Open Service Platform

OSP Modules

Modules Overview

Modules are "virtual" entities in OSP that are used to group specific features like services, extension points and other resources. Typically, a module represents a specific service or group of related services. Bundles can declare which modules they provide and which modules they require from other bundles.

Modules thus allow a bundle to declare dependencies on specific feature sets, without having to declare dependencies on a specific bundle names (such as with the Require-Bundle manifest property).

The OSP core framework implementation itself makes no assumptions as to what a module represents, or which modules are provided. However, some add-on OSP bundles define and provide modules for their clients.

The modules provided and required by a bundle are declared in the bundle manifest, using the Provide-Module and Require-Module manifest properties.

Module Naming

The name of a module must conform to certain conventions, quite similar to bundle names. Module names must be unique across different vendors. To ensure this, the module name employs the same reverse domain name scheme as bundle names. The name consists of a number of parts, separated by periods. The first part is the top-level domain of the vendor (e.g., "com"). The second part is the domain name of the company (e.g., "appinf"). The remaining parts can be freely specified by the vendor, and usually include a product name, subsystem name, module name, etc. There is no limit to the number of parts in a name, although for practical purposes, a module name should not consist of more than five parts. For maximum portability across different platforms, a name part must not contain any characters other than upper- and lowercase alphabetic characters ('A' - 'Z'), digits ('0' - '9') and dash ('-').

module-name      ::= module-id ("." module-id)*
module-id        ::= module-char+
module-char      ::= letter | digit | "-"
letter           ::= 'A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z'
digit            ::= '0' .. '9'

Module names in the osp.* namespace are reserved for use by OSP.

Module Versioning

Every module has a version specification consisting of a major version number, a minor version number, a revision number, and an optional release designation. When comparing versions, only major version, minor version and revision number are significant; the release designation is ignored.

Unlike bundles, where only the highest version of a bundle is loaded at run-time, multiple versions of a module can coexist in an application.

Resolving Modules

Modules are resolved during the normal bundle resolving procedure. The following steps are thus performed when resolving a bundle:

  1. Determine the modules required by a bundle from the Require-Module manifest property.
  2. Find the bundles providing these modules and add them to the list of the resolving bundle's dependencies. If for a specific module no providing bundle can be found, resolving fails and the bundle remains in installed state.
  3. Resolve all providing bundles. If resolving a providing bundle fails, the top-level module-requiring bundle fails to resolve as well and remains in installed state.
  4. Resolve all direct bundle dependencies from the Require-Bundle manifest property.