pointer (Poco::RemotingNG::REST::CookieStore::Ptr) to this object can be obtained by calling Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Transport::getCookieStore(). The cookie store can then be shared with a different Transport by calling Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Transport::setCookieStore().
Text Encoding Considerations
All strings used in remote interfaces must be properly UTF-8 encoded when using the REST transport. Encoding errors may lead to failures when parsing REST request or response messages.
Using The REST Transport With HTTPS
The REST transport normally uses a plain, unencrypted HTTP connection between the client and the server. To make the REST Transport use a secure HTTPS connection, the following steps must be performed.
HTTPS On The Server Side
On the server side, the listener must be created using a Poco::Net::SecureServerSocket.
Poco::Net::SecureServerSocket serverSocket(8443); std::string listener = Poco::RemotingNG::ORB::instance().registerListener( new Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Listener("localhost:8443", serverSocket) ); std::string uri = MyProject::MyClassHelper::registerObject( new MyProject::MyClass, "MyObject", listener );
HTTPS On The Client Side
On the client side, the REST transport uses a private Poco::Net::HTTPSessionFactory object to create the Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession for talking to the server. So, all that needs to be done to enable HTTPS on the client is to register the Poco::Net::HTTPSSessionInstantiator with the session factory. Then, a https URI can be used to access the web service.
Poco::RemotingNG::REST::Transport::httpSessionFactory().registerProtocol( "https", new Poco::Net::HTTPSSessionInstantiator ); Poco::RemotingNG::REST::TransportFactory::registerFactory(); MyProject::IMyClass::Ptr pObj = MyProject::MyClassHelper::find( "https://localhost:8443/rest/MyClass/TheObject" );
Generating OpenAPI (Swagger) Documents
The RemoteGenNG tool supports the creation of OpenAPI specifications (also known as Swagger documents). The OpenAPI specification is a broadly adopted industry standard for describing RESTful APIs. Version 3.0 of the specification is supported.
An OpenAPI specification document can be used to generate documentation for an API, or to generate client and server code for implementing the API with different programming languages and libraries.
In order to enable generation of an OpenAPI document, a few elements must be added to the RemoteGenNG configuration file. Most OpenAPI-related elements are optional, but three elements must be provided:
- output/openAPI/path: This setting specifies the path and file name of the OpenAPI specification file. This setting will also enable generation of the OpenAPI specification file.
- output/openAPI/info/title: This setting specifies the title of the API, which is a required part of an OpenAPI document.
- output/openAPI/server/url: This setting specifies the URL of the server providing the API.
Please refer to the Remoting NG User Guide for a list of all supported configuration elements.
Here is an example openAPI fragment:
<openAPI> <path>openapi/api.json</path> <info> <title>Sample REST API</title> <description>An example for a RESTful API.</description> <version>1.0.0</version> <contact> <name>Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH</name> <url></url> </contact> </info> <server> <url>http://localhost:8080/</url> </server> </openAPI>
OpenAPI documents can only be generated for services that follow the RESTful style required by the RemotingNG REST Transport.
Limited support for JSON schema validation keywords in the generated OpenAPI is provided via RemotingNG attributes. Following table shows the supported attributes, and the corresponding validation keyword:
Attribute Validation Keyword Type -------------------------------------------------------------- max maximum number min minimum number exclusiveMax exclusiveMaximum boolean exclusiveMin exclusiveMinimum boolean multipleOf multipleOf number maxItems maxItems integer minItems minItems integer maxLength maxLength integer minLength minLength integer pattern pattern regular expression
Note that no actual validation is performed by the generated code. The attributes are only provided for documentation purposes, and for generating the OpenAPI document.